ATTRA Publications on Sustainable Agriculture

  1. Organic certification verifies that fruit is produced according to U.S. Department of Agriculture(USDA) organic standards. In general, the regulations make several requirements of certified organic fruit: Produced without genetic engineering, ionizing radiation, or sewage sludge Managed in a...

  2. Crop rotations, green manures, and cover crops are the foundations of good farming. Crop rotation provides diversity that results in resilience, green manures cycle nutrients by feeding soil microbes, and cover crops protect the soil from erosion and nutrient loss. These practices ultimately...

  3. Anaerobic digestion is a simple biochemical process by which waste products can be converted to energy. Using manure, plant waste, crop residue, food scraps, or other waste products, farmers can reduce their dependence on fossil fuels while saving money, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and...

  4. This publication provides general information on the tiny worm-like organisms called nematodes. A more detailed description of the genera of nematodes that attack plants is provided as well as various methods to diagnose, discourage and manage plant parasitic nematodes in a least toxic,...

  5. Crop rotation, planting a different crop on a particular piece of land each growing season, is required in organic crop production because it is such a useful tool in preventing soil diseases, insect pests, weed problems, and for building healthy soils. Plants exude a spectrum of photosynthates...
12 Mais ATTRA Publications on Sustainable Agriculture

VITA - Volunteers in Technical Assistance

  1. A chocadeira está aquecida por uma lâmpada incandescente elétrica regular, colocada debaixo da chocadeira, chăo. Dependendo da elevaçăo de temperatura requereram, a potęncia em watts da lâmpada incandescente tenha que ser escolhida através de experimentaçăo. O chăo de metal e telhado previnem...
  2. Este limpador de sementes foi desenvolvido no Afeganistão para remover sementes redondas de ervas daninhas de grãos de trigo. As sementes redondas não podiam ser separadas por uma peneira porque eram do mesmo tamanho dos grãos de trigo. O limpador descrito aqui aproveita a forma redonda das...
  3. 01/01/1995 que começa um programa principal em seguida dentro energia renovável em 1979, VITA (Volunters em Ajuda Técnica) ache que muitos de os termos técnicos geralmente usada em renovável literatura de energia năo seja compreendida por muitos do laypeople para quem a informaçăo também era meant. VITA...
  4. 01/01/1995 Durante 35 anos, VITA tem ajudado as pessoas desenvolvendo países melhoram a qualidade das vidas deles/delas pelo provisăo de serviços de informaçăo. O serviço mais velho de VITA, o Serviço de investigaçăo, se alista VITA oferece responder pedidos aproximadamente uma variedade de assuntos de...
  5. 01/01/1992 A intençăo é oferecer sugestőes a motoristas ou mecânicas que operam em uma área onde conserta instalaçőes e ajuda técnica năo estăo prontamente disponíveis e eles devem ser os próprios conselheiros deles/delas em todo problema que pode surgir. No evento aqueles leitores acontecem para ter...
131 Mais VITA - Volunteers in Technical Assistance

MissionAssist Shell Books - Informação e Educação

  1. Este livrinho explica como fazer uma lixeira para lixo doméstico individual depois de terem sido reduzidos ou reciclados o máximo possível e também apresenta a ideia de criar um serviço comunitário de coleta de lixo Usando material deFootsteps 59e107uma publicação de literacia da TEAR FUND usado...

  2. Bombas são frequentemente necessárias às comunicades para o fornecimento de água, tanto potável quanto para o uso na agricultura. Este primeiro livrinho numa série de cinco livrinhos aborda tipos diferentes de bombas, e apresenta critérios a serem considerados antes da instalação Livrinhos da...

  3. There are three species of camel: Dromedaries, which can be found in North Africa, the Middle East and some parts of Asia; the Bactrian Camels which live in Asia and Wild Bactrian Camels who inhabit parts of China and Mongolia. Written and illustrated for MissionAssist This edition published in...

  4. Puppets have been around for thousands of years. This book tells you how to use different sorts of puppets in a variety of educational and health situations. See alsoPuppets Book 1: Make Them! A Fun Craft Idea Adapted fromFootsteps 28the literacy publication of Tearfund with kind permission...

