Manuel de terrain de la FAO :

Les plantes ont deux modes de reproduction : sexuée au moyen de graines, et asexuée ou végétative au moyen de tissus végétatifs. Les deux façons se produisent dans les plantes vivantes de la nature. Dans la nature, certaines plantes se reproduisent principalement par voie végétative, tandis que d'autres dépendent presque entièrement de la reproduction sexuée. Pour le sélectionneur de plantes, il est souhaitable de pouvoir manipuler la reproduction sexuée et végétative (propagation) pour s'intégrer dans le programme d'amélioration des arbres


Génétiquement, les deux modes de reproduction diffèrent. Les graines contiennent des gènes provenant du parent femelle (où nous récoltons les graines) et du parent mâle (qui fournit le pollen et qui est souvent inconnu). Le matériel végétatif est génétiquement identique à la plante mère d'où il a été récolté. Le présent guide traite entièrement de la multiplication par voie végétative


Il existe quatre principales utilisations de la multiplication végétative dans un programme de sélection des arbres :

  1. L'établissement de vergers de semences clonales.
  2. La création de banques clonales.
  3. La propagation de matériels végétaux de sélection spéciaux, tels que des hybrides exceptionnels perdus par la reproduction sexuée, des hybrides stériles, etc.
  4. Propagation en masse de matériaux végétaux sélectionnés.

Il existe plusieurs modes de multiplication végétative. Les trois principaux types de multiplication des arbres forestiers sont le greffage, la stratification aérienne (marcottage) et l'utilisation de boutures (bouturage). Les trois types sont désignés sous l'appellation de macropropagation, en guise d'alternative à la micropropagation ou culture de tissus végétaux. La multiplication par bouturage est la méthode la plus pratique et la moins chère et est généralement préférée lorsque cela est possible. Le marcottage est une variation de la propagation par boutures de tiges dans lesquelles la formation des racines est initiée avant que la partie de la plante ne soit séparée de l'arbre mère. Lors du greffage, la pousse (greffon) de l'arbre désiré est jointe à une racine (stock ou racine ou porte-greffe) d'origine génétique différente.

Quelle méthode de propagation à utiliser dans une situation particulière est une question d'expérience avec l'espèce d'arbre en soi ainsi que le but et les conditions de la propagation. Les méthodologies de multiplication végétative doivent être adaptées à chaque espèce végétale. La même méthode peut fonctionner différemment dépendant de la période de l'année, etc.

