Hoy en día, muchas personas se encuentran en situaciones en las que necesitan producir alimentos en lo que se considera condiciones agrícolas poco ortodoxas. Ya sea debido a las restricciones de espacio limitado, como es el caso de quienes viven en ciudades, o los desafíos del trabajo con huertos comunitarios, escuelas u orfanatos que buscan la autosuficiencia, ECHO ofrece recursos para apoyar los esfuerzos agrícolas de quienes tienen poco o nada de tierra. Con soluciones que van desde el huerto urbano en los tejados hasta el cultivo de alimentos en sacos de pienso y neumáticos, estas técnicas muestran cómo se puede cultivar incluso con tierras y recursos limitados. Mediante el uso de recursos locales y de fácil disponibilidad, estas opciones pueden ser formas rentables y de fácil acceso para complementar alimentos e ingresos para quienes enfrentan los desafíos del huerto urbano y comunitario.

  1. Recurso clave
    1/1/1996 ¿Qué puede hacer una familia si la tasa de desempleo nacional es más de 50%, los sueldos son de uno o dos dólares por día, los precios de comida se están subiendo y a veces son más altos que en los EEUU, no tienen ni ahorros ni crédito, y no hay una red de seguridad gubernamental? Para muchos,...
  2. Recurso clave
    1/3/2009 Los conejos son animales para gente que le gusta comer carne y desean producirla con rapidez. Se reproducen rápidamente, hasta 8 crías cada tres meses. Un conejo joven puede pesar 4 libras en tres meses, más que un pollo de engorde. Los conejos son fáciles de criar tanto en zonas rurales como...
  3. Recurso clave
    23/7/2019 Descubrí los huertos centuplicados mientras investigaba sobre maneras de regar las plantas directamente en la zona radicular. Quería saber cómo controlar de una manera práctica y económica algunas de las variables que influyen sobre el crecimiento de la planta, como la disponibilidad del agua y...
  4. 20/11/2018 Most hunger and malnutrition around the world is not usually caused by a lack of food, although that may be changing. From the point of view of the hungry family, the cause is usually a lack of income sufficient to purchase the food. Anyone with enough income will be able to obtain food, except...
  5. This video is a description of the Urban Garden landscape at the ECHO Global Farm in North Fort Myers, FL. Dr. Motis describes in detail the methods used and decisions made in its design. This video is split into multiple parts: Part 2:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ax9uqV_mbY Part 3:...
  6. 19/8/1990 INTRODUCTION TO OUR SPECIAL EXPANDED ISSUE. One of ECHO's purposes is to help people grow food under difficult conditions. You are not likely to encounter a soil worse for gardening than a cement slab. Neither will you find such large areas of unused growing space in full sun and near prime...
  7. 1/1/2008 Low cost, low technology, lightweight methods to produce food on rooftops and other locations above the ground.
  8. 20/7/2008 For 25 years, ECHO has promoted several methods for growing vegetables above ground, particularly methods well suited to urban settings on rooftops, concrete slabs, or in areas where gardens may benefit from being out of the ground
  9. 19/10/1996 The Shallow Bed Garden The Shallow Pool Garden Wick Gardens Tire Gardens
  10. By Abdoulaye Seck The Microgardening technology is mainly based on 1 or 0.5 m2 wood tables and therefore, can be installed everywhere. Land is an issue in peri-urban/urban and even in some rural areas. The technology can be installed everywhere in household compounds (even in terraces and...
  11. This group pageexists so that individuals involved in UrbanGardens around the world can connect. We encourage you to share the challenges you face in your endeavors, discuss lessons and techniques learned through your experiences, and share your story!
  12. 25/1/2016 Cuando tratan de encontrar contenedores para cultivos que sean accesibles en los países en desarrollo, las organizaciones y trabajadores en todas partes han promovido el uso de un material de desecho que está siempre disponible: las llantas. A lo largo de los años muchos han preguntado si las...
  13. 19/4/1996 Tires make handy containers for gardening.
  14. 19/6/1983 I first read of this method of gardening in Organic Gardening magazine where it was referred to as permanent mulch gardening. My reaction was that there must be something wrong with anything so easy or everyone would be using it. But our garden has performed so exceptionally well with so little...
  15. 1/9/2010 A case study on the introduction of the microgardening technology in The Gambia (West Africa)
  16. 1/7/2014 En Haití, un programa de huerto de patio está ayudando a las familias e individuos a lograr un cambio real en el área vecina a sus hogares. ¡Los resultados, descritos y plasmados en algunas fotos que se presentan a continuación, pueden ser impresionantes! Mark Hare, de MPP, describe el programa...
  17. El rápido crecimiento de las ciudades en los países en desarrollo somete a grandes exigencias a los sistemas de suministro de alimentos de las ciudades. La agricultura -incluida la horticultura, ganadería, pesca, silvicultura y la producción de forraje y leche- se está extendiendo cada vez más a...
