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28 đề mục được tìm thấy (Hiển thị 1 - 10)
  1. Tài Nguyên Chính Despite the incredible diversity of useful plants that exist, a small handful of crops feed the majority of the world and millions of people still suffer from malnutrition and poverty. This talk will discuss some often overlooked crops that have the potential to alleviate suffering through...  
  3. Cassava is one of the major staple foods of humanity, especially in the developing countries of the tropics where it provides a reliable source of calories when other crops may fail. The dense, starchy roots were historically a crucial food source for many indigenous groups throughout its native...
  4. Pete Kanaris GreenDreamsFL "Cassava" or "Yuca" grows very rapidly and is extremely dense in calories! It's very easy to propagate and grow Cassava, especially in Florida. It's amazing how much food can be grown on one plant. Josh Jamison with HEART Village, shows us how he harvests and propagates...
  5. 28-03-2023 These articles summarize some of the talks presented at the 2022 ECHO International Agriculture Conference. Videos and PowerPoints can be found here.
  6. 01-01-2024 Taro is a major aroid that contains a starchy, edible corm high in carbohydrates. Corms are enlarged stem tissue that stores plant reserves underground. Corm size and shape vary based on variety, agronomic practices, and ecological factors. Cormels are corms that form on the sides of the main...  
  7. 16-10-2020 Many of the world’s most important vegetable crops originate from the Solanaceae plant family, including tomato, eggplant, and peppers. This family also includes a host of lesser-known but locally important species, such as naranjilla (Solanum quitoense), tamarillo/tree tomato (S. betaceum), and...  
  8. 29-01-2019 ECHO’s 25th Annual International Agriculture Conference was held in November 2018. Below are brief descriptions of a few of the morning plenary sessions. For these and other talks, video and slide presentations are available on ECHOcommunity.org.  
  9. 16-10-2020 Farmer-Centered Climate Change Mitigation:Part 2 of 2 From ECHO's Seed Bank:A Seed Trial Report - How Seeds from ECHO Grew in a Dry-Season Garden in Uganda Echoes from our Network: Grafting Tamarillo and Other Solanaceous Crops for Nematode Resistance Books, Websites, and Other Resources:AT Fair...
  10. 16-10-2020 On September 3, 2020, ECHO held its first virtual Appropriate Technology (AT) Fair. As this year has brought many challenges for in-person gatherings, we were grateful for all who took advantage of the shift towards virtual gatherings and participated in this event. It was an enriching time for...