  1. Ressource principale
    01/01/1998 The first section of this note focuses in on a new technology, called the ‘technology protection system’ by its developers and ‘terminator technology’ by its opponents. This technology illustrates the potential for patents to impact society at the fundamental level of food production. The...
  2. 01/01/1983 What are the advantages and disadvantages of growing citrus from seed when that is possible? One obvious advantage is that it is much less labor intensive to simply sow citrus seeds and eliminate the grafting step. Another advantage is that the seedling will most likely be free from viruses that...
  3. 1990 videos with Dr. Carl Campbell ECHO Tropical Fruits Video Series - Introduction To Tropical Fruit (Part 1 of 6) ECHO Tropical Fruits Video Series -Grafting Tropical Fruit Trees & Avocados (Part 2 of 6) ECHO Tropical Fruits Video Series - (Part 3 of 6) Guava, Pineapple, Macadamia,Mamey...
  4. Supporting Food Plant Solutions Rotarian Action Group
  5. 16/10/2020 La plupart des cultures maraîchères les plus importantes au monde proviennent de la famille des solanacées, notamment la tomate, l’aubergine et les poivrons. Cette famille comprend également une multitude d'espèces moins connues mais localement importantes, telles que la Morelle de Quito (Solanum...
  6. Plant propagation is used to produce new plants from a desired parent plant. There are two categories of plant propagation: asexual and sexual. Asexualpropagationis used to maintain selections of known identity and quality and includes such techniques as division, cuttings, air-layering, and...
  7. The grafted tree and container are covered with a clear plastic bag and placed in a bright, but shaded location and thoroughly watered. The terminal bud on the scion will unfold its leaf and continue to grow. Rootstock sprouts from below the graft should be removed. The bag can be removed after...
  8. 19/05/1982 Judging by the response to comments about tropical fruit trees in the last E D Notes, many of you are including tropical fruit trees in you development efforts. I have used the FAO book Propagation of Tropical Fruit Trees to answer several of your questions.
  9. Ressource principale 01/09/1976 This book is divided into 2 parts. Part I, by R.J. Garner, deals with the establishment and equipment of the nursery, the pots and other containers, the various methods of propagation and with the transplanting of the young plants. This part is well illustrated. Part II is written by various...
  10. Ressource principale 01/01/1998 This book is divided into four parts - Part 1 explains what you need to keep a successful nursery. Part 2 describes propagation from seeds and Part 3 covers methods of vegetative propagation. Part 4 gives the best way to propagate 100 selected useful plants. 140 pages, illustrated
  11. Ressource principale 01/01/1990 This manual is intended to be a guide to the vegetable production training course for developing country specialists offered at the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center. It is designed as well to be a resource book for extension subject matter specialists and vocational agriculture...
  12. 20/03/2000 Question from Chester Brinser (World Relief Nicaragua) . Reply by Danny Blank, nursery manager at ECHO.
  13. 18/11/2007 This manual was produced by Roots of Peace under USAID subcontract No. GS-10F- 0359M, Task Order #306-M-00-05-00515-00, Afghanistan Alternative Livelihoods Program for the Eastern Region. It was written by Ferenc Sandor of Roots of Peace, with support from Juan Estrada of DAI for the use by Roots...
  14. 02/02/2016 An explanation of what vegetable grafting is, considerations that should be made, and step-by-step methods graft vegetables
  15. 02/02/2016 An introduction to fruit tree propagation and overview of various techniques such as air layering, budding, grafting, and topping.
  16. 20/07/2011 Experience with tomato cuttings
  17. Abstract, Journal of Vegetation Science, 2003 Harsh conditions in arid and semi-arid environments make seedling establishment rare. Plant recruitment in arid environments often occurs only in years with above average rainfall or in safe sites under the canopy of nurse plants that provide shelter...
  18. Plants have two ways of reproduction, sexual by means of seeds, and asexually or vegetatively by means of vegetative tissue. Both ways occur in living plants in nature. In nature, some plants reproduce mainly vegetatively while others rely almost totally on sexual reproduction. For the plant...
  19. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 32. Dr. Tapani Haapala Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) contain high-quality food properties and are very good protein and energy sources on a daily per hectare basis of production (Frusciante et al. 2000). Potatoes are grown mostly in cool climate areas. In the...
  20. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 32. Dr. Tapani Haapala Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) contain high-quality food properties and are very good protein and energy sources on a daily per hectare basis of production (Frusciante et al. 2000). Potatoes are grown mostly in cool climate areas. In the...
