Kilimo cha miti ya misitu
Katika lugha rahisi, kilimo mseto ni uzalishaji wa miti na mazao ambayo si miti au wanyama kwenye kipande hicho cha ardhi. Mazao yanaweza kupandwa kwa wakati mmoja, kupandwa kwa mzunguko, au yanaweza kulimwa kwenye ploti tofauti pale ambapo mahitaji ya kimoja yanaweza kunufaisha kingine. Ingawaje, tafsiri hii rahisi imeshindwa kuweka maanani mjumuisho wa dhana zinazoendana na kilimo mseto ambazo zinafanya mfumo huu wa usimamizi wa ardhi kuwezekana na wa kujitegemea na unaofaa kiikolojia katika mfumo wowote wa kilimo. Kwa hiyo, ufafanuzi wa pili wa kilimo cha mseto ungekuwa ujumuishaji wa miti, mimea na wanyama katika mifumo ya kihifadhi ya muda mrefu na yenye uzalishaji.
Kilimo mseto kinaweza kuzingatiwa kama njia kuliko teknolojia moja iliyokamilishwa. Ingawa mifumo kadhaa ya kumaliza imebuniwa inaweza kuhitaji marekebisho kwa hali. Kubadilika kwa njia ya kulimo mseto ni moja ya faida zake.
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- Inapatikana pia katika:
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- Inapatikana pia katika:
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- Inapatikana pia katika:
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- Inapatikana pia katika:
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- Inapatikana pia katika:
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- Inapatikana pia katika:
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- Inapatikana pia katika:
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- Inapatikana pia katika:
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- Inapatikana pia katika:
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- Inapatikana pia katika:
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- Abstract, Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 2015 April Inventorying field mapped plots can be difficult in tropical forest because visibility and access are limited due to high density of woody plants. Additionally, steep slopes and frequent presence of fog further complicate field measurements...
- As long ago as the 1978 World Forestry congress the notion of the importance of 'Forests for People' has been a part of the formal discourse of foresters, even if many did little more than pay lip-service to the idea. While few have been prepared to go as far as Jack Westoby, who clearly...
- Abstract, Plant roots can grow anywhere-in the soil, on the surface of the soil, in the water, and even in the air. Except for the first formed roots that respond positively to gravity, most roots do not grow toward anything or in any particular direction. Root growth is essentially opportunistic...
- Slides from Shibu Jose, author of Agroforestry for ecosystem services and environmental benefits: an overview
- Abstract,Journal of Environmental Quality, 2011 Investments in agroforestry research during the past three decades—albeit modest—have yielded significant gains in understanding the role of trees on farmlands, and the ecological and economic advantages of integrated farming systems. While early...
- This technology describes a combination of good practices for soil and water conservation that were introduced to coffee farmers in the central cattle corridor of Uganda, with aim to enhance their resilience to dry spells, pests and diseases, as part of the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA)...
- Inapatikana pia katika:
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- Inapatikana pia katika:
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- Inapatikana pia katika:
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- Inapatikana pia katika:
- English (en)
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- Español (es)
- Inapatikana pia katika:
- English (en)
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- Inapatikana pia katika:
- Français (fr)
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- Inapatikana pia katika:
- Français (fr)
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- English (en)
- Inapatikana pia katika:
- Français (fr)
- Español (es)
- English (en)
- Inapatikana pia katika:
- Français (fr)
- Español (es)
- English (en)
- Inapatikana pia katika:
- Français (fr)
- English (en)