Mkulima Mbunifu (MkM)

  1. Agosti 2022,Toleo la 119 Mkulima Mbunifu (MkM) ni jarida linalotoa elimu ya kilimo.

  2. Agosti 2019,Toleo la 83 Mkulima Mbunifu (MkM) ni jarida linalotoa elimu ya kilimo.

  3. Oktoba 2019, Mkulima Mbunifu (MkM) ni jarida linalotoa elimu ya kilimo.

  4. Desemba 2019,Toleo la 87 Mkulima Mbunifu (MkM) ni jarida linalotoa elimu ya kilimo.

  5. Machi 2020,Toleo la 90 Mkulima Mbunifu (MkM) ni jarida linalotoa elimu ya kilimo.
121 Mais Mkulima Mbunifu (MkM)

Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM) Publications

  1. Poster - How to make a Natural Pesticide. Some natural pesticide ingredients and the pests they repel. Kilomohai Training Materials

  2. How do organic farmers benefit from biodiversity? Biodiversity fights pests, improves soil, and increases food security. Kilomohai Training Materials

  3. A sack garden is a small vegetable mound made from a nylon or similar sack. Please check the Kilimohai website for the latest additions to resources.
  4. Ongeza mavuno yako kwa kutumia mboji!
  5. Sihitaji mbolea za viwandani, ninatumia mbolea ya maji.
8 Mais Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM) Publications

ECHO Technical Notes

  1. So you want to help people in the tropics. Beautiful! The tropics are waiting for you. No matter what your abilities, you can make life better for others in the tropics. Your concern for the physical and spiritual well-being of people can be translated into fruitful service. Your first asset is...

  2. 01/01/2010 For many years, conventional Western forestry methods have been applied, and exotic tree species promoted in Sahelian countries in order to combat desertification. Large and small projects were commissioned to curtail the assumed southward movement of the Sahara desert, but few made any lasting...

  3. 01/01/1998 The first section of this note focuses in on a new technology, called the ‘technology protection system’ by its developers and ‘terminator technology’ by its opponents. This technology illustrates the potential for patents to impact society at the fundamental level of food production. The...

  4. 01/01/1983 Amaranth [Amaranthus hypochondriacus, A. cruentus (grain type) & A. tricolor (vegetable type)] is an herbaceous annual with upright growth habit, cultivated for both its seeds which are used as a grain and its leaves which are used as a vegetable or green. Both leaves and seeds contain...

General Technical Documents

  1. Postharvest losses inflicted by insect pests in stored grains represent major challenge smallholder famers face in the global South. The maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) is one of the most important postharvest pests in maize. With dry maize stored in woven polypropylene bags, Likhayo et al....

  2. In every region of the world it is necessary to find or develop appropriate techniques for agriculture. A large part of the surface of the world is arid, characterized as too dry for conventional rain fed agriculture. Yet, millions of people live in such regions, and if current trends in...

  3. Januari, 2016,Toleo la 40 Mkulima Mbunifu (MkM) ni jarida linalotoa elimu ya kilimo.

Food Plants International - Posters

Haitian Network Documents

  1. A “how to” guide to successfully install a natural, sustainable latrine using vetiver grass The use of vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides) replaces the need for a concrete block lined pit, creates privacy and actively helps decompose the waste. Jiji grass (Achnatherum splendens) can be used...

ECHO East Africa News

  1. In This Issue Seed Bank Update Students Visit ECHO EA Local CA Training Events Staff Transitions Resources for Organic Certif. The Debate over GMOs New Online Resources

  2. In this issue: 1. Nutrition in dryland areas symposium 2.Nanenane Agricultural show 3. Appropriate technology 4. ECHO EA seed bank updates 5..Parthenium 6. Upcoming events 7. News in brief

  3. In this issue: Nanenane Agricultural show Appropriate technology ECHO EA seedbank updates Highlights Innovation News in brief ECHO RIC‟s Best Practices

  4. 20/04/2019 In this Issue : 5th Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture and Appropriate Technologies Environmental Conservation Empowering Small-scale Farmers with Seeds History of Maresha Plow

  5. 20/04/2018 In this issue: 1. Pastoralist symposium 2. Appropriate technology 3. ECHO EA seed bank updates 4.Parthenium 5. Upcoming events 6. News in brief
9 Mais ECHO East Africa News

CTA Publications

  1. Este folheto desdobrável de 8 páginas, prático na sua utilização no terreno e de leitura fácil, trata da apicultura e do fabrico do mel. Fornece informação de base sobre o assunto e descreve, em linhas gerais, os processos. Oferece ainda sugestões, quadros e desenhos explicativos.

  2. 01/01/2013 Este folheto desdobrável de 8 páginas, prático na sua utilização no terreno e de leitura fácil, trata do controlo da mosca da fruta nas mangas. Fornece informação de base sobre o assunto e descreve, em linhas gerais, os processos, sugestões, quadros e desenhos explicativos.

  3. 01/01/2009 Este folheto desdobrável de 12 páginas, prático na sua utilização no terreno e de leitura fácil, mostra como os pequenos agricultores podem aceder aos mercados. Fornece informação de base sobre o assunto, e descreve em linhas gerais, os processos. Oferece ainda sugestões, quadros e desenhos...

