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For too long agriculture and nutrition have been separate sectors of development. Producing more food does not insure less child malnutrition in farm families. What are some practical high-impact actions that every family can do to have children who can survive and thrive? How can a development worker best share these life-saving messages with the community?

--- Kathy Corson Bryson, EIAC 2017

  1. Key Resource 2017-06-06 A version of this material first appeared in EDN 134. Gender dynamics in relation to agriculture is a big topic, and one we had not previously written about in EDN. In recent years, widespread attention has been paid to the disparity that often exists between men and women when it comes to...
  2. 2019-01-29 In recent years, much attention has been given to the connections between agriculture and nutrition in the development sector as a whole. These connections may seem obvious: we get nourishment from the food we eat, and we eat food produced by agriculture. However, the claim that agriculture...
  3. 2023-04-28 Between January – February 2023 an impact assessment was made to try to determine whether ECHO East Africa’s initiative to train hundreds of clinic attendees at mother and child health clinics was an effective way to promote perennial vegetables and introduce them into the diets of participants....
  4. 2019-10-18 ECHO shares information to help farmers grow food more effectively, with minimal purchased inputs. However, unless training is also given around nutrition, farmers and their families will not benefit optimally from changes that are made. At the November 2017 ECHO International Agriculture...
  5. Abstract,Global Food Security, 2018 Highlights Nutrition-sensitive agricultural programs (NSAP) improve a variety of nutrition outcomes in both mothers and children. They are more effective when they include nutrition and health behavior chance communication (BCC) and women’s empowerment...
  6. 2017-11-15 For too long agriculture and nutrition have been separate sectors of development. Producing more food does not insure less child malnutrition in farm families. What are some practical high-impact actions that every family can do to have children who can survive and thrive? How can a development...
  7. The SPRING Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Training Resource Package is a collection of our very best training work, including presentations, activities, handouts, and session guides. Successful multisectoral training is key for developing the collaboration that nutrition-sensitive activities...
  8. 2018-11-14 Grow a small poly-culture garden that addresses both nutritional and ecological shortcomings of our food systems. Focusing on some of the most nutritious of the more than 1000 species of plants with edible leaves can maximize the value of the garden to improve your family’s health. Supporting a...
  9. This is Session One of seven included in theNutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Training Resource Package. This session lays the foundation for why nutrition-sensitive agriculture is important for a range of stakeholders working in livelihoods, food security, economic growth, nutrition, and maternal...
  10. We are a global network of professionals working on issues pertaining to the intersection of agriculture and nutrition. The group is informal, and designed to facilitate information sharing and networking. This Community of Practice arose in June 2010 when a number of DC-based professionals...
  11. As SPRING approaches its final month of implementation, this is the43rdand final edition of theAgriculture-Nutrition Resource Review. Thank you for being a part of our community and engaging with us in learning about integrating nutrition and agriculture to improve the health and wellbeing of...
  12. For too long agriculture and nutrition have been separate sectors of development. Producing more food does not insure less child malnutrition in farm families. What are some practical high-impact actions that every family can do to have children who can survive and thrive? How can a development...
  13. 2006-12-08 This publication includes information on dryland farming and finding the best crops for a tropical subsistence farm. ECHO HANA (Health/AIDS/Nutrition/Agriculture) workshop, Dec. 8, 2006 30 pages, illustrated, tables 2 copies
  14. Key Resource Presented at the ECHO International Agriculture Conference 2015 The cyclical relationship between agricultural development and human health can hinder or drive economic development. In this presentation, Dr. Hanson will explore the impacts of poor health on agricultural productivity and yield;...
  15. Session: Climate uncertainty and environmental degradation cause deterioration in nutritional status of rural farm families throughout the tropics. Conservation Agriculture methods allow farmers to adapt to these challenges by building soil quality, lowering the risks of uncertain rainfall, and...
  16. Abstract - PubMed, 2011 BACKGROUND: In Sub-Saharan Africa, 40% of children under five years in age are chronically undernourished. As new investments and attention galvanize action on African agriculture to reduce hunger, there is an urgent need for metrics that monitor agricultural progress...