  5. Ce livre décrit la contribution importante pour les élèves dans leurs études grâce aux lampes solaires et aux livres qui peuvent être étudiés à leur lumière quand l’école est terminée pour la journée. Cela donne aussi un accès à l’information libre comment mettre en place et maintenir une...
27 Mais MissionAssist Shell Books - Informação e Educação

USAID Sector Environmental Guidelines & Resources - SEG

  1. USAID seeks to facilitate inclusive and sustainable agricultural productivity growth to lift people out of extreme poverty and hunger, giving them the ability to move beyond subsistence and engage in their local, national, and/or global economies. Best achieving these critical development...

  2. Virtually all small-scale development activities—including aspects of housing, sanitation, water supply, roads, schools, community centers, storage silos healthcare, energy—involve construction. USAID’s global construction and rehabilitation portfolio includes small projects (e.g., individual...

  3. Renewable energy can have numerous benefits, such as increased energy access in developing countries, public health improvements, climate change mitigation, etc. However, for those benefits to be realized, several sustainability considerations must be addressed in the design. This guideline is...

  4. Forestry is the science and practice of managing trees and forests to provide a diverse range of ecosystem goods and services. The Forestry Sector Environmental Guideline provides information on environmental and social impacts, mitigation measures, and environmentally sound design and management...

  5. Small-scale healthcare activities, such as rural health posts, immunization posts, reproductive health posts, mobile and emergency healthcare programs, and urban clinics and small hospitals, provide important and often critical healthcare services to individuals and communities that would...

Research - Posters

  1. The Foods from the Rainbow poster promotes eating foods from ALL color groups. It shows through symbols, the micronutrients that each color contributes such as Protein, Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Folate, and Antioxidants. This educational tool has been used by health promoters to teach about...

  2. Add greens to foods for healthier meals!

  3. Some tropical crops contain cyanogenic glycosides, toxic substances that release hydrocyanic acid (HCN; also referred to as cyanide) when cells are crushed. Consuming these plants without cooking them can cause cyanide poisoning, with varying effects depending on cyanide levels and how long a...

Feed the Future Publications

  1. In the Push-Pull system, crops that repel pests and/or attract pests’ predators are intercropped with maize, to ‘push’ pests away from the main crop. Plants that attract pests are planted around the field, to ‘pull’ pests away from the maize. Incorporating legumes in this system means that soil...

  2. This short document contains graphs that show how zero tillage leads to increased water infiltration and increased water retention in soil.

  3. Jack bean is an excellent plant for enriching soil, because it grows under very difficult conditions. However, the beans contain toxins that normally make them unsuitable for human consumption. This document describes how to germinate jack bean to remove the toxins and increase the beans’...

  4. This document distinguishes between ‘anchor’ cover crops (that are intercropped with a main crop such as maize) and ‘secondary’ cover crops (that don’t compete with the main crop because they have a short life cycle, and that can help cover the soil at the start of the growing season). The...

  5. Four nutrient deficiencies--phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, and magnesium--can be diagnosed by observing maize leaves. This document includes photos of a healthy maize leaf and of maize leaves demonstrating each of these nutrient deficiencies. It also contains suggestions for how to address each...

International Biochar Initiative Publications

  1. Biochar can be made from a wide variety of feedstocks and under a wide variety of conditions, yielding a wide variety of potential product characteristics. Not all biochars are suitable for soil application as supplied. This Technical Bulletin covers two rapid tests that can be used to assess the...

Tropical Production Systems

  1. This Technical Note reports on the seed collection of 2 native cultivars of the “Sieva” group, during the major dry period in years 2008 and 2009. The cultivars were collected in the Humid Lowland Tropics in Southeastern Guatemala in Q’eqchi’ Mayan communities in the regions of Sumach-Rio Pita,...

  2. This technical manual focuses on the development, compilation, validation, and transfer of sustainable and profitable foodcrop-livestock-forestry management practices that favor rural families with limited financial resources on less-fertile hill-lands in the Humid Lowland Tropics; giving...

  3. This technical manual focuses on the development, compilation, validation, and transfer of sustainable and profitable foodcrop-livestock-forestry management practices that favor rural families with limited financial resources on less-fertile hill-lands in the Humid Lowland Tropics; giving...

General Technical Documents

  1. La chaya, llamada quelite en nuestro país, es una planta que ha sido cultivada en Mesoamérica desde tiempos prehispánicos. Los mayas la llamaban chay y fueron quienes la heredaron a sus descendientes en la península de Yucatán (México), y Guatemala, aunque pasaron muchos años para que se...