  21. 12/04/2016 Plantains and several banana varieties are mainly propagated through vegetative means. The slow rate of sucker multiplication is one of the major constraints to plantain production The usual process of sucker removal and transplanting has been observed to be inadequate and encourage infection...
  22. Uploaded on May 24, 2007 Kath explains what needs to be considered when planting a grafted fruit tree
  23. Uploaded on Oct 12, 2010 Demonstration of terminal grafting method used to grow mango and other trees in one of Tree Aid's community tree nurseries in Burkina Faso, W. Africa. July 2008. In French with English subtitles.
  24. 01/11/1993 This Manual is the first in a new series of readable, illustrated handbooks for propagating and planting tropical trees.The series is designed to provide clear and concise information on how to select, grow, plant and care for tropical trees. The Manuals are intended for anyone interested in...
  25. Royal Horticultural Society Air layering is a method of propagating new trees and shrubs from stems still attached to the parent plant. The stem is wrapped with damp moss to encourage roots to form. Air layering is an effective propagation method for some plants that do not root readily from...
  26. Texas A&M Extension Air layering is a useful method of producing roots on the stem of indoor landscape plants that have become “leggy” through the loss of their lower foliage. This method, believed to have been developed centuries ago by the Chinese, has been used successfully as a mean of...
  27. NC State Extension Stems that are still attached to their parent plant may form roots where they come in contact with a rooting medium. This method of vegetative propagation is generally successful, because water stress is minimized and carbohydrate and mineral nutrient levels are high. The...
  28. What is Plant Propagation? Multiplication of plants and preservation (maintaining) their unique qualities for human use Purposeful act of reproducing plants via sexual and asexual reproduction Sexual: seed germination, some variation, not always identical to parent plant
  29. Perennial plants can be propagated in vegetative or generative ways. Fruit and nut trees are usually propagated by vegetative means using grafting methods. For this, there are two types of grafting methods: budding and grafting. Both of them are used for the same purpose - to create a new plant...
  30. Abstract - Botanical Journal of Scotland Three apparently disparate topics are brought together to focus on ways in which science and even technology have often been insulated from pressing human needs. A notable example is the 20th Century's down-grading of the value of tropical trees in...
  31. Abstract - Pennsylvania State University Stem cuttings of five tree species from dry and semi-arid woodlands (Acacia torti/is, Prosopis juliflora, Terminalia spinosa, Terminalia brownii and Albizia guachapele) and seven species from moist tropical forests (Cordia alliodora, Vochysia hondurensis,...
  32. For probably as long as people have lived in Africa, they have eaten culturally and traditionally important indigenous fruits such as baobab, desert date, black plum, and tamarind. Farmers have been able to enjoy the fruit of these plentiful wild trees without developing any knowledge of how to...
  33. Abstract -Journal of Experimental Botany While much recent science has focused on understanding and exploiting root traits as new opportunities for crop improvement, the use of rootstocks has enhanced productivity of woody perennial crops for centuries. Grafting of vegetable crops has developed...
  34. Abstract -World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology An increasing world population and rise in demand for tree products, especially wood, has increased the need to produce more timber through planting more forest with improved quality stock. Superior trees are likely to arise from several...
  35. Farmers have developed a range of agricultural practices to sustainably use and maintain a wide diversity of crop species in many parts of the world. This book documents good practices innovated by farmers and collects key reviews on good practices from global experts, not only from the case...
  36. Abstract - International Journal of Botany, 2010 Vegetative propagation techniques are increasingly being applied to the domestication of tropical tree species as a means of producing planting stock and capturing genetic variation. However, the level of knowledge of cost-effective for vegetative...
  37. AccessAgriculture Training Video Les plantules d’oignon requièrent un sol meuble. Ajoutez du compost. En saison pluvieuse, vous devez élever la hauteur de la pépinière afin que les racines des plantules ne pourrissent pas. Si vous utilisez de la semence de bonne qualité, la plupart des semences...
  38. Ressource principale 20/01/2012 Plant Pathology, Third Edition, provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of plant pathology, incorporating important new developments in the field. The present volume also follows closely the organization and format of the Second Edition. It includes two new chapters, ""Plant Disease...
  39. Ressource principale 15/10/1996 Use this book to identify, control, and prevent diseases and disorders of melons, watermelons, squash, cucumbers, and other cucurbits. Table of Contents Introduction; Cucurbit Diseases; Infectious Disorders; Noninfectious Disorders; Botany and Culture; Seed Production; Cultural Practices Part 1:...