  17. Abstract, 2018,Diana V Luna-GonzálezandMarten Sørensen OBJECTIVE: Child undernutrition remains one of the greatest challenges for public health nutrition in rural areas in developing countries. Interventions aiming to increase and conserve agrobiodiversity seem to be promising alternatives to...
  18. This value chain analysis was completed by Nadezda Amaya as part of the international Programme “Linking agrobiodiversity value chains, climate adaptation and nutrition: Empowering the poor to manage risk” supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the European Union...
  19. 2013-07-20 Abstract, , 2013 This field-tested, six-day curriculum responds to community development managers', program planners' and behavior change officers’ need for a practical behavioral framework that strategically aids them in planning for maximum effectiveness. This curriculum, originally adapted...
  20. Proceedings of an all-Africa conference, Kampala, Uganda, April 1-3, 2004 Kampala, Uganda April 1-3, 2004
  21. CGIAR’s first results-oriented Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) was developed in 2010, providing for first time an overarching structure for the combined work of CGIAR Centers delivery through 16 CGIAR Research Programs (CRP),steering the CGIAR system to overall delivery of impact. The 2010 –...
  22. Overview of Feed the Future This 30-minute, self-guided module provides an overview of Feed the Future, the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative. Introduction to Food Security Self-guided, 25-minute module introduces development practitioners to the four pillars of food...
  23. We believe that growing and eating healthy food can – and must – be a part of the long-term solution to malnutrition. The world is facing an acute food and nutrition crisis. We must meet the world’s food needs with an approach that is environmentally sustainable, recognizes the primacy of...
  24. Leaf for Life helps people improve their health by showing them ways to make better use of vegetables, especially leaf crops, in their diets. Since 1986 we have worked on nutrition projects here in the United States, and in Bolivia, Brazil, El Salvador, India, Mexico, and Nicaragua. We show...
  25. 2018-08-07 Session: Climate uncertainty and environmental degradation cause deterioration in nutritional status of rural farm families throughout the tropics. Conservation Agriculture methods allow farmers to adapt to these challenges by building soil quality, lowering the risks of uncertain rainfall, and...
  26. 2018-08-07 Session: The panel will speak to the need for multi stakeholder engagement in an endeavour to reduce malnutrition. In particular, we will look at nutrition from the perspective of SDGs. The team will add a special note on government efforts to reduce malnutrition in Tanzania with particular focus...
  27. Session: The Sustainable Development Goal number two is about Zero Hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. To respond to this goal, stakeholders can engage themselves into activities falling into the seven targets of this goal including promotion...
  28. Abstract, BMC Public Health, 2019 Background There has been an increasing interest in urban agriculture (UA) practice and research in recent years. Scholars have already reported numerous beneficial and potential adverse impacts of UA on health-related outcomes. This scoping review aims to...
  29. Abstract, Toxicology Reports, 2017 TheEgusi Okrasoup is a traditional African meal that is considered of high nutritional value and protective against weight loss. We introduce the concept of “kitchen toxicology” to analyse the recipe of theEgusi Okrasoup and highlight possible mitigation...
  30. The Agriculture, Nutrition & Health (ANH) Academy is a global research network in agriculture and food systems for improved nutrition and health to serve as a platform for learning and sharing. The ANH Academy is part of the three workstreams of theIMMANAprogramme. It aims to facilitate the...
  31. Human eating behaviors vary widely with the resources available and beliefs about which types of foods lead to good health. This talk will address ways to evaluate the resources, beliefs, and nutritional health of communities. In addition, the situations in which the addition ofMoringa oleifera...
  32. 2012-12-04 Human eating behaviors vary widely with the resources available and beliefs about which types of foods lead to good health. This talk will address ways to evaluate the resources, beliefs, and nutritional health of communities. In addition, the situations in which the addition of Moringa oleifera...
  33. Imbalanced diets lead to the death of millions of people each year, particularly in developing countries where micronutrient malnutrition is chronic and debilitating. Vegetables and fruit are important sources of micronutrients such as vitamin A, iron and other phytochemicals that are essential...