  2. In every region of the world it is necessary to find or develop appropriate techniques for agriculture. A large part of the surface of the world is arid, characterized as too dry for conventional rain fed agriculture. Yet, millions of people live in such regions, and if current trends in...

  3. 07/04/2021 Insect feeding damageor other insect activity can look similar to many bacterial, fungal, or viral diseases or to plant nutrient deficiency symptoms. Before taking action against an assumed insect pest, verify that the symptoms you observe are not caused by a bacterial, viral, or fungal...

  4. 05/10/2019 Animal integration and feeding strategies for the tropical smallholder farm: Approaches and methods for increasing sustainability and profitability Copyright 2019 Keith Mikkelson – ECHO Asia Impact Center Integrated livestock systems can provide many benefits. With careful planning and by...
  5. 20/02/2018 PermacultureForRefugees (P4R) has released their first booklet in a series to bring permaculture solutions to refugee situations. Permaculture for Refugees in Camps is a 20 page how-to guide outlining a positive approaches to transforming refugee camps. It is the culmination of ideas, experience...
2 Mais General Technical Documents

MissionAssist Shell Books - Artesanato e habilidades

  1. Um livrinho de instruções muito bom sobre as razões para um filtro para a água, e um guia sobre o equipamento necessário, e o método usado para fazer um. Inclui as vantagens de um filtro para a água, e como o manter depois de completo. Adaptado de ÁGUA LIMPA PARA TODOS produzido por A Sociedade...

  2. Conselhos sobre como proteger as pessoas e construções em caso de relâmpago. Este material foi adaptado da revistaFootsteps, uma publicação de literária do Tearfund com a sua autorização. (Texto original por Ronaldo Watts, Zâmbia) Esta edição foi publicada no Reino Unido em 2021 por MissionAssist...

  3. Este livrinho explica que, embora o jacinto-de-água tenha se tornado um problema, ele pode ser muito útil. Resumo técnico sobre Jacinto-de-água da Practical Action (Ação Prática) usado com grata permissão Esta edição foi publicada no Reino Unido em 2024 por MissionAssist Permissão é concedida...

  4. Como Fazer Chutney (Condimento) de Manga Este material foi tirado deFootstepsuma publicação de literacia de TEAR Fund, com a sua amável autorização. Ilustrações por Jennifer Bowyer Esta edição foi publicada no Reino Unido em 2019 por MissionAssist Direitos reservados 2019 MissionAssist

  5. This book explains how to make indigo dye: the best plants to use and the equipment needed. Written and illustrated for MissionAssist. This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by MissionAssist.
48 Mais MissionAssist Shell Books - Artesanato e habilidades

Shell Books - Agricultura e Pecuária

  1. Como cuidar de abelhas: planejando o trabalho, inspecionando a colmeia e entendendo o que vê. Usando material oriundo de Basic Beekeeping Manual 1: "How to Manage Bees" ( Autor Pam Gregory, quem oferece esse livrinho como sua dádiva aos apicultores em países em desenvolvimento.) Material do...

  2. Um livrinho sobre a criação e cuidados de porcos, levando você a escolher um local, criar porcos, escolher qual raça ter, alimentar e cuidar deles e, finalmente, abatendo-os para obter uma carne deliciosa. Adaptado de um papel técnico produzido por Ação Prática no Nepal e usada com permissão...

  3. Use uma lata grande e velha ou uma garrafa de plástico como um mini reservatório perto de suas sementes ou mudas. Este material foi tirado de "Footsteps", uma publicação de literacia daTearfundcom a sua autorização. Esta edição foi publicada no Reino Unido em 2019 por MissionAssist. Direitos...

  4. Como cultivar bambu e qual é a sua utilidade. Este material foi tirado de "Footsteps", uma publicação de literacia daTearfund, com a sua autorização. Esta edição foi publicada no Reino Unido em 2019 por MissionAssist Direitos reservados 2019 MissionAssist.

