The causes of food losses and waste in low-income countries are mainly connected to financial, managerial and technical limitations in harvesting techniques, storage and cooling facilities in difficult climatic conditions, infrastructure, packaging and marketing systems. Given that many smallholder farmers in developing countries live on the margins of food insecurity, a reduction in food losses could have an immediate and significant impact on their livelihoods.

The food supply chains in developing countries need to be strengthened by, inter alia, encouraging small farmers to organize and to diversify and upscale their production and marketing. Investments in infrastructure, transportation, food industries and packaging industries are also required. Both the public and private sectors have a role to play in achieving this.

-- FAO, Save Food!, 2011

  1. Ressource principale 01/01/2001 Often the biggest challenge faced by a tropical farmer is not in the production of a crop but rather in the preservation of the crop. Farmers may want to preserve a crop for future consumption or for sale at a time when the market will offer a higher price. Using a solar dehydrator is a simple,...
  2. 20/06/2000 Instructions for making onion powder. This processing would be for long-term storage and for the economic advantage of selling the processed onions at a greater price when fresh onions are no longer available.
  3. 01/10/2005 In Cassava Cyanide Diseases News (CCDN), Issue 4,December 2004, Dr. J. Howard Bradbury wrote about a method of processing cassava that could substantially reduce the cyanide content of flour.
  4. 19/10/1996 The goal of most agricultural development is to improve people's nutrition, with an increase in quality, quantity, and diversity of food produced. Each issue of ECHO Development Notes discusses plants and techniques which can enable farmers to produce more food of higher nutritional value. Beyond...
  5. 01/01/1997 This is a comprehensive guide to the processing of traditional foods, from Asia, Africa and Latin America, which are made and sold at a small commercial scale of operation. It provides technical information needed by small food businesses to introduce or upgrade their processes and products, and...
  6. Since 1939, IFT has been advancing the science of food and its application across the global food system by creating a dynamic forum where individuals from more than 90 countries can collaborate, learn, and grow, transforming scientific knowledge into innovative solutions for the benefit of...
  7. Abstract, International Journal of Food Science, 2020 Some tropical countries in the Southeast Asia are rich in exotic fruits with worldwide acceptance, such as mango, orange, snake fruit, durian, jackfruit, rambutan, and avocado. In addition to their abundant production, those fruits are also...
  8. Ressource principale 20/01/2000 This book, PERMACOPIA THREE; AN INVENTORY, is a study of many popular foods, plus some less known, multipurpose plants. The species in this book have been chosen for their acceptance, availability, utility, & their relative lack of rampancy. Included are species for fruit, vegetable, greens,...
  9. 26/11/2019 Session: The presentation will discuss perennial vegetables, traditional nutrient dense vegetables, and their important role in improving nutrition at the household level. This presentation will focus on multiplication and distribution of plants that are very nutritious for human consumption....
  10. USDA Extension Service used to have home canning directions for lye hominy. This procedure was removed from the publications in the 1980's due to poor availability of food grade lye, concerns over the safety of handling lye in the home, and lack of popular interest. The directions have remained...
  11. 01/01/1981 This publication tells how to garden organically and includes some recipes.
  12. Ressource principale 01/01/1994 This book looks at milk processing, traditional methods and products, improving milk processing technologies, socio-economic considers and includes case studies.
  13. 04/09/2012 The cofounders of Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company take you through more than 125 vegan recipes that are healthy and easy to make. They share tips and tricks on canning and preserving, as well as provide a list of pantry staples to have on hand.
  14. Les banques de céréales peuvent être un moyen efficace de lutter contre l'insécurité alimentaire. Ce guide contient des conseils étape par étape sur la création et la gestion d’une banque de céréales. Une banque de céréales est une institution communautaire de base qui achète, emmagasine et...
  15. Abstract, Nigerian Food Journal, 2013 This study evaluated the effects of substitutingwheat flourwith defatted Jackbean flourand Jack bean protein concentrate on bread quality. Jack bean flour milled from the seed nibs was defatted with n-hexane and part of the defatted flour (DJF) extracted in...
  16. New technologies have enabled agricultural products to be turned into a wide range of food commodities. These activities can enable food to have a longer shelf-life and can provide income generation opportunities to support the millions of poor families who can no longer make a living from the...
  17. 20/01/2006 There are many excellent texts available which cover the fundamentals of food engineering, equipment design, modelling of food processing operations etc. There are also several very good works in food science and technology dealing with the chemical composition, physical properties, nutritional...
  18. 01/01/1999 This book is not a conventional book of home preserves. Procedures for preserving 50 products without refirgeration are described, using easy techniques, few resources, and natural methods without chemical additives. The procedures include: drying in the sun, fermentation, preservation by heat...
  19. 06/09/2013 Small-scale food processing is important worldwide. For individual processors, it is highly accessible as a start-up business, especially for women; farmers and fishermen can readily diversify into processing to increase their incomes; and high added-value enables processors to earn an income...
  20. 01/01/1998 Training in food processing can open up opportunities for individuals who lack business experience, by providing training in costing and marketing a new product. This book offers a blueprint for such comprehensive training. It first explains the importance of needs assessment, course preparation,...
  21. 14/11/2017 Growing, harvesting, preserving and marketing food that benefits from chilling or freezing is no easy process. Middlemen, lack of education, poor technology transfer, difficult or non-existent agriculture credit, unclear market linkages, tradition, volume and production inconsistencies, lack of...
