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FAO definition:   

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) means the careful consideration of all available pest control techniques and subsequent integration of appropriate measures that discourage the development of pest populations and keep pesticides and other interventions to levels that are economically justified and reduce or minimize risks to human health and the environment. IPM emphasizes the growth of a healthy crop with the least possible disruption to agro-ecosystems and encourages natural pest control mechanisms.

  1. Key Resource 2021/04/07 Insect feeding damageor other insect activity can look similar to many bacterial, fungal, or viral diseases or to plant nutrient deficiency symptoms. Before taking action against an assumed insect pest, verify that the symptoms you observe are not caused by a bacterial, viral, or fungal...
  2. In the Push-Pull system, crops that repel pests and/or attract pests’ predators are intercropped with maize, to ‘push’ pests away from the main crop. Plants that attract pests are planted around the field, to ‘pull’ pests away from the maize. Incorporating legumes in this system means that soil...
  3. 2019/10/18 When the topic of agricultural pest management is mentioned, most people think first about monitoring for pests or intervening to reduce pests: scouting, pest identification, and/or application of pesticides are some specific practices. However, prevention is a often-overlooked key strategy that...
  4. Key Resource 2021/04/06 Part 2 of 4 in a series about Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Insect pests affect all forms of agricultural production, from densely planted field crops to high-value nursery plants to grains in storage. A pest management plan should start with foundational knowledge about local pest species and...
  5. 2021/07/06 One of the most critical decisions a farmer makes during a growing season is how to effectively control pests to preserve the productivity and economic value of a crop. A farmer’s reaction to seeing pests in their crops or grain is to intervene to protect his or her livelihood. The first two...
  6. Key Resource OISAT is an information management concept on non-chemical pest management in the tropics comprising two components: OISATInfo is a web-based information tool offering trainers, extension workers and farmers a quick access to up-to-date information for their work and for organizing agricultural...
  7. 2016/02/02 In this talk, Kittichai gives an overview of integrated pest management (IPM) and one IPM technique, the use of fungi beuveria as a natural insecticide. Kittichai shares how beuveria can be replicated and used in community development projects
  8. 2017/05/23 This PPT is an introduction and discussion on "Integrated Pest Management." Integrated Pest Management is:"An ecological approach to pest management that understands the causes of outbreaks, how to manipulate ecosystems and how to evaluate thresholds to determine if control is needed"
  9. 2011/01/20
  10. Cereals Fruits & Nuts Legumes Other IPM Roots, Tubers & Bananas Vegetables
  11. An integrated approach to plant protection The mission of the International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences (IAPPS) is to promote and support an integrated, scientific approach to plant protection. Embracing a wide range of research approaches, technologies and practices, IAPPS aims...
  12. CIPM fosters the development and implementation of pest management programs and policies based on a high level of knowledge of pest biology coupled with choices of monitoring tools and control technology, resulting in economically sound, environmentally compatible, and sociologically responsible...
  13. Access Agriculture Training Video Food baits can be used as a spot spray or in bait stations. Fruit flies can detect food baits over short distances, up to 10 metres. Some baits contain a natural insecticide that is allowed in organic fruit production. Available languages Bangla Dioula English...
  14. Access Agriculture Training Video Weaver ants help to protect your fruit and nuts from fruit flies and many other pests. If you don’t have weaver ants in your orchard yet, collect all the nests from an ant colony and transfer them to one of your fruit trees. Help the ants to spread to more trees...
  15. Access Agriculture Training Video It takes a few minutes for a fruit fly to find a suitable spot on the mango and inject her eggs under the skin of the fruit. But even in that short time, the weaver ants will have either chased her away or have captured her. Their scent also helps. When other...
  16. Access Agriculture Training Video Fruit flies inject their eggs in fruit. A single fruit fly can lay hundreds of eggs, which turn into white worms that eat the inside of fruit. If no action is taken, fruit flies quickly increase in numbers and can destroy your entire crop. Always combine...