  5. 01/06/2024 Sugestões básicas de como criar patos num lago ou represa de peixes. Este material foi tirado de "Footsteps", uma publicação de literacia daTearfundcom a sua autorização. Esta edição foi publicada no Reino Unido em 2019 por MissionAssist. Direitos reservados 2019 MissionAssist
27 Mais Shell Books - Agricultura e Pecuária

Seeds for a Future Publications

  1. La vulnerabilidad de las familias guatemaltecas a la inseguridad alimentaria y nutricional, es un problema que se ha agravado ante la crisis de la pandemia del coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19); ante esta circunstancia adversa, la Aldea Chocolá no es la excepción. Bajo este contexto, se ha evaluado la...

MissionAssist Shell Books - Saúde e higiene

  1. Instruções básicas para pessoas que não têm conhecimentos médicos sobre o modo de cuidar corretamente de pessoas doentes ou feridas enquanto aguardam pela chegada de assistência médica. Este material foi tirado deFootsteps 18, a publicação de literacia do TEAR Fund com a sua autorização Esta...

  2. Enfatizando a importância de uma boa nutrição para crianças pequenas, este livrinho inclui 3 receitas de mingau rico em proteínas. Usando material deFootsteps 52e65, publicações de literacia da Tearfund com grata permissão Ilustrações adicionais por MissionAssist Esta edição foi publicada no...

  3. Uma dieta saudável pode prevenir a má nutrição. Tipos diferentes de alimentos ajudam o corpo de maneiras diferentes – uns dão força, outros dão energia, outros protegem o corpo contra doenças. Uma má dieta pode deixar as pessoas doentes. Este livrinho oferece conselhos sobre como evitar ou tratar...

  4. Para crianças com condições que tornam difícil para elas caminhar, alguns dispositivos simples podem fazer toda a diferença. Este livrinho explica como eles podem ser usados. Usando material deFootsteps 108, uma publicação de literacia do Tear Fund com grata permissão Esta edição foi publicada no...

  5. 01/06/2024 Most people will need to take medication either for a short period of time to overcome a particular illness or possibly throughout your life to combat a condition that affects your everyday living. This book stresses the importance of taking your medication in the correct way and continuing to do...
23 Mais MissionAssist Shell Books - Saúde e higiene

Haitian Network Documents

  1. A “how to” guide to successfully install a natural, sustainable latrine using vetiver grass The use of vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides) replaces the need for a concrete block lined pit, creates privacy and actively helps decompose the waste. Jiji grass (Achnatherum splendens) can be used...

  2. 20/01/2019 A agricultura sintrópica é um sistema agroflorestal (SAF) desenvolvido por Ernst Götsch cuja forçamotriz advém da aliança com o poder de sucessão natural. A sucessão natural é a tendência intrínseca da natureza para regenerar um solo estéril e torná-lo fértil e rico em espécies vegetais. Ernst...

MissionAssist Shell Books -Doenças e Enfermidades

  1. Um livrinho em forma de história que examina os perigos e as consequências de beber álcool em excesso. Adaptado de uma fonte desconhecida, provávelmente da América do Sul Esta edição foi publicada no Reino Unido em 2019 por MissionAssist Direitos reservados 2019 MissionAssist

  2. Bilhárzia (Esquitossomose): As causas da bilhárzia e como evitar a doença. Para evitar contaminar a água, use o banheiro ou privada! Publicada em 1993 comoComment éviter la bilharzioze, Pelo Comité Língua/Tradução na República dos Camarões O texto original e as ilustrações feitos pelo Atelier de...

  3. Esse livrinho explica o que é a cólera. O que você pode fazer para evitar as pessoas pegarem cólera. Como reconhecer que alguém está com cólera. Como ajudar para que ele(a) melhore. Adaptado de informações de diversos websites e da Agência de Padrão de Alimentos do Reino Unido. Esta edição foi...

  4. Covid 19 é uma nova doença que na maioria dos casos não é séria, mas às vezes pode fazer uma pessoa ficar muito doente. Há muitas coisas que você pode fazer para proteger a sua família e amigos. É sábio seguir o conselho das pessoas no seu centro de saúde e seus líderes comunitários. Escrito para...

  5. Não existe cura para a Febre do Dengue, mas este livrinho oferece detalhes como ajudar pessoas sofrendo da doença. Usando material deDengue Fever, 3 Strands Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. Direitos Reservados 2018, com permissão de Chiranjib Chatterjee Esta edição foi publicada no Reino Unido em...
8 Mais MissionAssist Shell Books -Doenças e Enfermidades

ECHO Technical Notes

  1. So you want to help people in the tropics. Beautiful! The tropics are waiting for you. No matter what your abilities, you can make life better for others in the tropics. Your concern for the physical and spiritual well-being of people can be translated into fruitful service. Your first asset is...

