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  1. Ressource principale
    01/01/1983 Amaranth [Amaranthus hypochondriacus, A. cruentus (grain type) & A. tricolor (vegetable type)] is an herbaceous annual with upright growth habit, cultivated for both its seeds which are used as a grain and its leaves which are used as a vegetable or green. Both leaves and seeds contain...
  2. Ressource principale
    01/06/1998 There are more than one hundred major species of fruits in the tropics, which make a very interesting contribution to the appetite as well as to good nutrition. These species vary in ecological requirements, in season of production, in yields, uses and, of course, in many other characteristics....
  3. Ressource principale 01/08/1984 Several types of hives and their construction will be described but it must always be kept in mind that availability of materials is of extreme importance. There are places where lumber is readily available at reasonable prices and, certainly, if it is termite-proof or termite-proofed it is the...
  4. 01/01/1999 The cashew, Anacardium occidentale, is a resilient and fast-growing evergreen tree that can grow to a height of 20 m (60 ft). It belongs to the family Anacardiaceae, which also contains poison ivy and the mango. Native to arid northeastern Brazil, the cashew was taken around the world by the...
  5. Ressource principale
    01/01/2006 Frank Martin, Ruth Ruberte et Laura Meitzner abondent dans le même sens dans leur livre Edible Leaves of the Tropics. En tant que source alimentaire de grande qualité l’année durant dans unelarge gamme de conditions, c’est une des plantes à feuilles comestibles les plus importantes des tropiques....
  6. Ressource principale 01/01/1995 Domesticated food producing animals in the world outnumber the human population, two to one. There are thousands of animal species in the world, yet, only a few have been successfully domesticated on a permanent basis and none within the last 2000 years. In fact, five species (cattle, sheep,...
  7. Ressource principale 01/06/1984 The uses of cucurbit seeds as sources of oils and proteins have been reviewed by Jacks, et al. (1972). After the hull is removed, cucurbit seeds contain about 50 percent oil and up to 35 percent proteins. Most of their oil is made up of non-saturated fatty acids, thus of high nutritional values....
  8. 01/11/1998 In West Africa, the name Egusi is applied to members of the gourd family having seeds of high oil content. Egusi Melon plants closely resemble watermelon plants; both have a non climbing creeping habit and deeply cut lobed leaves. The pulp of the watermelon fruit, however, is sweet and edible...
  9. Ressource principale
    01/07/2010 La pisciculture peut générer un grand intérêt et un grand enthousiasme. Elle a un grand potentiel pour produire des protéines de haute qualité dans des délais relativement courts et dans de petites zones. La pisciculture est un moyen pour les agriculteurs pauvres en ressources à travers le monde...
  10. Ressource principale 01/01/1991 The high protein and high concentration of B vitamins found in meat make it an ideal part of the diet, very difficult to replace by plant foods, even with grain legumes that are nutritionally the closest plant foods to meat. Yet production of meat on the small farm almost dictates a way of life...
  11. Ressource principale
    20/01/2011 Pour plus de 30 ans passés que nous continuons à travailler avec les petits fermiers en Afrique Centrale, nous nous sommes jouis de merveilleuse luxuriance de ses forets, savanes, et rivières. En plus, nous avons été privilégiés de connaitre d’innombrables groupes ethniques, avec différentes...
  12. Ressource principale
    16/02/2015 Les cultures tropicales à racines et tubercules sont consommées comme aliments de base dans certaines parties des tropiques et doivent être prises en compte pour leur potentiel à produire des rendements impressionnants dans les petits espaces. Elles offrent des choix intéressants pour la...
  13. 01/10/1998 Le jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus), un membre de la famille des fabaceae ou leguminosae est une légumineuse vivace de courte durée souvent cultivée en tant que vigne grimpante annuelle. Il fleurit lorsque la durée du jour raccourcit, produisant de longues gousses non comestibles et des tubercules....
  14. Ressource principale
    20/01/2013 Environ 98% de la production agricole dans les régions soudano-sahéliennes d’Afrique occidentale et centrale est basée sur les cultures pluviales. Avec une pluviométrie annuelle moyenne de 300 à 800 mm/an, le nombre de cultures de base est très limité. On distingue deux céréales: le mil...
  15. 01/01/2007 Dans un monde où la faim et la pauvreté sont le lot quotidien d’une grande partie de la population, la technologie et l’éducation sont déficientes et les ressources agricoles sont souvent rares, le paysan est reconnaissant qu’il existe des plantes nécessitant peu d’attention qui poussent avec peu...
  16. 01/01/1989 Maize (Zea mays; corn) is the third most important food crop in the world, surpassed onlyby two other grains, wheat and rice. Maize is a widely adapted crop, capable of production during the appropriateseason in almost all parts of the world where farming is done. Maize is represented by...