  18. 1/7/2004 El Proyectos de Desarrollo de Área (PDAs)de Kiffa trabaja con varias cooperativas de mujeres, a través de las cuales se efectuó la capacitación sobre huertos en llantas. Luego de la capacitación, a cada mujer se le dieron varios paquetes pequeños de semillas y se les alentó a iniciar un huerto....
  19. Recurso clave 1/12/1996 The number of people living in cities will more than double in by the year 2033. At the same time it is clear that past incentives to keep the developing World's people in rural areas have not worked. This text presents a picture of the urban agriculture of Asia, Africa and Latin America, and...
  20. 1/1/1994 Filled with marketing and business management basics and diverse examples that entertain and enlighten. Case studies show how successful metrofarmers possess the vision and persistence to prosper. Bob Hoftetter, New Farm Magazine There is a tremendous amount of useful information in MetroFarm....
  21. Abstract, Spore, 2019 April Feeding the world's growing population – two-thirds of whom will live in urban areas by 2050 – calls for agricultural innovation to facilitate food production in ever smaller spaces, especially in cities. With cities expanding and climate change placing greater...
  22. 1/10/1994 For the urban poor of the South, food is becoming a prohibitively expensive commodity. By the late 1980s, cities of the developing world had to import half their food supply. Urban agriculture, it is argued, can reduce this dependency. But most Southern governments do not support it. Cities...
  23. Recurso clave 1/1/1996 This is a book of practical ideas. It is written for people who help those who live and make their living under difficult conditions in the tropics and subtropics. What should a development worker do to assist a community? There are no simple answers, but there are many possibilities—plants,...
  24. Recurso clave 20/1/2002 This Agrodok targets those who want to grow vegetables and other crops for their families or for the local market in urban and peri-urban areas. Factors that urban agriculturalists and gardeners need to take into consideration when selecting where to plant their crops and the best methods of...
  25. Abstract,International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 2018 In urban centers today, Controlled Environment Agriculture is being proposed as a potential alternative to conventional agriculture using hydroponic methods in controlled spaces as a means to increase local food production and...
  26. Abstract, HortTechnology, 2019 Urban horticulture is not as new as many people think. Throughout history, different techniques have been used to ensure sustainable urban agricultural production. A good example of this is the chinampa system, which was developed during the time of the Aztecs in...
  27. Abstract, Horticulturae, 2016 A wicking bed (WB) is a plant driven system where plants receive water through capillary rise from a self-contained coarse material-filled subsoil reservoir. WBs have been widely promoted as a water-efficient irrigation solution for small-scale and urban food...
  28. 18/11/2015 Mark’s presentation will demonstrate how the Haiti-based FONDAMA Yard Garden program helps people make small, daily changes that are consistent, persistent, and positive without being intrusive. We will look at examples of how the program helps people recognize the power they have to learn to use...
  29. 1/1/2002 Growing Vegetables in Cities Urban agriculture can be described as follows: “All forms of agricultural production in or directly adjacent to the city, which mainly provide urban markets with food products for sale to consumers or for consumption by the city-dwelling growers themselves.” This...
  30. The RUAF Global Partnership on Sustainable Urban Agriculture and Food Systems is a partnership of strategically selected expert institutions. The partnership brings together cities, research institutes and civil society organisations with a recognised track record in urban and peri-urban...
  31. da Cunha, M.A., Paraguassú, L.A.A., Assis, J.G.d.et al.Urban gardening and neglected and underutilized species in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.J Ethnobiology Ethnomedicine16, 67 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13002-020-00421-0 Urban agriculture has been evidenced as a food production and...
  32. 19/3/2025 Home gardens are typically small growing areas near the homestead that contain crops of specific importance to the family. Home gardens offer quick access to herbs, fruits, and vegetables that help boost household nutrition.This article will detail step-by-step instructions for how to make a tire...
  33. 19/5/1993 The goal of ECHO's rooftop gardening project is to develop gardens that are: exceptionally lightweight inexpensive uncomplicated to build and maintain
  34. 19/12/1994 Women survive on little land - Argentina City farming Hydroponics Bio-intensive gardening - Bangladesh Philippine resettlers start organic gardens Urban agriculture network Gardening on garbage Waste Grazing alternatives The cattle of Chitungwiza
  35. 20/1/2015 As people increasingly migrate to urban settings and more than half of the world’s population now lives in cities, it is vital to plan and provide for sustainable and resilient food systems which refl ect this challenge. This volume presents experience and evidence-based “state of the art”...
  36. Presented at the ECHO International Agriculture Conference 2015 Mark’s presentation will demonstrate how the Haiti-based FONDAMA Yard Garden program helps people make small, daily changes that are consistent, persistent, and positive without being intrusive. We will look at examples of how the...