  2. 20/12/2023 A standard wheelbarrow, with the wheel at the front, places about half the weight of the load on the operator. A load-centered wheelbarrow places the wheel in the center of the load, shifting 90% or more of the weight to the wheel instead of the operator. This allows the device to be used for...

  3. 21/11/2023 Litter systems are an approach to hygienic, integrated animal production in which animals are raised in an enclosed space on a floor of organic bedding. Systems with thick bedding material are sometimes called deep litter systems. Litter systems allow you to prioritize animal health by providing...

  4. 09/06/2023 This guide expands on a summary by Chalermliamthong and Trail (2021) of the black soldier fly larvae production system at the ECHO Asia Small Farm Resource Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The production system there serves as an approach for scaling up larvae production as an alternative protein...

  5. 20/05/2022 The current global situation calls for a multi-pronged approach to pest management. To be widely applicable, this approach must provide farmers with options to control pests at various scales of production (from small farms to very large operations) with a diversity of resources. Integrated pest...
48 Mais ECHO Technical Notes

Christian Veterinary Mission (CVM) Publications

  1. Dr. Maureen Birmingham and Dr. Peter Quesenberry,Revised Edition 2016 ISBN 978-1-886532-45-8 The idea for a book "Where There is No Vet" was conceived years ago. Work was officially started in 1985 by the late Dr. Bill Baker who worked as a veterinarian in Haiti for eight years. Dr. Baker...

  2. 20/01/2006 The author's sincere desire in preparing this booklet is that it will serve to be readily used as a reference and aid in the raising of goats. Veterinary information and assistance are in short supply or nonexistent in many areas of the world. The author has endeavored to write this booklet in a...

  3. 19/01/1990 W. Malcolm Reid (1910-1990) was Professor Emeritus of Poultry Science (Parasitology) at the University of Georgia. He saw a need for a book dealing with basic poultry production and recruited others to help him develop one. He knew firsthand the value of poultry as a source of food and manure for...

  4. 19/01/1988 This manual is designed to give basic information that has been shown to be successful in a variety of situations. We have often opted to describe methods that may be too sophisticated or expensive to apply in every case in an effort to illustrate the optimal condition. Obviously, not everyone...

  5. 19/01/1984 This book speaks to the challenges of small farm pig production. The two main themes of malnutrition and parasite control are dealt with in depth, utilizing very practical ideas and methods. The author repeatedly emphasizes the need to deal with these issues if the farmer is to be successful in...

Food Plants International - Plant Fact Sheets

  1. Edible portion:Fruit, Shoots, Vegetable A vigorous climbing palm. It has fairly stout, prickly stems. The stems climb with the aid of flagella. The leaf sheaths are woolly white. The leaves are spreading and pale green. They are about 1 m long. They are divided into many narrow leaflets. These...

ECHO Asia Note Articles

  1. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 31. Saving your own seeds can be a cost-effective way to access crop seed for future planting and to help maintain the planet’s plant biodiversity. Whether you plant your own saved seeds, give them away to friends and neighbors, or distribute them through...
  2. 01/07/2012 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #14 Introduction Storing seeds in the tropics can often be difficult; with high temperatures and humid conditions, seeds lose their ability to germinate quickly. Many techniques for seed storage exist, from the high-tech standards of gene banks to simple...

ECHO Development Notes (EDN)

  1. 05/02/2025 10-Day Organic Liquid Protective Fertilizer Raw, Boiled, and Fermented Banana Stalk Comparison for use in Farm-generated Pig Feed Grey Water for Watering Plants From ECHO’s Seed Bank: Vigna vexillata, A Multi-Purpose Legume with Edible Tubers Books, Websites, and Other Resources:Invitation to...

  2. 16/12/2024 Harvesting Water with Hafirs : Lessons from East Africa Echoes from our Network: Six Mulching Principles From ECHO’s Seed Bank: Adzuki Bean Books, Websites, and Other Resources: Tools for Underutilized Crop Selection - VACS Explorer, CropBase, ISHS Symposium on Underutilized Crop Species and...

