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This collection contains resources and photos from ECHO Asia On-Farm Feeds WS on 8 April 2022

On-Farm Feed WS flyer

  1. 2022-04-08 This presentation shows the importance of considering other means of feeding livestock, components of different feed requirementsfor different livestock (pigs, poultry, fish, ruminants), and how to perhaps develop a fully nutritious and cost efficient on-farm feed.
  2. 2022-04-08 This presentation helps to help prevent the spread of the African Swine Fever Virus and other illnesses that can impact livestock. Good planning and consistent execution of biosecurity measures can help reduce the risk to livelihoods dependent on livestock.
  3. These are a few images from the On-Farm Feeds Workshop on 8 April2022.CLICK HERE to return toworkshop resources.
  4. 2021-06-01 非洲猪瘟病毒及其对全球猪肉生产的影响随着全球经济的繁荣,对动物蛋白的需求也在上升。猪肉已成为其肉类消费最多的陆地动物,占全球肉类消费总量的37%(Beltrán-Alcrudo 等人,2017)。亚洲猪肉产量增幅最大(图1),占2018 年全球猪肉产量的55%(FAOSTAT,2018)。自2011 年以来,全球猪肉总产值一直徘徊在3000 亿美元左右(FAOSTAT,2020)。2018 年,随着非洲猪瘟病毒(ASFV)在亚洲的爆发,这一切都改变了。这种致命的病毒导致生猪数量大幅减少,并导致全球猪肉产量和猪肉蛋白消费量大幅减少。据估计,在过去两年中,...
  5. 2019-10-05 预备的农场自制的饲料能做出来了! 集成农牧系统带来了很多好处。通过仔细的计划和从小规模开始, 大多数农民将能够将牛、山羊、鸡或猪整合在一起,并提高他们农场的稳定性。作物残渣可以降低饲料成本,粪肥可以降低肥料成本。粪便也可以用来产生沼气用于做饭或取暖,也降低了农场的成本。放牧牲畜可以帮助管理杂草和促进土壤健康。 有了有效的管理,你甚至可以把大量废物从收割和运输饲料中变 成有用的副产品即生物炭。关键是每次采用一种合适的技术,并寻找将劳动最小化的方法。很快,你将能够安全地扩展你的改造和应用你学到的。然后你就可以和你所在地区的其他农民分享了! 这本手册提供了很多实用信息,开展饲料配方,...
  6. 关键资源 This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 42 The integration of livestock on the smallholder farm is often a key component to the long-term sustainability of the farm, specifically by means of critical nutrient cycling. Livestock play a unique and critical role on the farm, transforming plant and...
  7. 2021-09-01 Critical to the success of a small-scale farm is its ability to turn on-farm waste into alternative value-added products. By integrating the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) on the farm, small-scale enterprises can do just that. Taking common waste products such as food scraps and manure,...

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