ECHO Asia Note Articles

  1. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 32. 简介 对于许多发展中国家的家庭而言,烹饪所需的日常能量是繁重且昂贵的。 幸运的 是,对于家庭而言,低成本的烹饪方法越来越容易,这些方法需要更少的燃料,同时 得以更加清洁和有效地燃烧。 一种行之有效的方法是家用气化炉灶,家用气化炉灶旨 在将少量的碳基固体生物质(通常来自废物或低成本物质)转化为用于烹饪的可燃气 体(参见Dussadee 博士关于气化炉如何工作来获取更多信息) 工作(2013))。 与燃烧传统木材或其他生物质的烹饪技术相比,气化炉烹饪炉具有许多优点。 在 气化炉中燃烧二次气体(热解)...

  2. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #12 Introduction When you come across an especially promising local variety of a crop grown in your area, how can you enable other farmers to try out this variety? If a farmer gives you 30 seeds of an exceptional variety, how might you go about distributing...

  3. 热带作物的叶子,如卡亚(Cnidoscolus aconitifolius)和木薯(Manihot esculenta)含有氰苷,当这些植物细胞被破坏会释放有毒的氢氰酸(HCN;也被称为氰化物或氰酸)。不烹煮地食用这些植物会导致氰化物中毒,其影响取决于氰化物含量和人或动物食用这些植物的时间长短。新西兰食品安全局的一份信息表描述了植物中的氰苷对人类健康的影响。要确定一种植物是否可以安全食用,使用Cyantesmo纸进行简单的氰化物测试非常有帮助。

  4. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 36. 作为一个致力于为人们提供农业资源和技术的机构,我们的重心常常会放在种子上。我们一次又一次地见证了自由授粉的种子价值被挖掘,土生适应性强和未充分利用的有价值的植物被发现,以及低成本种子储存技术的研究创新。这些特点构成了 ECHO 能力的基础,让地球上的其他人也有能力改善食物和农业系统。 我们种子银行的运营历史很长,一开始是在佛罗里达,现在到了亚洲和非洲,ECHO 尽全力不断地将种子给到最需要的人手中。2009 年,亚洲区域影响中心和种子银行建立,...

  5. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 41. [Editor’s Note: Anthony Wong the Managing Director of the Frangipani Langkawi Resort in Langkawi, Malaysia andis a longtime steward of green initiatives in Malaysia and the region. Using constructed wetland systems, grey water at his hotels are cleaned...
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ECHO Technical Notes

  1. So you want to help people in the tropics. Beautiful! The tropics are waiting for you. No matter what your abilities, you can make life better for others in the tropics. Your concern for the physical and spiritual well-being of people can be translated into fruitful service. Your first asset is...

General Technical Documents

  1. In every region of the world it is necessary to find or develop appropriate techniques for agriculture. A large part of the surface of the world is arid, characterized as too dry for conventional rain fed agriculture. Yet, millions of people live in such regions, and if current trends in...

  2. 2019-10-05 预备的农场自制的饲料能做出来了! 集成农牧系统带来了很多好处。通过仔细的计划和从小规模开始, 大多数农民将能够将牛、山羊、鸡或猪整合在一起,并提高他们农场的稳定性。作物残渣可以降低饲料成本,粪肥可以降低肥料成本。粪便也可以用来产生沼气用于做饭或取暖,也降低了农场的成本。放牧牲畜可以帮助管理杂草和促进土壤健康。 有了有效的管理,你甚至可以把大量废物从收割和运输饲料中变 成有用的副产品即生物炭。关键是每次采用一种合适的技术,并寻找将劳动最小化的方法。很快,你将能够安全地扩展你的改造和应用你学到的。然后你就可以和你所在地区的其他农民分享了! 这本手册提供了很多实用信息,开展饲料配方,...

ECHO Asia Notes

  1. 2016-03-01 Soil Microorganisms: What They Do and How to Measure Them Constructing an Improved Cold Room for Seed Storage Corrections and Notes from AN 26 Book Review: Eat Your Greens

Food Plant Solutions - Publications

  1. 2015-09-20 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants for a healthy diet inIndonesia. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every...

  2. 2015-09-20 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants of Indonesia. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very...


  1. 2013-01-01 This publicationon “Water Harvesting – Guidelines to Good Practice”was mandated by IFAD, prepared by WOCAT in collaboration with MetaMeta and RAIN and funded by SDC and IFAD. Find out more about theproject "Water Harvesting". Water security is a prerequisite to achieve food security. Water...


  1. 堆肥可以用来提高提高土质。你可以用植物,动物肥料及来制作堆肥。这个动画将阐述制作和储存堆肥的过程。

  2. This animation describes ways to effectively manage active TB. Effective TB management begins with preventing its spread. TB management also involves detecting, diagnosing, and treating the condition. If TB is detected, you will want to be placed on a TB antibiotic treatment plan. This involves...

  3. Tuberculosis (or TB) is a disease that mainly infects the lungs. Symptoms of active TB disease include a chronic bad cough, pain in the chest, or coughing up blood. However, some people who are infected with TB carry the bacteria but do not show these symptoms. They will appear perfectly healthy....
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