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Mango is an evergreen tree in the family Anacardiaceae grown for its edible fruit. The mango tree is erect and branching with a thick trunk and broad, rounded canopy. The leaves of the tree are are shiny and dark green. They are either elliptical or lanceolate with long petioles and a leathery texture. The tree produces dense clusters of flowers with cream-pink petals on branched panicles. The mango fruit is roughly oval in shape, with uneven sides. The fruit is a drupe, with an outer flesh surrounding a stone. The flesh is soft and bright yellow-orange in color. The skin of the fruit is yellow-green to red. Mango trees can grow to a height of 45 m (148 ft) and can live for in excess of 100 years. Mango is believed to originate from India or Burma (Myanmar). 

--- PlantVillage

  1. Edible Portion: Fruit, Seeds, Nuts, Leaves, Flowers, Vegetable An erect, branched evergreen tree. It can grow to 10-40 m high and is long lived. (Trees grown by vegetative means are smallerand more compact.) Trees spread to 15 m across. It has strong deep roots. The trunk is thick. The bark is...
  2. 20/10/2001 “Mangoes are generally harvested when fully matured, but green. The conventional method of ripening in hay has disadvantages like long ripening time, excessive handling, and a high degree of spoilage due to stem-end rot. The spoilage during the ripening period is reported to be as high as 25-30%....
  3. Mango trees (Mangifera indica L.) are cultivated in many countries of East, South and West Africa. In these countries, mangoes contribute to farmer family diets as well as serving as a cash crop. Mangoes are a delicate fruit and, therefore, sensitive to transport, which limits trade...
  4. Abstract,MOJ Food Processing & Technology, 2017 Two drying methods (solar and oven) were used to dry a variety of mango. We have a drying yield of 33% for sun dried mango versus 26% for oven dried mango; Relative humidity is 14.17%0.01 for sun dried mango compared with 8.25%0.01 for oven...
  5. In under 40 minutes you'll learn to grow peach, apple, coffee, grapefruit, coconut, pomegranate, pawpaw and fourteen other amazing trees from seed! This is the complete presentation on growing trees from seed, recorded in the rain forest, hosted by David The Good. 5:20 apple 6-10 years, or easy...
  6. Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden Watch Senior Curator of Tropical Fruit Dr. Richard J. Cambell talk about mango pruning, fertilization and harvesting in these informative videos. Pruning Young Mango Trees Pruning Vigorous Mango Trees Young Mango Pruning byTipping Gravity and Mango Disease...
  7. This book is intended for agronomy students and technicians interested in mango production. It addresses the latest technologies for this crop, such as economics, botany, soil and climate requirements, soil tillage and planting, cultivars, fertilization, irrigation management, weeds, pests and...
  8. Abstract, Hort Science, 2006 Pruning is an unavoidable necessity of virtually all arboreal fruit crops. In the tropics and subtropics, pruning of Mango is particularly important due to its tendency for frequent flushes, especially in humid tropics.
  9. The purpose of this bulletin is to update information on mango culture obtained through systematic research and observations that will enable the grower to increase yields of high quality fruit, especially in Florida.
  10. Common names Mango [English]; mangue, manguier [French]; mango, melocoton de los tropicos [Spanish]; mangueira, manga [Portuguese]; veselperske [Afrikaans]; mangga [Indonesian]; cambe [Somali]; mwembe [Swahili]; xoài [Vietnamese]; مانجو شائع [Arabic]; 芒果 [Chinese]; μάνγκο [Greek];מנגו [Hebrew];...
  11. Abstract, Pharmacognosy Review, 2010 Mangifera indica, commonly used herb in ayurvedic medicine. Although review articles on this plant are already published, but this review article is presented to compile all the updated information on its phytochemical and pharmacological activities, which...
  12. Abstract,World Journal of Agriculture and Soil Science, 2019 This review paper focuses on production and marketing of edible fruit like mango. Fruit crops play an important role in the national food security of people around the world. They are generally delicious and highly nutritious, mainly of...
  13. Growables Origin Mangos originated in the Indo-Burma region and are indigenous to India and Southeast Asia.1 Distribution Mangos are grown in tropical and subtropical lowlands throughout the world.