  40. Ressource principale 20/01/2010 This publication contains descriptions of promising African plants. It also reports on three projects where species were explored in projects, Cleome gynandra - spiderplants, Hibiscus sabdariffa - roselle, and Sorghum bicolor - sorghum.
  41. Ressource principale 15/07/1987 The most comprehensive wheat disease identification guide in print. Covers more than 100 diseases, disorders, and pests.
  42. Ressource principale 20/01/2007 The purpose of the Compendium of Brassica Diseases is to provide a thorough, authoritative, and practical reference guide for people engaged in diagnosing and managing disease problems in brassica crops destined for vegetable markets, seed, oil, and condiments the world over. Brassica, vegetable...
  43. Ressource principale 19/01/1999 PERMACOPIEA TWO; THE ENDEMIC, INDIGENOUS, & POLYNESIAN SPECIES of HAWAII, is the most important book for Hawaii. This would be the first place to identify the appropriate & sustaining plants for these islands. It includes information on 235 important plants from ‘A’ALI’I through YAM.
  44. Growing plants in general and Jatropha curcas L. in particular requires knowledge and understanding of the environmental conditions these plants require to grow and thrive. Regarding the factors influencing plant growth, an understanding of soils probably is the most important one. In subtropical...
  45. This report will acquaint you with tissue culture methods, bring you abreast of developments in their application, and indicate the broad range of emerging business opportunities.
  46. The book emphasizes the organization and reproduction of representatives of the plant kingdom and of the Kingdom Moera (bacteria and blue-green algae) and the Kingdom Myceteae (Fungi).
  47. 01/01/1975 How to grow food in containers on your balcony, patio, doorstep, any small place includes canning, preserving.
  48. 01/01/2002 Anyone intending to embark on the planting of tropical trees should read this manual which is concerned with the key choices and issues that lie between the propagation of good planting stock and its eventual planting and successful establishment. It highlights the need for good communicaiton,...
  49. This book was written for those individuals who are concerned about the techniques and practices of plant cell cultures for horticultural crops. It was designed to serve as a text and reference for students and professionals in ornamental horticulture, fruit and vegetable crop pro duction,...
  50. 19/01/1969 In predominantly agricultural tropical countries the need to raise the production of good-quality foodstuffs and raw material is today greater than ever. The rise in production efficiency, so essential for our very existence, can be obtained only partly by improved cultural practices, increased...
  51. Several methods can be used to propagate or multiply tropical fruit trees, including 1) seed, 2) cutting, 3) micropropagation or tissue culture, 4) marcottage or air layering, and 5) grafting. Propagation by seed is regarded as the most “natural” method, but frequently the new plants are not...
  52. Proper management of trees and forests is necessary to make resources sustainable. Treesor rather: woody plants in general play an important part in traditional farming systems in the tropics, not just as food and cash crops but also as suppliers of fuelwood and fodder. Farmers are also aware of...
  53. 13/02/2019 Session: Lydia will join ECHO’s East Africa team to share practical propagation techniques, in particular, air layering, cuttings and divisions, methods which enhance success and are used at ECHO East Africa and ECHO Florida in the nurseries which provide thousands of fruit trees for sale to the...
  54. 12/02/2019 Session: Propagation techniques, in particular seed and soil bed preparation, methods which enhance success and are used at ECHO Florida in the nursery which provides thousands of fruit trees for sale to the community at large as well as refurbishing the 10 acres of food gardens at the ECHO...
  55. 01/01/1998 Cet Agrodok accompagne l’Agrodok 16: L’agroforesterie. Les arbres et les arbustes jouent un rôle important au niveau des exploitations agricoles ainsi que pour l’environnement. Malheureusement, trop d’arbres disparaissent à la suite de surpâturage, de collecte excessive de bois de combustion et...
  56. The availability of appropriate propagation techniques is a major constraint to the domestication of the forest trees widely used by rural communities; such as Garcinia kola (Heckel). This study tested the ability of root and stem cuttings to regenerate vegetatively when treated with...
  57. 03/06/2024 Les poly-propagateurs sont des enceintes en polyéthylène (plastique transparent) ou en plexiglas dans lesquelles vous pouvez cultiver des matières végétales dans un environnement protégé. Ces structures fermées augmentent l’humidité et résistent aux fluctuations de température pour un meilleur...
  58. 12/06/2024 Un poly-propagateur est une technologie appropriée pour multiplier les plantes qui se multiplient le plus facilement dans des conditions très humides. Les poly-propagateurs ont un cadre construit avec du fil, du bambou, du bois ou d’autres matériaux de soutien. Utilisez ce que vous avez! L’...