  22. Growing, harvesting, preserving and marketing food that benefits from chilling or freezing is no easy process. Middlemen, lack of education, poor technology transfer, difficult or non-existent agriculture credit, unclear market linkages, tradition, volume and production inconsistencies, lack of...
  23. Food preservation has become a part and parcel of the life of a common man. Food preservation is inevitable owing to many reasons. Some foods such as fruits and vegetables are available in specific seasons and not in others, while other foods are more abundantly available in some season than in...
  24. An international journal of small-scale food processing and food supply management ISSN 2046-1887 (Print) 2046-1879 (Online) Food Chainis an international journal for all those involved in developing the supply of high-quality foods from ‘farm gate to plate’ and those who use food...
  25. AccessAgriculture Training Video Dans cette vidéo, nous apprenons les étapes importantes nécessaires pour produire un bon yaourt de qualité, que ce soit pour la consommation domestique ou pour la vente. Langues disponibles Anglais Arabe Ateso Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga...
  26. Ressource principale 01/11/1993 This source book describes the traditional methods of fish processing and then looks at new and improved techniques which in most cases can be constructed locally. Types of processing covered include drying, salting, smoking and fermenting.
  27. Ressource principale 01/12/1994 Focuses on the processing of four cereals - maize (or corn), rice, sorghum, and wheat. A useful guide for those intending to set up a cereal-processing enterprise. Topics include harvesting, threshing, storage, milling, hulling, baking and fermenting. (Food cycle Technology Source Books)
  28. Ressource principale 01/09/1993 Offers guidance on the selection of appropriate equipment for small businesses, with case studies and technical information about each type of machine. For field workers training for food processing projects, and their trainers, and the non-specialist.
  29. AccessAgriculture Training Video Bien que le riz soit très nutritif, une part importante de sa qualité est perdue durant son traitement. Ceci se traduit par un riz de qualité inférieure sur le marché, incitant les consommateurs à se tourner vers le riz importé. Cette vidéo vous explique comment...
  30. POSTHARVEST FOOD LOSS OR FOOD WASTE? Recently issues of global food losses and food waste have been making the news, with estimates of 30 to 40% of all the food produced on earth going to waste before it can be consumed. Global food losses and waste (sometimes referred to as FLW) vary widely...
  31. Nutrient contents in foods can vary significantly because: of environmental, genetic and processing influences such as feed, soil, climate, genetic resources (varieties/cultivars, breeds), storage conditions, processing, fortification and market share; each country has its own consumption pattern...
  32. 17/11/2015 Peanut Butter! Hot sauce! Dried fruit! Goat jerky!? Adding value to agricultural products by preserving, processing, and/or packaging them can be very tempting when one considers only the selling price. This workshop will engage participants to consider how adding value can also add risk. Sharpen...
  33. Le beurre de karité est une graisse de couleur ivoire ou jaunâtre qui est extraite de noix de l'arbre de karité (Vitellaria paradoxa), qui se trouve en Afrique de l'Ouest. Le beurre de karité est utilisé dans les cosmétiques, y compris la crème hydratante ainsi que des aliments tels que le...
  34. Ressource principale 01/12/1993 Offers the non-specialist an insight into the ranges of methods and equipment available for preserving products, increasing the quality and range of foodstuffs and indicating where the hazards are when setting up a small food processing concern.
  35. Ressource principale 29/04/2003 This guide provides development workers and small-scale entrepreneurs with the basic information and advice that they need to set up a small-scale food processing enterprise. Part one considers the food processes that are suitable for different crops including fruit and vegetable products; cereal...
  36. Low-cost drying technologies suitable for rural farming areas are presented. Some of the important considerations with regard to their suitability include: 1. Low initial capital; 2. easy-to-operate with no complicated electronic/ mechanical protocol, and 3. effective in promoting better drying...
  37. AccessAgriculture Training Videos Les chips de mangue séchées sont des casse-croûte savoureux et sains qui peuvent être vendus même hors saison à un bon prix. Langues disponibles Anglais Bambara Français Kiswahili Peulh / Fulfuldé / Pulaar Twi Wolof
  38. AccessAgriculture Training Video Les graines et les semences de haricots mungo nécessitent des soins particuliers pendant la récolte et le stockage. Enrobez les graines d’huile végétale et conservez-les dans un pot en terre. Ajoutez des feuilles de neem et du piment rouge sec. Recouvrez le pot...
  39. AccessAgriculture Training Video Des femmes au Bénin nous montrent qu'il y a trois choses importantes : avoir de bonnes variétés d’arachide, s’assurer de bonnes pratiques de récolte et post-récolte, et adopter de bonnes méthodes de transformation. Langues disponibles Anglais Arabe Bambara Bemba...
  40. 01/01/2007 Ce dépliant de 8 pages, facile à lire et particulièrement adapté à la consultation sur le terrain, traite de la conservation des légumes feuilles et des fruits. Il propose des informations générales sur le sujet traité, une description des procédés, divers conseils, des tableaux et des croquis...
  41. The mission of this journal is to timely present the results of the research activities in Food Science and Technology, coupling innovation with an eye on sustainability. Sharing the results of research activities between researchers of public institutions and industrial R&D departments,...
  42. This Agrodok (#3) is meant to be a practical manual giving a review of the simple techniques used to preserve fruits and vegetables. The general introduction deals with the principles of spoilage prevention. Following this, the various methods of preserving are explained, and the main points of...
  43. The UC Davis chimney solar dryer was designed to provide efficient drying even in hazy or partially cloudy conditions. Constructing the dryer is simple, and it can be built from low-cost materials found locally in markets and shops around the world. The objective of this manual is to provide the...