1. 16/12/2024 Cosecha de agua con hafirs: lecciones de África Oriental Ecos de nuestra red: Seis principios sobre el mulch Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Frijol adzuki Libros, Sitios Web y Otros Recursos: Herramientas para la selección de cultivos infrautilizados - VACS Explorer, CropBase, ISHS Symposium on...

  2. 1/10/2024 ECHO se complace en compartir con ustedes que estamos reconectando con nuestros socios y miembros de la red en Centroamérica y el Caribe (CAC) a través del establecimiento de un Centro de Impacto Regional (RIC por sus siglas en inglés). Hemos escuchado las necesidades en la región y estamos...

  3. 1/8/2024 Hacia el uso de bioplaguicidas Ecos de nuestra red: Preguntas y Respuestas Sobre el Gusano Cogollero del MaízporDr. Allan Hruska, Ph.D. Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Cucurbita Mochata 'Thai Kang Kob' Dos revistas de código abierto:La Revista de Agricultura de la Universidad de Puerto RicayAg4Dev...

  4. 3/6/2024 Polipropagadores Pergamino de café como suplemento en el alimento para ganado lechero Ecos de nuestra red:Evaluación de Semilla de Arroz con Cáscara Usando sal y Huevos Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO:Caléndula silvestre para el control natural de plagas y más Libros, Sitios Web y Otros Recursos:...

  5. 1/4/2024 Consideraciones sobre cosecha y secado para obtener polvo de hojas de moringa de calidad Ecos de nuestra red:Opciones para el control de caracoles Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO:Yute malva ‘Tailandés‘ Libros, Sitios Web y Otros Recursos:Aplicación móvil ECHOcommunity Mobile App

  6. 1/1/2024 Cultivo en curvas de nivel y barreras vivas para pequeños productores Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO:Arroz secado en horno como desecante para secar semillas Libros, Sitios Web y Otros Recursos: Aplicación Móvil ECHOcommunity Mobile App – Gestión de recursos

  7. 2/10/2023 Factores que influyen en la germinación de semillas Ecos de nuestra red: Consideraciones Sobre el Espaciamiento de la Moringa Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Perlas de Arcilla para Secar y Conservar Semillas Libros, Sitios Web y Otros Recursos:Aprovecho.org: Información sobre estufas eficientes

  8. 13/7/2023 Tecnologías de almacenamiento de bajo costo Prolongación de la vida post-cosecha de frutas y hortalizas frescas: manejo post-cosecha Ecos de nuestra red: Experimentos para controlar ciempiés con ingredientes disponibles localmente Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Erythrina berteroana

  9. 28/3/2023 Clasificación y recuperación de árboles pequeños caídos Conferencia Agrícola Internacional de ECHO 2022: Resúmenes de temas Ecos de nuestra red: Controle con bajos recursos las hormigas cortadoras de hojas Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Guazuma ulmifolia, un árbol multi-propósito Libros, sitios...

  10. 6/1/2023 ¿Es el riego por goteo adecuado para mí? Recapitulación de opciones para almacenar granos Ecos de nuestra red: Sellado hermético en Haití Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Lechuga ‘Starfighter’ Libros, sitios web y otros recursos:Instrumento para la evaluación del desempeño agroecoloógico (TAPE)

  11. 3/10/2022 Actualización sobre biofertilizantes líquidos Consideraciones para la selección de cultivos Ecos de nuestra red:Tithonia y líquido fermentado de neem para control de las termitas Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: ‘Cayena asiática’: Un chile (ají) de suave sabor Libros, sitios web y otros recursos:...

  12. 1/7/2022 Prolongar la vida post-cosecha de la fruta fresca: cosechar con calidad Sistema de compostaje de pollinaza Ecos de nuestra red:Uso de microcontroladore Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO:Allium cepa ‘Awahia’: Una opción de cebolla de día corto Libros, sitios web y otros recursos: Precio con descuento...

  13. 12/4/2022 Microcontroladores de bajo costo: aplicaciones para la pequeña agricultura Ecos de nuestra red: Sistema de cama profunda para producción natural de pollos Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Maíz ‘KDV-1’ Libros, sitios web y otros recursos:Monografías de la OMS sobre plantas medicinales selectasySerie...

  14. 12/1/2022 Prolongar la vida poscosecha de la fruta fresca: Cosechar en el momento adecuado Ecos de nuestra red: Agroforestería en el huerto casero Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO:El chipilín Libros, sitios web y otros recursos:publicaciones del CTA,publicaciones de CVM, yYa está disponible la traducción de...

  15. 4/10/2021 Productividad de la moringa intercalada con leguminosas Manejo de plagas de insectos: evaluación y valoración Ecos de nuestra red:Sistema de cultivo intercalado anual con gliricidia Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO:Col rizada ‘Lacinato’ para huertos caseros Libros, sitios web y otros recursos:Food...

  16. 6/7/2021 Manejo de plagas insectiles: opciones para controlar las poblaciones de plagas Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO:Tomate Everglades (Silvestre) Ecos de nuestra red: Experiencia de mejoramiento agrícola con A. angustissima Libros, sitios web y otros recursos:Kit de soya como tecnología apropiada para...

