FAO - 

Una buena nutrición es nuestra primera defensa contra las enfermedades y nuestra fuente de energía para vivir y estar activo. Los problemas nutricionales causadas por una dieta inadecuada pueden ser de muchos tipos, y cuando afecten a una generación de jóvenes, que pueden reducir sus capacidades de aprendizaje, lo que compromete su futuro, perpetuando un ciclo generacional de la pobreza y la desnutrición, con consecuencias graves en ambos individuos y naciones.

Mientras que los niños pequeños son los más vulnerables a la desnutrición, el derecho a una alimentación adecuada es universal y una buena nutrición es esencial para todos. Existen en todos los países y se cortan en todas las clases socioeconómicas - Problemas de -undernutrition la desnutrición, las deficiencias de micronutrientes y la obesidad.

Nuevos retos, como el cambio climático, la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente y los cambios tecnológicos rápidos, están transformando  los sistemas alimentarios  y plantea dudas sobre cómo alimentar a una creciente población mundial de forma sostenible.

Al mismo tiempo, el crecimiento económico desigual, las transformaciones sociales y económicas y otros factores están dando forma a los sistemas alimentarios y dietas. Como resultado, la prevalencia del sobrepeso, obesidad y las enfermedades no transmisibles relacionadas están aumentando mientras la desnutrición y las deficiencias de micronutrientes persisten. 

