Downloadable Books
ECHO Florida and ECHO Asia both have on-campus libraries. These libraries are not lending libraries. Their books are only available locally. However, a portion of the books listed in the ECHOcommunity Book Search are available as downloads from various sources on the Internet. Books identified as Downloadable are listed here and are accessible online and within the Mobile App. You can find them by navigating to "Resources" -> "Network Publications and Videos" and selecting "Downloadable Books." Included in the list are subsets for books from FAO, Heifer International, Food Plant Solutions, Haiti Network, SWISSAID, and others. Approximately 500 additional resources are now available through the app.
In addition, we list downloadable books and publications made available by various ECHO partnering organizations. If you notice books that should be added or removed, we would appreciate hearing from you.
- 2018-01-20 Abstract: Farmers play a crucial role in the preservation and sustainable use of agrobiodiversity. In fact, the diversity of species that support our current agricultural production systems has been carefully managed and shaped by farming communities, over the course of the history of humankind....
- Popular series of 55 books on small-scale sustainable agriculture, published by theAgromisa Knowledge Centre for Small Scale Sustainable Agriculture, based in Wageningen in the Netherlands. Agromisa is linked to Wageningen University and Research Centre, one of the world's leading research...
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- 2011-10-20 A sample of 260 farm households that were randomly selected in Katumba ward, Rungwe district, Tanzania were studied for the effects of storage methods on the quality of maize grain and household food security using qualitative and quantitative methods. Maize storage problems, amounts of maize...
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- 2013-07-20 Abstract, , 2013 This field-tested, six-day curriculum responds to community development managers', program planners' and behavior change officers’ need for a practical behavioral framework that strategically aids them in planning for maximum effectiveness. This curriculum, originally adapted...
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- 2017-01-20 This project deals with the development of wind powered water pump for irrigation purpose. Wind is a natural and renewable resource that is freely available all over the world. Harnessing this power for pumping water would save a lot on Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) costs that are...
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- 2011-01-20 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- 2012-08-20 In many African countries, women are relegated to the periphery of the decision-making ladder on important issues such as access to land and other productive resources. This traditional legacy resulted in an unequal structure of society and unequal distribution of resources. In Zimbabwe,...
- Also available in:
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- Hausa (ha)
- አማርኛ (am)
- 2006-01-20 There are many excellent texts available which cover the fundamentals of food engineering, equipment design, modelling of food processing operations etc. There are also several very good works in food science and technology dealing with the chemical composition, physical properties, nutritional...
- 2015-10-20 Foodborne disease matters for development. It is a major public health problem. It presents a barrier to countries that wish to export and to smallholder farmers who wish to sell produce in high value domestic markets. It is also a major concern of consumers. Most of the known health burden of...
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- General Technical Documents are resources made available through that are not currently part of an ECHO periodical publication such as ECHO Development Notes or ECHO Technical Notes. These resources may or may not be published by ECHO, but have been made available to the...
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- 2012-07-20 The Sahel is a region where the population has always faced a high degree of climate variability, manifested both in terms of time (unexpected dry spells can occur during the rainy season) and in terms of space (rainfall can vary greatly from one area to another). Over the last two decades, the...
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- 2019-01-20 This handbook gives an overview of a broad range of technologies and can be useful for professionals engaged in agriculture extension, organizations working with smallholder farmers, implementors, donors and other public sector partners. Those interested in the use ICTs for development may also...
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- 2017-01-20 Climate change presents a profound challenge to food security and sustainable development in Africa. Its negative impacts are likely to be greatest in the African region, which is already food insecure. In the face of global climate change and its emerging challenges and unknowns, it is essential...
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- 2017-09-20 A new book which summarizes the most recent evidence on how to use agrobiodiversity to provide nutritious foods through harnessing natural processes. What people are saying about the book “With a host of case studies, facts and figures about this growing area of research, this is a must-read for...
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- Français (fr)
- 2017-01-20 Agriculture is one of the East African Community’s most important economic sectors. The major staple foods in the region are maize, rice, potatoes, bananas, cassava, wheat, sorghum, millet and pulses. However, agricultural production in the region is prone to the vagaries of climate change,...
- 2014-11-20 The weight of literature suggests that improving economic infrastructure can boost economic growth. No country has sustained rapid growth without considerable public investment in infrastructure. However, while investment in infrastructure is a necessary condition for economic growth, it is not,...
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- 1998-01-19 Highland agriculture in northern Thailand is undergoing rapid changes, some for better, some for worse. These changes affect the livelihood of highland minority peoples as well as the livelihood of large rural and urban lowland Thai communities. They also affect the ecological balance of the rich...
