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Rainforest regions are characterized by a high frequency of rainfall and well-established forest canopy layers. Peoples in these regions often depend on rainforests for food and fuel. Tropical rainforests predominate parts of South America and Central Africa. One of the main agricultural concerns for rainforests is deforestation through slash and burn practices. 

  1. 关键资源 1992-01-20 In simplest language, agroforestry is the production of trees and of non-tree crops or animals on the same piece of land. The crops can be grown together at the same time, can be grown in rotation, or can even be grown in separate plots when materials from one are used to benefit another....
  2. 关键资源 2013-06-01 Rick Burnette wrote an article for Issue 7(July 2010) of ECHO Asia Notes, titled “Charcoal Production in 200-Liter Horizontal Drum Kilns.” My article takes the charring process a step further by exploring the rapidly re-emerging world of biochar. Biochar is a form of charcoal, produced through...
  3. 关键资源
    2009-01-20 All plants need certain mineral elements for proper growth, development, and maintenance. The basic structure of all organisms is built of carbon (C), oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H). Plants obtain these elements from water (H2O) in the soil and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air, so no input is...
  4. 关键资源 2011-01-01 Lack of food security is one of the biggest challenges that Central Africans face each day as they toil in their gardens, trying to produce enough food to simply feed their families and afford other expenses in life such as health care or schooling for their children. Main factors limiting...
  5. 2020-01-27 After reading the review of Syntropic Farming Guide in EDN 145, Roger Gietzen had some further thoughts to share on the topic of syntropic farming.
  6. 2019-01-20 Reviewed by Dawn Berkelaar ECHO has an extensive network of agricultural experts working in diverse areas of production and development. Many members contribute to our various publications and resources, often writing or contributing to our existing documents. Some provide self-developed...
  7. Who we Are ASB is the only global partnership devoted entirely to research on the tropical forest margins. ASB is a global partnership between international and national agricultural research institutes, universities, non-governmental organizations, community and farmers’ groups working to...
  8. 2019-11-20 Session :Syntropic farming is a high-yield agroforestry method that also results in soil regeneration. It produces an abundance with almost zero inputs after the initial planting. Roger will discuss five example farms in Haiti in various locations in the Central Plateau region which are between...
  9. Farming Matters Magazine -- Burnette, R. and A. Bicksler (2016) -- In recent decades, resource challenged hill tribe farmers and gardeners in northern Thailand have recognised the importance of various threatened species that yield non-timber forest products.Conserving these species in...
  10. 关键资源 2015-02-16 Tropical root and tuber crops are consumed as staples in parts of the tropics and should be considered for their potential to produce impressive yields in small spaces. They provide valuable options for producing food under challenging growing conditions. Cassava and taro, for instance, are...
  11. 关键资源 2016-02-05 Until recently, firewood was taken for granted in northern Thailand. With vast forests full of many types of trees, upland households could afford to be choosy concerning the wood they used for cooking. However, in recent years, more and more communities are facing restricted access to forest...
  12. 关键资源 2015-07-23 Climate change will have a huge impact on the world’s poorest people. Crop yields have already gone down in the tropics and are projected to drop by 15-30% by 2080 in Africa, South Asia, and Central America (Hoffman 2013). Some countries could reach a 50% loss of agricultural productivity; in...
  13. 2006-07-20 Jackfruit has long been valued and cultivated in tropical Asia. Thought to originate in the rainforests of India, jackfruit has remained relatively unknown throughout the rest of the tropics.
  14. 关键资源
    1998-06-01 There are more than one hundred major species of fruits in the tropics, which make a very interesting contribution to the appetite as well as to good nutrition. These species vary in ecological requirements, in season of production, in yields, uses and, of course, in many other characteristics....
  15. 关键资源 1997-12-15 Slash/mulch systems, ancient agricultural practices still widely used today, are often overlooked by farmers or mistaken for slash-and-burn systems; however, slash/mulch systems, in which vegetation is cut and mulched on site rather than being discarded or burned, are far more beneficial than are...

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