  3. 01/10/2024 ECHO is excited to share with you that we are re-engaging with our Central America and Caribbean (CAC) partners and network members through the establishment of a Regional Impact Center (RIC). We have heard the needs in the region and are focusing our efforts on being able to fully support a RIC...

  4. 01/08/2024 Towards the use of Biopesticides Echoes from our Network: Fall Armyworm Question and Answerwith Dr. Allan Hruska, Ph.D. From ECHO's Seed Bank: Cucurbita Mochata 'Thai Kang Kob' Open-source Journals:The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico and Ag4Dev

  5. 03/06/2024 Poly-propagators Coffee Parchment as a Feed Supplement for Dairy Cattle Echoes from our Network:Paddy Rice Seed Assessment Using Salt and Eggs From ECHO's Seed Bank:Wild Marigold for Natural Pest Control and More Books, Websites, and Other Resources:Compendium of Forgotten Foods in Africa
117 Mais ECHO Development Notes (EDN)

FAO Publications

  1. 20/01/2022 FAO. 2022. Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) User guide. Rome. https://doi. org/10.4060/cb8611en AGORA is a programme of Research4Life – a public-private partnership between Cornell and Yale Universities, FAO, the International Association of Scientific, Technical and...

  2. 20/01/2005 The book comes in two volumes. They describe the physics and biology of frost occurrence and damage, passive and active protection methods and how to assess the cost-effectiveness of active protection techniques. Nighttime energy balance is used to demonstrate how protection methods are used to...

  3. 20/01/2005 The book comes in two volumes. They describe the physics and biology of frost occurrence and damage, passive and active protection methods and how to assess the cost-effectiveness of active protection techniques. Nighttime energy balance is used to demonstrate how protection methods are used to...

Food Plant Solutions - Publications

  1. 01/01/2022 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants for healthy diets in Togo. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every...

World Health Organization Publications

  1. 15/10/2021 This report is the first of its kind. It brings together various data sets to present the current status of hand hygiene, highlight lagging progress, and call governments and supporting agencies to action, offering numerous inspiring examples of change. During the COVID-19 pandemic, hand hygiene...

Using ECHO Resources

  1. 20/01/2021 Available on iOS 10.0+and Android 5.0+ Updated 8/2024. Search "echocommunity" in the App Store on your iPhone or in Google Play on your Android phone. ECHO has provided resources to farmers and development workers for over 40 years. contains thousands of documents and videos...

ECHO Research Notes

  1. 01/01/2021 ECHO ResearchNotes are topic-specificpublications about crops and agricultural practicesimportant to those working in the tropics and subtropics. Our material is authored by ECHO staff (past and present) as well as outside writers, all with experience and knowledge of their subject. These...

  2. 01/01/2020 ECHO ResearchNotes are topic-specificpublications about crops and agricultural practicesimportant to those working in the tropics and subtropics. Our material is authored by ECHO staff (past and present) as well as outside writers, all with experience and knowledge of their subject. These...

ECHO Best Practice Notes

  1. 14/12/2020 ECHO recognizes climate change as a profound reality faced by small-scale farmers. Many of our publications have focused on helping farmers cope with related challenges such as heat and drought.Increasing farmer resilience and minimizing risk have been key elements of the practices we have...

  2. 26/05/2017 By integrating legumes into cropping systems, small-scale farmers in low-resource settings can invest in the long-term health and resilience of their soils. Success or failure depends largely on choosing the right legume(s). With that in mind, this document presents insights on legume selection...

  3. 28/09/2016 Farmers in many parts of the world, because of human population growth, have little choice but to crop their land continuously, with scarce resources to replace nutrients withdrawn by each successive crop. Crop residues are often lost as a source of organic matter and mulch, usually through...

  4. 22/03/2016 Yearly production of grains, pulses, and vegetables depends on a reliable supply of quality seed. This is true for the farmer growing a crop to feed their family as well as for the agricultural worker evaluating and growing out seeds of a new crop species or variety that could improve lives. In...

  5. 01/04/2014 ECHO frequently receives questions from members of our network, asking how available land could be used to grow food and/or create income to augment an otherwise non-agricultural project. Broadly speaking, they are asking how to begin an institutional agriculture project—a coordinated agriculture...
1 Mais ECHO Best Practice Notes

Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards Publications and Resources

  1. 20/10/2020 A Discussion Paper for the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) Holly Hufnagel The objective of this discussion paper is to inform the LEGS Technical Advisory Committee on issues relating to the quality of veterinary pharmaceuticals for livestock responses in emergency situations....

