1. Choy sum is a cultivar of Brassica rapa, a species of vegetable that includes a wide range of subspecies including turnips, bok choy, and napa cabbage. Choy sum is a leafy green also know as Chinese flowering cabbage. It is eaten widely around the world. The shoots and young leaves can be...
  2. This cotton is: pest resistant, tolerant of variable conditions (low water), and highly productive. Can be pruned after harvest for new growth/production. If taken care of, can produce for 2+ yrs as a short term perrenial. Used for making thread for clothing.
  3. Ashrub with large green leaves and dark orange flowers. Plant height isshorter thanT. diversifolia. It is often introduced for its attractive flowers and itgrows about 1m tall. It grows in most soils and is moderately resistant to drought.Provide well-drained soil in full sun. Stake if necessary...
  4. This marigold has very small (hence the species "minuta"), white tubular flowers and the maintenance and care is similar to other Tagetes spp. The leaves havea complex but pleasant aroma. Itis known as Huacatay in Peru and is used in culinary dishes. In addition,the plant is also touted as an...
  5. Similar planting, care, maintenance, and use as Sweet Basil. Can cross-breed with Sweet Basil as well. Holy Basil has some different culinary uses, primarily in stir fried dishes.
  6. These are a few images from the Biosand Water FiltrationWorkshop on 15 October 2021 CLICK HERE to return toworkshop resources.
  7. 01-01-2021 Contamination of drinking water sources by disease causing microbial agents and chemical toxicants such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, industrial wastes and fuel components is a growing worldwide problem. Microbiological water contaminants cause diarrhea, flu and other diseases. Many synthetic...
  8. The purpose of this handbook is to show the construction and operation of a JRO (“Jolly Roger Oven”) char manufacture system. The JRO costs $50-90 to build, and uses the waste heat given off by a high temperature gasifier char oven (lower unit) to make a smaller batch of low temperature retort...
  9. 15-08-2012
  10. 01-01-2021 Constructing A Multi-Barrier Water Treatment System Using Local Materials