1. 1998/01/19 Efforts to protect, conserve and sustainably use tropical forests are gaining support worldwide. They include improved management of natural forests, the establishment of timber plantations, the planting of trees in agroforestry systems, and the promotion of the use of non-timber forest products...
  2. 1997/01/01 These publication contains 33 papers submitted by workshop participants, the working group reports, and a list of recommended priority tree domestication topics for southeast Asia. The papers presented here include profiles on international and national domestication programs in Southeast Asia as...
  3. This volume deals with the vegetables of South-East Asia. A vegetable as a product or commodity may be defined as a usually succulent plant or portion of a plant which is consumed as a side-dish with the starchy staple. All vegetable crops share certain characteristics but very few completely fit...
  4. This publication contains all scientific papers presented at, as well as the conclusion reached and the recommendation put forward by the Workshop.
  5. Explore the delectable world of tropical fruits. Each fruit is illustrated to show the external and internal features, with detailed descriptions including appearance, distinguishing features and uses. Recipes, especially unusual ones are given where appropriate.
  6. 1991/01/01 Agroforestry as an ancient art and a modern science has great potential to improve the livelihoods of farmers in the Asia-Pacific Region. It is not a panacea which fits all land use needs, but rather it is an important land use which includes a diverseset of practices and systems. We hope that...
  7. 1972/01/01 A comprehensive book on tropical vegetables, primarily directed to South-East Asia, but of value throughout the tropics. It presents an account of the scientific background--soils, fertilizers, pests, climate--and of the nutritive values of vegetables. It also describes and illustrates the...
  8. 1967/01/01 The aim has been to acquaint the student with some of the evidence on the principles which underlie vegetable production in the Tropics. The practices of vegetable growing furnish a background for indicating how this basic information applies.
  9. 1995/01/01 This field guide to commonly cultivated trees in South-East Asia is beautifully illustrated by the author's watercolours, and is an invaluable resource for those interested to know more about the domesticated trees and fruits which one finds all over the region.The book contains useful diagrams...