  2. 20/10/2020 A Discussion Paper for the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) Karin de Jonge and Lucy Maarse The aim of this Discussion Paper is to outline the major issues at the crossroads of gender and livestock in the context of humanitarian response, for the Advisory Committee of LEGS...

  3. 20/09/2020 A Discussion Paper for the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) Kate Sadler This discussion paper was commissioned by LEGS to review the key issues relating to nutrition in the context of livestock-based emergency interventions, with particular attention to the following key...

  4. 20/09/2020 A Discussion Paper for the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) Yacob Aklilu This paper was commissioned to assess livestock insurance schemes and explore what evidence exists regarding the effective implementation of livestock insurance schemes to support the livelihoods of...

  5. 20/02/2013 New 2016 edition based on the LEGS Handbook 2nd edition This Evaluation Tool can assist organizations to evaluate how LEGS was used during a project - in other words, to what extent did a project follow the LEGS core standards, and the specific standards for different technical interventions...

CAN Culinaria

  1. 20/11/2019
  2. 20/01/2019 RECETARIO WUQU’ KAWOQ Versión 2018-2019 Elaborado por: Valeria Morales. Spanish Only.

ECHO Latin America and Caribbean Notes (LACN)

  1. 22/02/2018 Green Leafy Vegetables and Powders for Improved Nutrition in Honduras Member Highlight: Elioena Arauz,Artists for Soup, Nicaragua Echoes from our Network: Deep Litter System ECHO Resource Highlight: Green Leafy Vegetables Technical Note Spotlight: "Linking Smallholder Farmers to Markets"

  2. 04/12/2017 ECHO in Latin America and the Caribbean Experimenting with Medicinal Plants in Matagalpa, Nicaragua Staff Highlight Tech Note Spotlight: "Introducing new seeds overseas" Tech Note Spotlight: "Introduction to Tropical Root Crops" Echoes from our Network Resources: Wuqu' Kawoq (The Maya Health...

  3. 31/07/2017 Las Cañadas Agro-ecological Chickens Module Introducing New Team Leader: Cecilia Gonzalez Tech Note Spotlight: "Cafeteria Feeding" of Chickens From ECHO's Seed Bank: Ethiopian Kale Member Highlight: Javier Ignacio Silva Rivera Our Vision:Honoring God by Empowering the Undernourished with...

  4. 30/03/2017 Making Silage in Vichada Tech Note Spotlight: Biosand Water Filter Echoes from our Network: Member Highlight Adria and Job From ECHO's Technical Respose Team: Appropriate forage crops for clay soils From ECHO's Seed Bank: Forage peanut

ILEIA Newsletter - LEISA Magazine - Farming Matters

  1. 20/05/2016 This report has been compiled by Janneke Bruil, Jessica Milgroom, Romée Marchand (all from ILEIA) with support from Daniel Moss (AEF). The Agroecology Learning Exchange was hosted in Uganda between May 10 and 13, 2016 by the AgroEcology Fund (AEF) and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa....

ECHO Summaries

  1. 05/08/2015 Good intentions and viable solutions will have little impact unless we engage with farmers in ways that are meaningful to them. Farmers put a great deal of confidence in what they learn from fellow farmers’ experiences, and they are more likely to trust what they see over what they hear....

  2. 14/07/2015 Workshops are an often-used and effective tool that extension workers can use to teach new skills to groups of farmers. This document, drawn from the USAID/MEAS Technical Note on Presenting Workshops to Adults, explains how a workshop setting differs from that of a classroom/teaching setting, and...

  3. 19/05/2015 A participatory learning approach, applied at each stage of a community development project, is crucial to reaching the level of stakeholder involvement needed for lasting, positive change. The use of participatory survey and planning methods in the development process encourages community...

  4. 01/05/2015 This article draws from the MEAS Brief # 2 Reducing the Gender Gap in Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services: How to Find the Best Fit for Men and Women Farmers. Many of the gender-related topics and lessons discussed in the MEAS Brief also apply to the transfer of knowledge and resources...