  17. Access Agriculture Training Video Intercropping or rotating cereal crops with legume crops are two of the strategies of integrated striga and soil fertility management. But keeping quality legume seed has two major challenges. First, the seed easily loses its ability to germinate. And second, we...
  18. Access Agriculture Training Video This video looks at various modern methods of integrated biological control in the fight against the pests of palm trees. It features the use of intercropping, light traps and environmentally-friendly organic pesticides. Available languages Arabic English French...
  19. The Official Journal of theInternational Association for the Plant Protection Sciences The Editors ofCrop Protectionespecially welcome papers describing an interdisciplinary approach showing how differentcontrol strategiescan be integrated into practicalpest managementprograms, covering high and...
  20. Abstract - International Journal of Zoology, 2016 Integrated pest management (IPM) is an environmentally friendly technology. IPM is a multifaceted approach to pest management that seeks to minimize negative impacts on the environment. This technique is an important step towards providing...
  21. Journal of Integrated Pest Managementis an open access, peer-reviewed, extension journal covering the field of integrated pest management. The Editors-in-Chief are Dr. Marlin E. Rice (formerly with Iowa State University) and Dr. Kevin L. Steffey (formerly with the University of Illinois). The...
  22. Our concept in creating this site is to provide an electronic alternative or complement to printed textbooks for communicating information on integrated pest management (IPM). Our objectives are to provide: a venue for easily maintaining and up-dating "state of the art" information from the...
  23. The Crop Pest Diagnosis package focuses specifically on the skills and methodologies required for field-based diagnosis. It helps plant health practitioners and students to develop and improve their ability to recognise symptoms, relate them to causes, and to identify what is causing the problem....
  24. 2017/12/15 This book provides up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of the research and application of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in tropical regions. The first section explores the agro-ecological framework that represents the foundations of IPM in addition to emerging technologies in chemical and...
  25. Abstract, Tropicultura, 2012 Jatropha curcas L. seed oil is proven to be toxic to many microorganisms, insects and animals. Despite its toxicity, Jatropha is not pest and disease resistant. The following major pests and diseases affecting Jatropha in the lower valley of the Senegal river have...
  26. The Fall Armyworm is an insect that can damage your maize plants or even cause you to lose your whole maize crop. The best way to protect your maize crop is to scout early and treat early. In this animation, we will explain how to scout for the fall armyworm, so you can take action to protect...
  27. Access Agriculture Video Tomato leaf curl cannot be cured by any product. The disease is spread by whiteflies. The best way to control the disease is through prevention. A net house can protect your nursery. A border of cereals around your vegetable field helps keep whiteflies out. Farmers in...
  28. Fall armyworm (FAW) poses a serious threat to food security in sub-Saharan Africa. Originally from the Americas, FAW outbreaks first occurred in West Africa in early 2016 and are now on the precipice of devastating food supplies across the continent, exacerbating global poverty and hunger. FAW...
  29. 2018/01/20 This FAW IPM Guide is designed for use by professionals in plant protection organizations, extension agencies, research institutions, and Governments, whose primary focus is smallholder farmers and the seed systems that support them. The FAW IPM Guide is meant to provide an important foundation...
  30. Before discussing the key ecological principles and approaches to soil management, let’s first see how amazing plants really are. They use a variety of systems to defend themselves from attack by insects and diseases. Sometimes they can just outgrow a small pest problem by putting out new root or...
  31. The fundamentals of managing pests in protected structures are very similar in many respects to managing pests in field crops. The grower must still develop a management plan, assembling pertinent information for identifying, monitoring and controlling specific pests before planting. Integration...
  32. The NPDN was established in 2002 in response to the need to enhance agricultural security through protecting health and productivity of plants in agricultural and natural ecosystems in the U.S. With support from the USDA-NIFA and through the collective efforts of many individuals representing...
  33. Abstract, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2014 April Farming systems for pest control, based on the stimulo-deterrent diversionary strategy or push–pull system, have become an important target for sustainable intensification of food production. A prominent example is push–pull developed in...