  4. 20/01/2007 Este folheto desdobrável de 8 páginas, prático na sua utilização no terreno e de leitura fácil, trata do controlo da Striga e da broca do caule na cultura do milho. Fornece informação de base sobre o assunto e descreve, em linhas gerais, os processos. Oferece ainda sugestões, quadros e desenhos...

  5. 20/01/2007 Este folheto desdobrável de 8 páginas, prático na sua utilização no terreno e de leitura fácil, trata da criação de cabras leiteiras. Fornece informação de base sobre o assunto e descreve, em linhas gerais, os processos. Oferece ainda sugestões, quadros e desenhos explicativos.
9 Mais CTA Publications

ECHO East Africa Notes

  1. A Combination of Approaches to Conserve Soil and Water Tephrosia: A Multipurpose Tree for GM/CC, Soil Conservation and IPM

  2. 01/07/2013 Conservation Agriculture in East Africa: An Update What’s happening on Telfairia pedata: Oyster Nut, Kweme or Zanzibar Oil Vine

CFGB Conservation Agriculture Newsletter

  1. 01/04/2024 Nesta Edicao: Criação de um Ambiente Propício para a Agricultura de Conservação Os ecossistemas do solo são reforçados por práticas agrícolas de conservação PERFIL DO PARCEIRO: ADRAMoçambique - (projeto ZIREF) Horários de viagem ALTA

  2. 01/01/2024 Nesta Edicao: Defendendo a Promoção da Agricultura de Conservação Apresentando Lidet Sitatow, Consultor Técnico de Agricultura e Meios de Subsistência para a Etiópia Atualização de gestão da lagarta do funil Perfil do Parceiro: Serviços Anglicanos de Desenvolvime nto - Central Rift, Quênia

  3. 20/09/2023 NESTA EDIÇÃO : Culturas de cobertura de adubação verde para regiões com chuvas bimodais Ampliando a Intensificação Sustentável Baseada na Agricultura de Conservação na Etiópia (SCASI) Perfil do Produtor da AC: Asnakech Zema CRONOGRAMA DE VIAGEM DA ALTA

  4. 20/06/2023 Nesta Edicao: Agricultura Como um Negócio Contando a história com fotografias Perfil do Agricultor da A Perfil do Parceiro: Escritório de Desenvolvimento das Igrejas Evangélicas HORÁRIOS DE VIAGENS DA ALTA

  5. 01/03/2023 Nesta Edicao: Agricultura de Conservação em Ambientes Húmidos Dicas para uma Narrativa Eficaz AC Perfil do Agricultor: Chrissie Stackio, Malawi Perfil do Parceiro: Irmãos na Igreja de Cristo
20 Mais CFGB Conservation Agriculture Newsletter

Recursos básicos de treinamento em agricultura para conservação

  1. 20/04/2020 A Agricultura de Conservação (AC) tem-se espalhado nos últimos 40 anos para cobrir 105 milhões de hectares de terras agrícolas em todo o mundo (ACT 2008). A eficácia da AC na retenção da humidade do solo, melhorando a qualidade do solo, reduzindo os custos de matéria-prima e produção estável,...

  2. 20/04/2020 Porque usar ........................................................................... 3 Agricultura de Conservação? ............................................... 3 A Importância da Cobertura do Solo .................................... 8 Plantar com Precisão...

SWISSAID Publications

  1. 20/11/2019 Benki za mbegu za jamii ni taasisi zisizo rasmi, zinazoongozwa na kusimamiwa na wakulima au serikali za mitaa na vijiji ambayo kazi ya msingi ni kuhifadhi mbegu kwa ajili ya matumizi ya ndani. Benki hizi zinapatikana katika maeneo mengi duniani na zimekuwepo kwa miaka mingi zikiwa na lengo la...

  2. 20/11/2019 Mbegu ni moja ya pembejeo kuu za uzalishaji wa chakula. Wakulima duniani kote wamekuwa wakijua jambo hili kwa karne nyingi. Mamilioni ya familia na jamii za kilimo wamefanya kazi ya kuchagua mbegu na kuzitunza kwa ajili ya matumizi ya msimu wa kilimo unaofuata. Hii ndio imeruhusu kilimo kuenea na...

  3. 20/11/2019 Mwongozo wa mafunzo y uzalishaji wa mazao ya mbogamboga

  4. 20/11/2019 Karanga ni mojawapo ya mazao yanayotoa mafuta. Katika Tanzania zao hili hustawi zaidi katika mikoa ya Kusini Mashariki, Dodoma na Morogoro. Pamoja na kutoa mafuta vile vile zao hutumika kwa njia nyingine mbali mbali, nazo ni pamoja na: Chakula cha wanyama / mifugo (Mashudu na majani), kurutubisha...

