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ECHO Asia Note Articles

  1. Farm-generated fertility makes agriculture more sustainable. Crop residues and manures are part of the nutrient cycle and can lower input costs through the use of thermophilic composting, vermiculture, bokashi production, or green manures. Farm-generated feeds can also reduce expenses, if farmers...

  2. In nature, dozens of species of harmful fungi can quickly kill a plant, including Fusarium spp., the causal agents of Fusarium wilt, and Phakospora pachyrhizi, the causal agent of soybean rust. Fungi are unable to produce nutrients on their own, so they must find another source; sometimes that...

  3. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #28 Pengantar Kesuburan yang dihasilkan oleh sebuah pertanian turut menyumbang terwujudnya sistem pertanian yang lebih berkelanjutan. Residu tanaman dan pupuk kandang merupakanbagian dari siklus hara untuk memproduksi tanaman serta membantu menurunkan biaya...

  4. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #9 Editor: The System of Rice Intensification (SRI), an unconventional approach to rice production that has spread throughout many parts of the world since the late 1990s, is comprised of a set of flexible management practices. CEDAC, based in Cambodia,...

  5. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #28 Bagi petani dan peneliti di daerah tropis, penyimpanan benih bisa mendatangkan frustrasi berat. Di provinsi Mondulkiri, petani jarang bisa menyimpan benih lebih lama dari enam bulan, antara masa panen dan musim tanam baru. Benih yang disimpan lebih lama...
22 Lebih Banyak ECHO Asia Note Articles

ECHO Asia Notes

  1. 15 Juni 2014 Note from the Editors Observations of SRI in Nakorn Sawan, Thailand Increase Yields and Save Money with Innovative SRI Tools SRI Roller Planting Marker SRI Transplanting Tools Learning from Farmers Important Contacts from this AN Seeking Applications for ECHO Asia’s National Volunteer Program

  1. ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI) is a pioneer institute of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) undertaking research, teaching and training in Agricultural Statistics, Computer Application and Bioinformatics. Ever since its inception way back in 1930, as...

  2. Evaporative Cooling for Fruit & Vegetable Storage MIT D-Lab, theWorld Vegetable Center, and Institut d'Economie Rurale (IER) havedeveloped this guide in order to disseminate information about this simple, low-cost technology that uses the principle of evaporative cooling to provide improved...

  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Pheromones attract and help to kill the males, so they cannot mate with the females. And without mating, female fruit flies will not be able to lay eggs. To attract and kill the male flies with pheromones, you need to use traps to protect the products from the...
37 tautan lainnya

  1. Animasi ini menjelaskan cara-cara efektif mengelola TB aktif. Manajemen TB yang efektif dimulai dari pencegahan penyebarannya. Manajemen TB juga melibatkan deteksi, diagnosis, dan perawatan kondisi penyakit ini. Jika TB terdeteksi, Anda sebaiknya menjalani rencana perawatan antibiotik TB. Ini...

  2. Tuberkulosis (atau TB) merupakan penyakit yang terutama menginfeksi paru-paru. Gejala penyakit TB aktif meliputi batuk kronis, nyeri dada, atau batuk darah. Namun, beberapa orang yang terinfeksi TB mengandung bakteri di dalam tubuhnya tapi tidak menampilkan gejala tersebut. Mereka terlihat...

  3. Animasi ini menjelaskan interaksi antara tuberkulosis (atau TB), virus penggerus kekebalan manusia (atau HIV), dan sistem kekebalan Anda. Terinfeksi TB saat Anda mengidap HIV dapat mengubah diagnosis dan perawatan TB. Mengidap TB dan HIV sekaligus menyebabkan komplikasi dalam deteksi, diagnosis,...
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