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- 2006-01-20 An expanding world population and the urgency of eradicating hunger and malnutrition call for determined policies and effective actions to ensure sustainable growth in agricultural productivity and production. Assured access to nutritionally adequate and safe food is essential for individual...
- 1998-01-19 Efforts to protect, conserve and sustainably use tropical forests are gaining support worldwide. They include improved management of natural forests, the establishment of timber plantations, the planting of trees in agroforestry systems, and the promotion of the use of non-timber forest products...
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- 2008-07-20 Protected agriculture technology includes more traditional style greenhouses as well as high tunnel houses and is the central component in the establishment of a more unified strategy for continued growth in the country’s agriculture sector. The sustainability of such development will essentially...
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- Agriculture and Horticulture are vital sciences as they suffice the very basic need of food for the Human beings. Qualitative and quantitative food can essentially be produced from healthy plants which in turn are produced only when their seedlings/sapplings are vigorous and healthy. Nursery is...
- 2011-01-20 This book is an effort by FAO to compile an up-to-date, comprehensive text on rural structures and services in the tropics, focusing on structures for small- to medium-scale farms and, to some extent, village-scale agricultural infrastructure. The earlier edition, entitled Farm structures in...
- Also available in:
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- Español (es)
- SAWBO has multiple documents available for download and print. Please visitSAWBO's Documents pagewhere you can access this educational material.
- 2015-01-20 This report features the work of five distinguished specialists in agricultural economics. Shenggen Fan from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) begins with an examination of trends in global food security. Fan’s chapter is followed by analysis by Piñeiro and Myers of the...
- 2009-01-20 This FAO book provides a teaching toolkit with detailed information for starting school gardens in various parts of the world. Divided by topic sections-no page numbers, illustrated
- 2012-01-20 The result of a collaborative effort by small business owners and advisers in ACP countries, this manual covers everything you need to know about starting up and managing a small-scale cooking oil business. Helpfully illustrated with numerous tables, checklists and case studies, it highlights...
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- Also available in:
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- Português (pt)
- 2016-06-20 Chemically healthy soil has a rich base of the nutrients that plants require for growth, primarily nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus as well as elements such as zinc, copper, iron, chlorine, manganese, molybdenum and others, which are needed in small to very small amounts. These nutrients should...
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- Português (pt)
- 2009-12-15 Worldwide there are 1.1 billion people who do not have a way to get clean drinking water. Every year, 1.8 million people die from diarrheal disease, and it is estimated that 88% can be attributed to the lack of clean drinking water[1]. This project will partner with the non-profit organization...
- Also available in:
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- English (en)
- The manual is forpeople who eat, grow or buy food and who want to improve their lives, theircommunity and the environment that they live in. It has been written for, andby, people livingin Malawi. It will show you how to eat and live better andguide you in designing a sustainablefuture. The...
- Also available in:
- Kiswahili (sw)
- English (en)
- 2005-01-20 When you are gathering all the tools and materials you need to build the first silo, you may not find everything on the list. Be resourceful. If you can’t find certain tools, ask the hardware dealer to help you. Maybe something else will work. Ask other metal workers or jewellers for advice about...
- 2015-01-20 The Technical manual for the construction and use of family-sized metal silos to store cereals and grain legumes was produced in the Division of Rural Infrastructure and Agro-industries (AGS) of FAO as a significant technical contribution to preventing losses in the post-harvest phase of grains...
- Pastoralists make the most of resources distributed unevenly over space and time to provide a range of goods and services. Operating in a shock-prone environment, pastoralists deploy endogenous strategies such as mobility, diversification in agriculture or in non-agricultural activities,...
- Also available in:
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- English (en)
- 2002-01-20 The Tropical Tree Seed Manual is a one-volume reference manual for students, technicians, and scientists that provides comprehensive, internationally compiled data about tropical trees. The emphasis is on species of the Americas; however, a number of tropical tree species from other countries are...
- Also available in:
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- English (en)
- 2018-01-20 World Food Day 2018 Activity Book Did you know that there are 815 million people in the world that go to bed hungry, while 1.9 billion people are overweight? The world has set a challenge to achieve Zero Hunger and better nutrition by 2030. But governments can’t do it alone - everyone has a role...
- We are a non-profit online community of visionary, dedicated and passionate farmers who have come together to encourage, share and assist one another with valuable Production Information and Technology regarding the best agricultural practices and trends around the world. Our primary goal is to...
Disabled Village Children: A Guide for Community Health Workers, Rehabilitation Workers and Families