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  1. 1991-01-01 [ Insects in your Garden] 115 pp : ill.
  2. The Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO is an electronic library covering a selected collection of Costa Rican scientific journals. In Costa Rica the Scielo begins in 2000 with the coordination of BIREME - PAHO and with the support of the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social through the...
  3. 1984-01-01 The objectives of the project were to: 1. substitute local renewable fuel for imported fuel, 2. use the forest resource wisely, and 3. create local industry and employment. More specifically for the charcoal portion of the project, we wanted to find the best charcoal production techniques in...
  4. 1980-01-01 The objectives of the Montserrat Fuelwood/Charcoal/Cookstove Project were to: Substitute local renewable cooking fuel from the forest for imported liquid fuels, Use the forest resource wisely, and Create local industry and employment. Specifically for the cookstove portion of the project, all...
  5. 1990-01-01 Este volumen hace parte de una serie de publicaciones que Proyecto Regional para la Supercion de la Pobreza, en su calidad de Secretartia Techica de la I y II conferencias regegionales de pobreza, ha venido preparando desde 1988. Sobre la II Conferencia, en particular, se han publicado can este...
  6. AQUASTAT is the FAO global information system on water resources and agricultural water management. It collects, analyses and provides free access to over 180 variables and indicators by country from 1960. AQUASTAT draws on national capacities and expertise with an emphasis on Africa, the Near...
  7. 1999-01-01 291 pages. Proceedings of a workshop at Cambell Agricultural Center, Homestead, Florida, June 1999