  34. Abstract, Science, 2019 July INTRODUCTION There is a dimension to postnatal human development that involves assembly of microbial communities in different body habitats, including the gut. Children with acute malnutrition have impaired development of their gut microbiota, leaving them with...
  35. Access Agriculture Training Video Legumes like cowpea or soya bean are a source of protein, essential to build children’s muscles. Legumes also have oil, which helps children to put on weight. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that are important for the development of your...
  36. Abstract,Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Research, 2019 The nutrient content of cereals and legumes are not readily bioavailable due to the presence of anti-nutrients in them. This study examined the effect of traditional fermentation process on the proximate nutritional composition...
  37. Abstract, BMC Public Health, 2019 Background There has been an increasing interest in urban agriculture (UA) practice and research in recent years. Scholars have already reported numerous beneficial and potential adverse impacts of UA on health-related outcomes. This scoping review aims to...
  38. Worldwide, approximately three billion people have poor-quality diets and more than two billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies. Nearly 25 per cent of children under the age of five are chronically undernourished. Malnutrition causes health problems and losses in economic...
  39. 2019-10-02 In recent years, much attention has been given to the connections between agriculture and nutrition in the development sector as a whole. These connections may seem obvious: we get nourishment from the food we eat, and we eat food produced by agriculture. However, the claim that agriculture...
  40. FAO Promoting nutritionally adequate diets for all people is a major aim of FAO. Undernutrition, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, obesity and diet-related chronic diseases exist side by side in many countries. Whether food supplies are scarce or abundant, it is essential that people know how...
  41. Over two billion people around the world suffer from "hidden hunger"or micronutrient deficiencies. They do not get enough micronutrients from the foods they eat to lead healthy, productive lives. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, zinc, and iron. Although they are only...
  42. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutrient deficiency among Americans. It affects children and young women most often, but anyone can fall short of the RDA for this mineral. When iron intake is too low, the body can’t make enough red blood cells. The result can be fatigue, headaches and...
  43. Beans are a simply delicious, naturally nutritious food. We’re talking about dry edible beans, beans that are harvested when the beans are dry in the seed pod. All types of beans—including black, cranberry, Great Northern, dark red kidney, light red kidney, white kidney, navy, pink, pinto, and...
  44. In industrialized countries, we often take longevity and health for granted. When something opposes this notion, it is easy to feel threatened. In a country like Malawi, however, concepts like these are not a given. Death is as much a part of daily life as is birth. Villagers are barraged by...
  45. Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition This e-learning course is the result of a collaboration between GODAN Action partners, including Wageningen Environmental Research (WUR), AgroKnow, AidData, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Global Forum on...
  46. 2019-07-20 Food environments is a new concept and its relevance for a better understanding of food systems is still a matter of debate. Researchers have not yet reached a unique agreed-upon definition of food environments but they tend to converge towards a combination of external and personal factors...
  47. Public Health Nutritionprovides an international peer-reviewed forum for the publication and dissemination of research and scholarship aimed at understanding the causes of, and approaches and solutions to, nutrition-related public health achievements, situations and problems around the world. The...
  48. Heribert Hirt, EMBO Reports (2020) 21: e51069 The human gut microbiome is a complex system of gazillions of bacteria, fungi, viruses, protists and archaea that has an enormous effect on our metabolism, health and well-being. The same holds true for the plant...
  49. Montgomery DR and Biklé A (2021) Soil Health and Nutrient Density: Beyond Organic vs. Conventional Farming.Front. Sustain. Food Syst.5:699147. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2021.699147 Controversy has long surrounded the question of nutritional differences between crops grown organically or using...
  50. During 2014 – 2017, the Institute for Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP) scientifically documented Seeds for a Future’s Integrated Program, and its positive health impacts for the Program’s participants.
  51. Nutrition Smart Agriculture (NSmartAg) aims to simultaneously improve agriculture incomes and nutrition outcomes through agriculture interventions. NSmartAg practices and technologies contribute to address local nutrition issues and increase farm and/or agribusiness productivity and income...
  52. The Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition Project is a multi-country, multi-partner initiative led by Brazil, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Turkey and funded by the Global Environment Facility, the world’s largest public funder of international environmental projects. Resources e-Learning : Mainstreaming...