  5. 30/04/2015 This document draws from the MEAS brief #3Adaptation under the New Normal of Climate Change: The Future of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services. Written for extension and advisory service providers, the MEAS brief contains insights helpful to practitioners working to develop strategies...
1 Mais ECHO Summaries

CAN Agricultura

  1. 20/01/2014 5ta Edición revisada y ampliada Chile Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura Spanish Only.


  1. 01/01/2004 Iniciativas económicas geridas por agricultores As cooperativas agrícolas normalmente desenvolvem-se nas economias rurais durante o processo de transformação da agricultura de autosuficiência para uma produção totalmente de mercado. É nesta fase que os agricultores, geralmente, começam a ter...


  1. 20/01/2024 Vétérinaires Sans Frontières International (2024). Manual para o planeamento e gestão de programas ACSA: Como criar serviços de saúde animal comunitários sustentáveis e de qualidade. Bruxelas, Bélgica. Em muitos países do mundo, os Agentes Comunitários de Saúde Animal (ACSA) prestam serviços...

  2. 01/01/2003 Manual Keba Sula es un libro de trabajo de técnicas orgánicas, un proyecto conjunte entre la Autoridad Nacional para el Medio Ambients de Panamá y una ONG alemana. Este es un libro sencillo y bueno sobra agricultura y silvicultura appropiadas que sería útil para maestros,otros adultos y niños.

  3. 01/01/2005 El Manual de producción del aguacate pretende reunir, en un solo libro, conocimientos agronómicos básicos e información actual, tanto bibliográfica como práctica, adaptada a las condiciones reales en que se desenvuelven los productores de aguacate de altura en Costa Rica. El propóito de este es...
111 more books

  1. Is the official scientific journal of the Argentinian Horticultural Association (ASAHO). Its aim is to publish original unpublished scientific articles from national and international organisations on agricultural topics such as Horticulture, Fruit-growing, Flower-growing, Vine-growing, Aromatic...

  2. CropBase is a Crops For the Future website with a number of decision-making tools. Here we draw special attention to the Crop Selection Tool, designed to provide location-specific crop options and estimated yields. The tool draws on available information for 220 crops to display potential crop...

  3. The Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS) was launched by the United States Department of State, the African Union, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to address global food system challenges. A key component of their approach involves collaboration between the...
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  1. 29/09/2016 Una propeusta real de una alternativa de vida, que incluye temas como organización social, producción de comida, cultivo de carbono, biconstrucción, uso de ecotechnologías, educatíon, economía alternative y conservación del bosque de niebla.

  2. 29/09/2016 Rancho Ebenezer es su metodología de desarrollo rural y alternativa para la producción doe alimentos de calidad nutricio y suguridad alimenticia a pequeña escala (1 manzana): MIDPA (Mayordomía Integral Diversificada de Patio)

  3. 28/09/2016 Contenido Introducción Antecedentes Impactos del cambio climático en la actividad apícola Estrategias de adaptación para la producción. Otros factores que van en detrimento de la actividad. La apicultura, es la práctica dedicada a la cría y explotación racional de las abejas, actividad...
14 more presentations

Plant Information Sheets

  1. Albizia lebbeck is a fast-growing, drought resistant, nitrogen-fixing tree used for reforestation, shade, fodder and fuel-wood. The trees can reach 30 m in height. The wood is known to be termite resistant and is suitable for building furniture.
  2. Acacia angustissima grows as a thornless shrub or small tree to an average of 2-7 meters tall with a single short trunk. It is a legume, capable of fixing nitrogen in nodules on its roots if the appropriate strain of Rhizobium bacteria is present in the soil. It is often found in tropical...
546 more plant information sheets


  1. 24/05/2024 A poly-propagator is an appropriate technology for multiplying plants that are most easily propagated under very humid conditions. Poly-propagators have a frame constructed with wire, bamboo, wood, or other supportive materials. Use what you have! The exterior of poly-propagators is made of clear...

  2. Compost can be used to improve the quality of your soil. You can use plant materials, animal manure and kitchen scraps to create compost. Compost will add nutrients and organic matter to your soil. This animation explains the process of creating and storing compost.

  3. Compost can be used to improve the quality of your soil. You can use plant materials, animal manure and kitchen scraps to create compost. Compost will add nutrients and organic matter to your soil. This animation explains the process of creating and storing compost. Scientific Animations Without...
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