  14. 07/02/2018 Speaker Bio: Dr. Maria Cristina Bautista - Gragasin is the Supervising Science Research Specialist, Bioprocess Engineering Division of the Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PhilMech). She is specialist in Pesticide Toxicology, Bio activities of Natural Products and...
  15. Mango,Mangifera indica, is an evergreen tree in the family Anacardiaceae grown for its edible fruit. The mango tree is erect and branching with a thick trunk and broad, rounded canopy. The leaves of the tree are are shiny and dark green. They are either elliptical or lanceolate with long petioles...
  16. AccessAgriculture Training Video Le greffage consiste à fixer une jeune pousse d’une variété préférée sur un plant. Le plant forme la racine et la base de l’arbre. C’est ce qu’on appelle porte-greffe. La jeune pousse greffée au porte-greffe est appelée greffon. Il se développe et forme la...
  17. AccessAgriculture Training Video La production de mangues comporte beaucoup de défis. Pour réussir, l’agriculteur doit savoir comment les relever. L’anthracnose est l’un de ces défis. C’est une maladie très répandue dans les milieux humides, comme dans les régions tropicales du Ghana. Dans cette...
  18. AccessAgriculture Training Video La maladie des taches noires affaiblit les branches et provoque la chute du fruit. Si elle n’est pas traitée, elle peut dévaster votre plantation toute entière. Quand elle se déclare dans une région, elle se propage de plus en plus chaque année. Dans cette vidéo,...
  19. AccessAgriculture Training Video La récolte est une partie très importante de votre travail d’agriculteur. Si vous la faites bien, vous obtiendrez de meilleurs rendements et des fruits de meilleure qualité – et donc des revenus plus importants. Dans cette vidéo, nous allons vous montrer ce que...
  20. Uploaded on Oct 12, 2010 Demonstration of terminal grafting method used to grow mango and other trees in one of Tree Aid's community tree nurseries in Burkina Faso, W. Africa. July 2008. In French with English subtitles. www.treeaid.org.uk
  21. Abstract, Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society, 2013 Mangos (Mangifera indica L.) constitute the second largest export crop for Haiti, but little more than 20% of all mangos harvested are shipped by exporters. Rejection rates along the distribution chain are very high because of...
  22. 01/01/2003 The aim of this booklet is chiefly to familarize readers with the details of the more common mangos that are potentially suitable for commercial and backyard production. Their respective origins, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages are discussed. In addition, information regarding...
  23. This book in English and Spanish tells how to grow mangos.
  24. Ressource principale 20/01/2011 While products such as bananas, pineapples, kiwifruit and citrus have long been available to consumers in temperate zones, new fruits such as lychee, longan, carambola, and mangosteen are now also entering the market. Confirmation of the health benefits of tropical and subtropical fruit may also...
  25. Access Agriculture Training Video If proper care is taken at harvest, losses can be minimized, consumers will have better quality fruit, and the farmers will earn more money. Available languages English Kiswahili
  26. AccessAgriculture Training Video La meilleure façon de savoir si vous avez des charançons du noyau de la mangue consiste à utiliser des bandes adhésives. Mettez une bande adhésive autour du tronc de chaque arbre, à l’extrémité supérieure du tronc, avant les branches. La meilleure façon de lutter...
  27. 20/03/2019 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants of the Philippines. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are...
  28. AccessAgriculture Training Videos Les chips de mangue séchées sont des casse-croûte savoureux et sains qui peuvent être vendus même hors saison à un bon prix. Langues disponibles Anglais Bambara Français Kiswahili Peulh / Fulfuldé / Pulaar Twi Wolof
  29. 20/01/2005 Mango is one of the most important fruit crops in the tropical and subtropical lowlands. It is a fruit growing in popularity worldwide and well suited to East Africa as a commercial crop. These guidelines are for farmer-to-farmer leaders of a training programme. They are accompanied by a field...
  30. The amazing mango tree (Mangifera Indica) is much more than just a source for mangos—It’s a beautiful, living form that gives back to the planet and to the people who tend it. There are more than 1,200 cultivated varieties of mangos grown around the world. Trees range in sizes. Smaller ones grow...

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