  5. 20/11/2019 Ni kilimo kilicho hai, kilimo chenye kuhusishwa na mazingira bora, mfumo wa usimamizi wa maliasili (mfano: misitu) ambao, kwa kupitia mchanganyiko wa miti mashambani au kwenye ardhi ya kilimo, hupanua wigo na kuongeza uzalishaji na hivyo kuongeza uchumi katika ngazi ya familia hadi Taifa na...
3 Mais SWISSAID Publications

Food Plant Solutions - Publications

  1. 20/11/2018 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants of Tanzania. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very...

Sustainable Nutrition Manual, 2nd Edition (2016)

  1. 20/01/2016 HealthyEnvironments is about natural systems and sustainability. You will learn abouttheNature Cycle and the Water Cycle and natural sustainable systems. You willbe introduced toPermaculture ideas and gain an understanding of the benefitsof diversity in Nature. *Sustainable Nutrition Manual...

ECHO Best Practice Notes

  1. 26/02/2014 Pastoralism is a livelihood whereby people depend upon herding domesticated livestock. In East Africa, pastoralists depend primarily upon cattle, sheep, donkeys, goats and camels— listed in order of least resilience as one moves into drier and more arid lowland areas. Pastoralists play an...

Heifer International - Selected Publications

  1. 20/01/2010 Swahili Only Ufugaji bora wa ng'ombe wa maziwa-2

  2. 20/01/2010 Swahili only Mwongozo wa ufugaji bora wa mbuzi wa maziwa

  3. 20/01/2010 Pig farming in Tanzania has primarily been for a long time of backyard and informal sector producers. However in order to secure both food and nutritional security to rural Tanzania households, there is a need of embracing integrated approaches in livestock farming. Pig farming in Tanzania is...

  4. 20/07/2008 Swahili Only Kitabu cha kuku wa asili

  5. 20/01/2005 Swahili only Ufugaji_bora_wa_mbuzi_wa_maz
3 Mais Heifer International - Selected Publications


  1. 01/01/2005 propriedades, processamento e comercialização As abelhas vivem em colónias tal como foi extensamente descrito no Agrodok 32 A apicultura nas regiões tropicais. As abelhas obreiras da colónia recolhem várias substâncias da natureza, que são utilizadas pela própria colónia de abelhas, por exemplo,...

  2. 01/01/2005 pleuroto, shiitake e orelha-de-pau Este Agrodok contém informação detalhada sobre o cultivo de três tipos de cogumelos: pleuroto, shiitake e orelha-de-pau. Estes cogumelos são fáceis de cultivar em pequena escala. O cultivo do cogumelo de Paris (Agaricus spp.) e do cogumelo de palha de arroz...


  1. 01/01/2007 Hiki siyo kitabu cha kusoma tu. Ni kitabu cha kujifunza wewe mwenyewe, pamoja na jamii hako, marafiki, na jirani. Soma yale Mchungaji Simeoni anasema. Taxama yale amefany na usikilize mambo anayoshauriana na wengine. Jaribu kuelewa vile Mchungaji Simeoni anajianda kutatua shida za nchi, msitu, na...

  2. 01/01/2008 O Sistema Vetiver (SV) se baseia numa planta tropical única. A grama Vetiver (Chrysopogon Zizanioides), que comprovadamente está sendo usada em 100 países na conservação do solo e da água, na estabilização de taludes, recuperação de terras, controle da poluição, melhoria da qualidade da água,...

  3. 01/01/2007 Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa ajili ya viongozi wa jumuiya, makanisa, vikundi vya wanawake na shule, kinawawezesha watu kujadili na kuelewa matatizo ya ardhi na misitu; inawatia moyo kufikiria jinsi Mungu angetaka waitikie, na inawasaidia kuamua masuluhisho ya matatizo haya na jinsi ya kutumia...
2 more books

  1. Google Play A fun and easy to use educational app providing regreening techniques to small holder farmers and pastoralists in Africa. With this app, farmers and pastoralists will be able to learn regreening techniques that will help them to restore their land and improve their yield.

  2. Evaporative Cooling for Fruit & Vegetable Storage MIT D-Lab, theWorld Vegetable Center, and Institut d'Economie Rurale (IER) havedeveloped this guide in order to disseminate information about this simple, low-cost technology that uses the principle of evaporative cooling to provide improved...

  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Compared to other foods, baobab pulp contains very high levels of minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium as well as vitamin C. Furthermore, it is rich in fibre. It is good for human health and reduces the risk of diseases. Due to these properties, baobab...
4 more links


  1. Invasive alien species have become a concern for many including, agriculture, pasture land, natural ecosystems and wildlife.


  1. Compost can be used to improve the quality of your soil. You can use plant materials, animal manure and kitchen scraps to create compost. Compost will add nutrients and organic matter to your soil. This animation explains the process of creating and storing compost.

  2. Drip Irrigation is a technique that allows you to consistently water your entire crop. This technique is especially helpful during a drought or dry season. This technique must be combined with Raised Planting Beds. Please watch our animation on Raised Planting Beds before attempting Drip...

  3. Farming with raised planting beds is a great way to keep your crop safe and increase your yields. This agricultural technique reduces soil compaction and improves the quality of the soil. It protects your plants during times of excess rainfall. This animation describes how to implement this...
31 more videos