  1. 29/1/2019 En los últimos años se ha prestado mucha atención a los vínculos entre la agricultura y la nutrición en el sector del desarrollo considerado en su conjunto. Estos vínculos podrían parecer obvios: obtenemos nutrición de los alimentos que comemos, y comemos los alimentos que la agricultura produce....
  2. 20/1/2021 Las plantas perennes son una clase de cultivos con gran potencial para ocuparse de retos como las deficiencias alimentarias, la falta de biodiversidad de los cultivos y el cambio climático. Si bien algunas especies individuales de plantas han sido objeto de atención significativa (por ejemplo, el...
  3. Agrega hierbas a tus comidas para platos saludables
  4. From PennyRambacher, R.D. Founder/President www.MiraclesInAction.org www.ProyectoCAN.org
  5. Recurso clave
    9/2/2018 Las dietas tradicionales solían incluir una amplia variedad de ingredientes provenientes de una amplia gama de plantas silvestres y domesticadas. Las cocinas regionales eran determinadas por especies nativas en sus ambientes locales y por plantas adoptadas gradualmente procedentes de lugares...
  6. 30/1/2023 Session :The presentation covers the approaches used by IFAD to support smallholder farmers and the most nutritionally vulnerable to achieve dietary diversity. This includes efforts to increase production, access to markets, and consumption of nutrient dense foods such as vegetables, fruits,...
  7. 1/1/2020 A pesar del enorme interés en el uso de la Moringa oleifera como fuente de nutrientes, siguen existiendo lagunas e incoherencias en la información sobre el contenido de nutrientes de esta interesante planta. Existen varias razones para ello. El contenido de nutrientes de la materia vegetativa...
  8. 26/11/2019 Session: The Sustainable Development Goal number two is about Zero Hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. To respond to this goal, stakeholders can engage themselves into activities falling into the seven targets of this goal including promotion...
  9. Recurso clave 1/6/1998 This is a much needed practical handbook which bridges the gap between nutritional problems and agricultural solutions. This book helps community workers and local groups identify nutritional needs and grow the required food crops organically.
  10. 20/1/2018 Recuperando el conocimiento culinario tradicional de las mujeres de América Latina y el Caribe para el manejo y enriquecimiento de la biodiversidad alimentaria Esta publicación busca reconocer y valorar el saber de las mujeres en el ámbito culinario y el importante significado que tiene éste para...
  11. The case for investing in nutrition is clear. Poor nutrition during the first 1,000 days—from pregnancy through a child’s second birthday—can cause life-long and irreversible damage, with consequences at the individual, community, and national level. Multi-sectoral Approaches to Nutrition: When a...
  12. 26/11/2019 Leonidas Niyongabo is the Provincial Development Officer for the Province of the Anglican Church of Burundi. It coordinates a broad food security and environmental program in the province and at the national level. Prior to that, he worked with Concern Worldwide Burundi on their livelihoods...
  13. This course is part of a series of e-learning modules on Nutrition and Food Systems which aims to develop capacities for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating nutrition-sensitive food and agriculture policies, strategies, plans and programmes. It will guide you through the steps of a...
  14. This course covers the basic concepts of malnutrition, describes how nutritionalstatus is assessed, and identifies the most commonly used nutrition indicators. Italso explains what the criteria to consider when selecting the indicators in specificcontexts and situations. Duration: 2 hours...
  15. Everyone-especially parents, caregivers, young people, health workers and teachers-has the right to know this information. In plain language, Facts for Life brings together the most authoritative information about practical, effective and low-cost ways of protecting children's lives and health....
  16. Speaker Bio: Paul E. McNamara is an Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics and the Division of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and he is a Visiting Member of the faculty of Njala University (Sierra Leone). McNamara...
  17. 20/1/2008 La evaluación conjunta de la nutrición y la biodiversidad, utilizando una serie de indicadores, ocupa el lugar central de la nueva Iniciativa intersectorial sobre la biodiversidad para la alimentación y la nutrición, al frente de la cual está la FAO en colaboración con Bioversity International y...
  18. The manual is forpeople who eat, grow or buy food and who want to improve their lives, theircommunity and the environment that they live in. It has been written for, andby, people livingin Malawi. It will show you how to eat and live better andguide you in designing a sustainablefuture. The...
  19. 20/1/2020 How best can people across Africa deal with COVID-19? How can those in densely populated urban areas or in remote rural villages best survive COVID-19 if they get infected? There are several answers to these questions. But there is one that we must never forget: eat a variety of nutritious,...
  20. Session:Seasonality and causes of acute malnutrition in Karamoja and northern Kenya. Presenter: Raphael Lotira Arasio
  21. In a perfect world, everyone would have access to nutritious, affordable food. However, as Rick Bates knows, there is no such thing as utopia when it comes to food security, as millions of people around the world have limited food resources. One of those places is Cambodia in Southeast Asia, one...
  22. The Agriculture, Nutrition & Health (ANH) Academy is a global research network in agriculture and food systems for improved nutrition and health to serve as a platform for learning and sharing. The ANH Academy is part of the three workstreams of theIMMANAprogramme. It aims to facilitate the...
  23. The World Vegetable Center is committed to alleviating poverty and malnutrition in the developing world through the increased production and consumption of nutritious and health-promoting vegetables. Household gardening is an age-old practice to supply a diverse range of fruit and vegetables to...
  24. INGENAES: Integrating Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services INGENAES is designed to assist partners in Feed the Future countries (www.feedthefuture.gov) to build more robust, gender-responsive, and nutrition-sensitive institutions, projects and programs capable of assessing...
  25. INGENAES is designed to assist partners in Feed the Future countries (www.feedthefuture.gov) to · Build more robust, gender-responsive, and nutrition- sensitive institutions, projects and programs capable of assessing and responding to the needs of both men and women farmers through extension and...
  26. This toolkit is a collection of existing resources, case studies, infographics, learning modules, community discussion forums, inspirational stories and more to help support sustainability in dietetics. We have taken existing content and curated a collection to support your learning needs. In...
  27. Public Health Nutritionprovides an international peer-reviewed forum for the publication and dissemination of research and scholarship aimed at understanding the causes of, and approaches and solutions to, nutrition-related public health achievements, situations and problems around the world. The...
  28. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (formerly Qualitas Plantarum) is an international journal presenting reports of original research and critical reviews concerned with the improvement and evaluation of the nutritional quality of plant foods for humans, as they are influenced by: Biotechnology,...
  29. Session:The session will first provide an overview of WorldVeg’s efforts in using traditional African vegetables in the region, based on its collection in Arusha, Tanzania, the largest in Africa. The overview will single out amaranth as well as traditional vegetables useful in drylands. Second,...