  34. 2019/02/13 Session: There exists a perfect synergy between research and community perceptions and expectations in agro-ecology. Farmer involvement provides evidence-based research questions and fosters in-depth research and constructive findings for the society. The presentation shares strategies for farmer...
  35. Access Agriculture Training Video By making best use of farmers’ friends and local plants on the farm, nature will help you control the fall armyworm and reward you with a good and healthy crop. Available languages: Amharic Arabic Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga Dholuo Dioula...
  36. icipeis a tropical organisation with a tropical agenda. But why study insects? Because in the tropics, insects are a fact of life to be reckoned with. Insects pose a great risk to food production, often causing the loss of entire crops and destroying about half of all harvested food in storage....
  37. Session:There exists a perfect synergy between research and community perceptions and expectations in agro-ecology. Farmer involvement provides evidence-based research questions and fosters in-depth research and constructive findings for the society. The presentation shares strategies for farmer...
  38. Abstract, 2017, Journal of Integrated Pest Management The fall armyworm,Spodoptera frugiperda(J. E. Smith 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is the most important corn pest in South America. Larvae feed mostly on leaves, but also ears when population densities are high. This pest has been...
  39. Abstract, 2018, Outlooks on Pest Management Fall armyworm (FAW)Spodoptera frugiperdainvaded Africa, with the first detections being reported in Central and Western Africa in early 2016, and now affects at least 40 countries in Africa, causing up to total crop loss amounting to over $6.2 billion...
  40. Growing maize is hard work and pests make it even harder. Insect pests can attack your maize crop and destroy it, affecting your family's nutrition, or costing you money. This animation will take you through the steps of protecting your field from pests like the stem borers by using a push-pull...
  41. The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) is becoming a household name around the world, but not for good reasons – the pest, native to the tropical and subtropical Americas, devours over 300 plant species, including maize, which feeds millions of people every day. In Africa alone, the fall...
  42. View a how-to video for using natural enemies against the devastating millet head miner. Factsheet
  43. Abstract,Outlooks on Pest Management, 2018 Rapid dissemination of critical and accurate information to low-resource and poorly literate people in crisis situations has long been a challenge. Historically, print media as well as radio and television have served as major delivery channels. With the...
  44. This comprehensive catalogue has been compiled in response to the need for greater access to training and extension materials in tropical and subtropical regions. Drawn from sources worldwide, the catalogue is designed to assist all those working in crop protection to develop and implenet...
  45. 2012/01/01 This manual from the University of California Statewide IPM Program is the most comprehensive, practical field guide ever developed for setting up and carrying out an IPM program in any type of crop or landscape. IPM in Practice features IPM strategies for weed, insect, pathogen, nematode, and...
  46. Access Agriculture Training Video Unlike most botanical insecticides, the plants can take up neem extracts through their roots and leaves, spreading the material throughout the plant tissues. For this reason, neem can help control pests like leaf miners, which feed inside leaves and are normally...
  47. Access Agriculture Training Video Spraying pesticides is expensive and usually cannot control this pest. Visit your field twice a week for the first 6 weeks and kill any egg masses and young armyworms by hand. It is important to do scouting because without it, you will not have a harvest at the...
  48. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in Thailand share practical tips to reduce the chance of mealybugs arriving in your cassava field. Special attention is paid to planting time; using healthy planting materials; disinfecting cassava stakes; protecting beneficial insects; and regularly...
  49. Access Agriculture Training Video Pheromones attract and help to kill the males, so they cannot mate with the females. And without mating, female fruit flies will not be able to lay eggs. To attract and kill the male flies with pheromones, you need to use traps to protect the products from the...
  50. Access Agriculture Training Video You can easily control aphids by using some organic practices, such as sprinkling ash, spraying a neem solution or planting trap crops. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja Dioula English French Hausa Kiswahili Luganda Marathi...