  17. 01/01/1988 "Of all parts of the tree, it is the leaves that are most extensively used. The growing tips and young leaves are best. [However, we sometimes pull the leaflets off in our hands and cook them without regard to age]. Unlike other kinds of edible leaves, benzolive leaves do not become bitter as...
  18. Ressource principale 20/01/2005 Les feuilles de l’arbre Moringa oleifera sont très nutritives. Elles peuvent être consommées fraîches, cuites ou séchées. Comme les feuilles de moringa séchées conservent leur valeur nutritive, on peut les transformer en poudre de feuille. Lorsqu’il y a abondance de feuilles, cette poudre peut...
  19. Ressource principale 01/09/1984 Next to food, firewood is the most scarce item in developing countries. More than one third of the world is dependent upon firewood to supply their energy needs and ninety percent of the people in the poorest countries depend upon it as their chief source of fuel. What better way is there to...
  20. 19/01/1983 The Muscovy is a heavy bird, suitable mainly for meat production. Under good management, with proper feeding, the drakes (male ducks) will reach 4.0-4.5 kg and the ducks 2.0-2.5 kg at 16 weeks, which is usually the age at which the birds are sold to be eaten. Most of the Muscovys are pure white...
  21. Ressource principale 01/01/1992 A case could be made that onions are one of two universal vegetables that are cherished in almost every culture, tomatoes being the other. Both are difficult to grow in many tropical and subtropical climates. Where a vegetable is both popular and difficult to grow, it brings a good price. If a...
  22. Ressource principale 01/01/1990 I often tell folks that ECHO specializes in growing food under difficult conditions. The pigeon pea, Cajanus cajan, is a prime example of a tough but nutritious plant for just such cases. This article is directed toward two audiences. For some of you, pigeon pea is already an important crop. You...
  23. Ressource principale 01/06/2001 Several times each year ECHO hears from someone (1) at an institution that is evaluating whether it should attempt to grow food for its [students, orphans, feeding program, staff, etc.] or (2) from someone contacted by such an institution and are asking ECHO's advice about whether/how to help...
  24. 01/04/1988 The soybean (Glycine max) is one of the most important food plants of the world, and seems to be growing in importance. It is an annual crop, fairly easy to grow, that produces more protein and oil per unit of land than almost any other crop. It is a versatile food plant that, used in its various...
  25. 01/08/1985 Several scientists and one grower were contacted by telephone and asked about the potential of strawberries for the tropics. Their conversations are summarized. The potential of strawberries (Frageria americana) as a source of income for the small farmer has been clearly demonstrated at the...
  26. 19/01/1988 Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are already the 6th or 7th most produced food crop in the world, surpassed onlyby wheat, rice, corn, potato, barley, and possibly cassava. Among the reasons that sweet potato is a great crop is that it is relatively easy to grow, relatively free of pests and...
  27. Ressource principale
    01/01/2007 Par F. W. Martin. Publié en partie, 1989 et 1994 ; révisé en 1998 et 2007 par le personnel d’ECHO Même si presque toutes les plantes aient une ou plusieurs utilités, elles n’ont pas toutes la même valeur. Par exemple, le blé, le riz et le maïs sont probablement les plantes les plus utiles au...
  28. 01/04/1998 Traditionally the people of Sri Lanka consume vegetable cooked as curries with the dietary staple, rice. Legumes, in general, play a vital role in Sri Lankan diets and they are being consumed as green vegetables or pulses. Edible legumes are excellent sources of dietary protein and oil....
  29. 01/09/1998 Many families in the tropics must assume a major role in production of their own foodstuffs. Incomes are so low that purchase of food competes with purchase of necessary items that cannot be hand-made. Most governments in the tropics do not have the resources to guarantee even minimum food to all...
  30. Ressource principale
    01/03/2009 Rabbits are animals for folks that like to eat meat and want to raise it quickly. Rabbits reproduce quickly; up to eight bunnies every three months. A young rabbit can weigh four pounds in three months -- bigger than a broiler chicken. Rabbits are easy to raise, both in urban and rural areas....
  31. Ressource principale
    09/02/2018 Les régimes alimentaires traditionnels incluaient une grande variété d’ingrédients provenant d’une multitude de plantes sauvages et domestiquées. Les espèces indigènes du milieu local et d’autres plantes provenant d’autres milieux éloignés qui ont été progressivement adaptées ont forgé les...
  32. Ressource principale 01/01/2009 Within a couple days after Bonnie and I arrived in Florida in June 1981 to assume my new role as founding CEO of ECHO, I began digging a garden. For an avid gardener used to the long winters “up north” this was an exciting adventure. I was going to grow flowers and vegetables year-round in the...
  33. Ressource principale
    23/07/2019 J'ai fait la connaissance des jardins centuples lorsque je faisais des recherches sur des moyens d'irriguer les plantes directement dans la zone racinaire. Je voulais savoir comment maîtriser de manière pratique et abordable certaines des variables qui influencent la croissance des plantes,...

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