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  1. 01 Maret 2022 Dave datang ke Thailand tepat dua tahun yang lalu untuk memperoleh kesempatan yang sekarang diberikan kepadanya. Para petani etnis minoritas yang bertani di kawasan lereng bukit mengalami hasil panen yang rendah sekalipun mereka berupaya menggunakan lebih banyak pupuk kimia.

  2. 01 Maret 2022 Saat kami mulai mencari solusi alternatif dan berkelanjutan untuk memompa air, tim kami mulai 'mencoba-coba' gagasan apakah kincir air dapat memasok air irigasi ke lahan pertanian yang tidak terlalu tinggi letaknya. Kami awalnya memulai dengan meneliti dan menguji model pompa yang disebut Sling...

  3. 01 September 2021 [Catatan Editor: Panduan langkah demi langkah ini mengikuti sistem produksi BSF yang dilakukan di ECHO Asia Small Farm Resource Center di Chiang Mai, Thailand. Ini hanyalah salah satu contoh dari sebuah sistem yang fungsional dan masih harus disesuaikan dengan konteks lokal dan ketersediaan...

  4. 01 September 2021 [Catatan Editor: Saat ini ada banyak desain tungku biochar yang ditujukan untuk berbagai skala dan penggunaan akhir. Desain khusus yang disampaikan di sini adalah desain favorit staf pertanian ECHO Asia, karena kemampuannya untuk menghasilkan materi terpirolisis dan cuka kayu dalam jumlah yang...

  5. 01 Juni 2021 Virus Flu Babi Afrika dan Dampaknya pada Produksi Daging Babi (Pork) Global Seiring dengan meningkatnya kemakmuran global, permintaan akan protein hewani juga meningkat. Daging babi telah menjadi daging hewan darat yang paling banyak dikonsumsi, yaitu sebesar 37% dari total konsumsi daging dunia...

  6. 01 Juni 2021 What Steps Should I Take?

  7. 01 Juni 2021 [Catatan Editor: Ini hanyalah satu contoh rencana biosekuriti untuk operasi peternakan babi skala kecil di satu wilayah. Contoh ini dapat digunakan sebagai sebuah pola untuk ditiru (template). Tidak mungkin semua tindakan yang ada di sini akan bisa dilakukan secara praktis atau cocok dengan...

  8. 01 Februari 2021 Berbagai spesies pakis yang dapat dikonsumsi bisa ditemukan di seluruh penjuru dunia, mulai dari kawasan tropis hingga kawasanberiklim sedang. Pakis yang paling umum ditemui antara lain jenis paku-pakuan (Pteridium spp.), paku sejati (Matteuccia struthiopteris), dan jenis pakis bang (Jawa)...

  9. Tomatoes are difficult to grow during Southeast Asia’s hot and humid monsoonal rainy season. A combination of waterlogged soils, increased disease pressure, and high temperatures often kill young tomato transplants or significantly reduce yields. As an introduced crop, originally from South...

  10. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 42 The integration of livestock on the smallholder farm is often a key component to the long-term sustainability of the farm, specifically by means of critical nutrient cycling. Livestock play a unique and critical role on the farm, transforming plant and...

  11. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #28 Pengantar Kesuburan yang dihasilkan oleh sebuah pertanian turut menyumbang terwujudnya sistem pertanian yang lebih berkelanjutan. Residu tanaman dan pupuk kandang merupakanbagian dari siklus hara untuk memproduksi tanaman serta membantu menurunkan biaya...

  12. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #28 Bagi petani dan peneliti di daerah tropis, penyimpanan benih bisa mendatangkan frustrasi berat. Di provinsi Mondulkiri, petani jarang bisa menyimpan benih lebih lama dari enam bulan, antara masa panen dan musim tanam baru. Benih yang disimpan lebih lama...

  13. 01 Agustus 2015 Invasive alien species (often IAS in the literature) are those species introduced to an area outside their normal or native range, either purposefully or by accident, whose colonization causes significant harm. The species may become weeds, pests or pathogens, affecting both human interests and...

  14. 01 Agustus 2015 As densities of livestock increase, an industrious farmer finds ways and means to increase his farm’s nutrient stream for the benefit of his system. This article will describe methods and techniques necessary for a smallholder farmer to succeed with farm-derived hog feeds. As you read, remember...

  15. 15 Juni 2015 Tricho-compost is the material that results when spores of a beneficial fungus, Trichoderma sp. are used in the composting process. Trichoderma sp. are natural competitors against a wide range of harmful fungi; when it is added to compost, the latter can then work as an anti-fungal agent to...

  16. 15 Juni 2015 Increased awareness of the potential of neem tree by creating awareness of its potential would go a long way in promoting its acceptance for pest management and improvement of plant health, animal health, human health, and environmental health.

  17. 15 Februari 2015 In Malaysia, agriculture is practised by a range of farmers – from subsistence cultivators of the soil to sophisticated, commercially-driven entrepreneurs. The latter group are quite adept at assessing the latest in technology and varieties, and already have established marketing channels. The...

  18. 15 Februari 2015 In its simplest definition a forage is any plant material grazed or fed to livestock. However, a more specific definition that’s presented in this article focuses on plants (grasses and legumes) that are planted specifically to provide superior feed benefits to livestock due to: 1) higher protein...

  19. 15 Oktober 2014 Currently, we have two 16 x 1 meter floating raft troughs, and one 16 x 1 meter rock bed that are connected to six 1 cubic meter fish tanks by PVC piping (elements 1 and 2 above). We also have three smaller stand-alone aquaponics units that we use as example starter units. One of our major goals...

  20. 15 Oktober 2014 Today, if someone were to ask me to help build a small system on their urban rental property, would I use cement rings? The easy answer is yes, but....

  21. 14 Juni 2014 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a promising rice-farming methodology that is able both to lower production costs—of seed, fertilizer, chemicals, and water—and to increase yield by enabling each rice plant to reach its full potential. However,...

  22. 14 Juni 2014 It was an afternoon of 2002 when I first read about SRI. As an extension officer in the District Agriculture Development Office (DADO), I started promoting SRI in the following years in the district of Morang, Nepal. Over this time I observed hundreds of attractive SRI fields and spent some years...

  23. 14 Juni 2014 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 Wanpen’s roller planting marker was developed from her experience. When a problem occurred, she would alter and develop the tool according to the problem and rice variety. Wanpen’s tool was designed to be lightweight, easy to handle and convenient to use....

  24. 14 Juni 2014 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 This article contains diagrams of the SRI RollingMarker, Rotary Weeder, and Grass Cutter discussed in other articles from Echo Asia Note 21.

  25. In nature, dozens of species of harmful fungi can quickly kill a plant, including Fusarium spp., the causal agents of Fusarium wilt, and Phakospora pachyrhizi, the causal agent of soybean rust. Fungi are unable to produce nutrients on their own, so they must find another source; sometimes that...

  26. Farm-generated fertility makes agriculture more sustainable. Crop residues and manures are part of the nutrient cycle and can lower input costs through the use of thermophilic composting, vermiculture, bokashi production, or green manures. Farm-generated feeds can also reduce expenses, if farmers...

  27. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #9 Editor: The System of Rice Intensification (SRI), an unconventional approach to rice production that has spread throughout many parts of the world since the late 1990s, is comprised of a set of flexible management practices. CEDAC, based in Cambodia,...