  51. Access Agriculture Training Video One fruit fly can lay a few hundred eggs during her life. Fruit flies puncture the skin of fruit to lay their eggs, which cause the fruit to drop prematurely and rot. The worms that hatch from these eggs leave the spoilt fruit after one week and crawl into the...
  52. Access Agriculture Training Video Unless you identify the pest at an early stage, much of the crop can be lost.By combining different organic methods, you will harvest a lot more rice and make more money. Available languages English French Tamil
  53. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in India show how ladybird beetles kill mealybugs. By knocking mealybugs off the plants with a strong spray of water, they will die. You can also spray neem oil or an extract of bitter leaves mixed with water or urine. Some biological pesticides contain...
  54. Access Agriculture Training Video By keeping live barriers with flowers around your fields, you help to protect the wasps and the other good insects. And it is easier to produce quinoa without insecticides while conserving our fertile soil. Available languages Arabic Bambara English French...
  55. 2021/10/04 This article is the fourth and final segment of ECHO's Integrated Pest Management (IPM) series focusing on insect pests. The first three articles about pest prevention [http://edn.link/prevent], monitoring [http://edn.link/ipm2], and control [http://edn.link/ipm3] are available on...
  56. 2020/06/01 This booklet explains how to keep pests from your crops by using ash from wood or rice husks. This uses material taken fromFootsteps 54- the literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission. This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by MissionAssist.
  57. Integrated pest management (IPM) is defined as a farmer-based and knowledge-intensive management approach that encourages natural and cultural control of pest populations by anticipating pest problems and managing their numbers to reduce losses, while permitting safer pesticide uses where...
  58. 1989/01/01 This paper examines the complex nature of pest problems and evaluates both chemical and nonchemical controls. The objectives of IPM are assessed, together with its current accomplishments and its future as a pest-control strategy. Although the paper emphasizes agriculture, the concepts and...
  59. 2022/11/16 Session :In this session we'll begin with an indoor presentation talking through the basics of entomology and insect behavior as it relates to managing insect pests in settings ranging from a home garden to a larger farm. Following that we'll explore ways that we can control insects using a...
  60. 1993/07/19 Campaign for pesticide free rice Rapid composting saves labour How fertile is fertilizer aid Fish reduce pesticide use Growing maize in Tanzania Integrated nutrient management Indigenous vegetables from Nepal
  61. 2013/01/20 Many of the important agricultural and horticultural crops cultivated worldwide belong to the genus Brassica. The main brassicas grown in East Africa are cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata); kale, also called choumolea (B. oleracea L. var. acephala); Chinese cabbage (B. campestris L....
  62. Bugwood Images is a grant-funded project that was started in 1994 by the University of Georgia's Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health. The website was launched in 2001 and has grown and received a great deal of recognition since then. Bugwood Images provides an easily accessible...
  63. 1989/03/19 Religious ceremonies have practical value in Sri Lanka Brazilian farmers - composting helps to prevent pests Schoolboys assist farmers as IPM scouts in the Philippines Integrated pest management Ancient methods Natural crop protection Rice cultivation Herbal preparations Understanding plant...
  64. 1986/11/19 Integrated pest management - Nicaragua Insecticial plants Biological control Do small farmers have effective alternatives to chemical pesticides Natural crop protection based on local resources Natural enemies wanter Mexican farmers sell organic coffee
  65. 2007/12/20 Pest management Ecological pest management Traditional ecological management of late blight in potato The theory of trophobiosis in pest and disease control Plant clinics for healthy crops Rats - an ecologically-based approach for managing a global problem Changing the strategies of Farmer Field...
  66. 1985/01/01 Insect control is the effort made to protect crops, animals, or other targets of insect attack from unacceptable injury or loss. If destructive insect populations are allowed to cause significant damage or injury to their target host, economic loss or a decline in human health may result....
  67. The editable source documents (.docx and .pub)of these materials are available in many other languages fromthe CFGB database. The source documents are updated periodically so check here for the most current formats. We encourage you to adapt the source for your purposes. Learning Outcomes –...