Chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius), sometimes called the spinach tree, is a fast-growing perennial shrub native to Mexico that produces lots of attractive, large, dark green leaves. It can grow well on a wide range of soils in both hot, rainy climates and areas with occasional drought. It grows easily and quickly, especially at higher temperatures, and new leaves grow quickly after harvesting. The amount of leaves per square foot of garden space is impressive (see photos). Leaves have lower moisture content than most other green leafy plants like spinach or lettuce. Young leaves and the thick, tender stem tips are cut and boiled as“spinach”. Leaves do not have a strong or distinct taste, but tend to take on flavors from whatever seasonings are added.
Perhaps the most noticeable difference from many kinds of cooked leaves is that chaya leaves have a “dense” feel to them. Chaya is exceptionally high in protein, calcium, iron, and vitamin A. It lacks pest problems and is unlikely to become weedy, because it very rarely sets seed and is generally propagated only by cuttings. (ECHO has grown chaya for over 30 years and only one plant produced a few seeds one year. They germinated readily and showed high variability in traits. Though the parent was a special variety from Belize that did not have stinging hairs, most of the seedlings had what appeared to be large and even branched stinging hairs. Our best variety today came from one of those seedlings and is completely free of stinging hairs.)
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- Chaya belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. It is native to the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico, where it grows naturally in thickets and open forests. It is widely cultivated in Mexico and Central America, often planted in hedges and home gardens. It has been introduced to southern Florida and...
- Chaya grows easily in Cambodia Chaya (Cnidoscolus chayamansa or C. aconitifolius) is a perennial plant that grows easily throughout Cambodia. Many people know it by the name “spinach tree”. If left alone, a Chaya plant can grow to be a small tree about 4- 5m high. By pruning the plant, it grows...
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- Abstract -Animal Feed Science and Technology, 1999 Chaya leaf meal (CLM) (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius(Mill.) Johnston) was evaluated as a poultry feed ingredient in a series of two pilot studies. In experiment I, diets containing 0, 25, 50 and 75g CLM kg1were fed, ad libitum, to 480 day-old broiler...
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- Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 5(15), pp. 3404-3411, 4 August, 2011 Available online at ISSN 1996-0875 2011 Academic Journals Rural and urban populations in Valles Centrales, Oaxaca, Mexico, use certain plant species for therapeutic and dietary...
- Munguia-Rosas, Miguel & Jácome-Flores, Miguel & Bello-Bedoy, Rafael & Solis, Virginia & Ochoa, Ernesto. (2019). Morphological divergence between wild and cultivated chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius) (Mill.) I.M. Johnst. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 66....
- Ross-Ibarra, Jeffrey (Department of Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602) and Alvaro Molina-Cruz (Departamento de Bioqufmica, Instituto de Investigaciones, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Apartado Postal 82, Guatemala City 01901, Guatemala). THE ETHNOBOTANY OF CHAYA (CNIDOSCOLUS...