  17. 6/4/2021 Manejo de plagas de insectos: Opciones para el monitoreo de poblaciones de plagas Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO:Apios americana Ecos de nuestra red: ¡Subscríbase a ECHO Asia Notes! Libros, sitios web y otros recursos:Revisión de la herramienta Agroforestry Design ToolTM

  18. 20/1/2021 Las plantas perennes y la nutrición Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO:Factores a considerar al seleccionar una variedad de gandul Ecos de nuestra Red: Conferencia Agrícola Internacional de ECHO 2020 Libros, sitios web y otros recursos:Anuncio de la aplicación móvil ECHOcommunity Mobile App

  19. 16/10/2020 Mitigación del cambio climático centrada en el productor:Parte 2 de 2 Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO:Informe de un ensayo de semillas - Cómo semillas de ECHO crecieron en un huerto de temporada seca en Uganda Ecos de nuestra Red: Injerto de tamarillo y otras solanáceas para resistencia a nemátodos...

  20. 17/7/2020 Mitigación del cambio climático centrada en el productor:Parte 1 de 2 ¿Son los grillos una fuente práctica de proteínas en los países tropicales? Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Variedades de caupí para temporada lluviosa cálida Ecos de nuestra red: Huertos de emergencia en un mundo en cuarentena...

  21. 14/4/2020 Como responder en caso de una epidemia o pandemia Respecto al Tippy Tap Promoviendo la biodiversidad en las pequeñas granjas de maíz: la importancia de las aves Del banco de semillas de ECHO:Plantas de rápido crecimiento para el suministro de alimentos en el hogar Ecos de Nuestra Red: jardines de...

  22. 27/1/2020 Métodos con bajo contenido de oxígeno para controlar insectos en semillas Conferencia Internacional de Agricultura de ECHO 2019: Resúmenes de temas Ecos de Nuestra Red:Roger Gietzen sobre el tema de la agricultura sintropica Libros, sitios en la red y otrosrecursos: Guía para la construcción de...

  23. 18/10/2019 Prevención de plagas: Los fundamentos del Manejo Integrado de Plaga Ecos de Nuestra Red:Educación en nutrición en el contexto de los Programas Comunitarios de Agricultura Del banco de semillas de ECHO:Nuevos cultivares de frijol Lima disponibles Libros, sitios en la red y otrosrecursos: Guía de...

  24. 24/7/2019 Presentación de Huertos Centuplicados:Camas absorbentes para siembra de alta densidad de hortalizas donde el agua es escasa Ecos de Nuestra Red: Alfabetización y AgriculturayFMNR Restaura la cosecha de termitas para alimento de aves de corral en Talensi, Gana Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO:Casas...

  25. 26/4/2019 Aprendamos y conozcamos los sistemas de semilla locales Germinación para eliminar las toxinas de la judía sable (Canavalia ensiformis) Técnicas para aumentar latolerancia al estrés de las plantasy ampliar las salidas comercialesde la fruta Del Banco de semillas de ECHO: El árbol de la fiebre...

  26. 29/1/2019 Entendiendo los vínculos entrela agricultura y la nutrición Conferencia AgrícolaInternacional de ECHO 2018 Ecos de Nuestra Red: Cultivo intercalado de arbustos autóctonos Del Banco de semillas de ECHO: Clasificación de las anonas Libros, sitios en la red y otrosrecursos: Feed the Future Informes...

  27. 17/10/2018 Árbol de Karité: El árbol de mantequilla ¿Por cuánto tiempo deben cocerse las hojas de chaya? Hortalizas de hojas verdes: Polvo de hojas para mejorar la nutrición Del banco de semillas de ECHO: Joyas de Opar, Una planta ornamental comestible SPRING - Paquete de capacitación sobre agricultura...

  28. 18/7/2018 Ensayos en escuela de campo de agricultores de cultivos intercalados 2:4:2 Maíz /Legumbres Enfermedad de marchitez del laurel Ecos de nuestra red:Silos metálicos para almacenamiento de granos Del banco de semillas de ECHO: El Culantro Let’s Restore Our LandyAgricultura para el cambio: un proyecto...

  29. 27/4/2018 La antropología como herramienta para facilitar el desarrollo agrícola La invasion del cogollero del maíz Ecos de Nuestra Red: Daño causado por el milpiés Del Banco de semillas de ECHO: Maracuyá Libros, sitios en la red y otros recursos: Permaculture for Refugees in Camps

  30. 31/1/2018 Brote Amarillo, Fruta Verde:Enfermedad del Enverdecimiento de los Cítricos Conferencia Internacional de Agricultura 2017 de ECHO: Resumen de Temas Ecos de Nuestra Red:Insectos comestibles Del Banco de semillas de ECHO:El escobón, cultivo multipropósito de forraje para las tierras altas Nuevo...

  31. 23/10/2017 Insectos para alimentos humanos y para animales El resistente Bambú Invitación a LEAD Asia Charla a través de la red Ecos de Nuestra Red: Consejo para cercas vivas Del Banco de semillas de ECHO: Tamarindo: Una adición ácida para el huerto casero Nuevos lanzamientos de epublicaciones: Opciones...

  32. 17/7/2017 Monitoreo de cultivos para la detección temprana de plagas de insectos Se resuelve el misterio de una enfermedad relacionada con el lichi ¿Todas las partes de la chaya contienen ácido cianhídrico? Ecos de Nuestra Red: La agricultura como una empresa familiar Del Banco de semillas de ECHO: ¿Están...

  33. 12/4/2017 Cultivos biofortificados: ¿Qué son, cómo funcionan y por qué deberíamos sembrarlos? Las alegrías y los retos de los programas de Agricultura de Conservación Echoes de nuestra red:Comentarios de Joel Matthews sobre Mujer y Agricultura Del Banco de semillas de ECHO: Gac -Una fruta colorida y que...

  34. 16/1/2017 Las mujeres y la agricultura Conferencia Agrícola Internacional ECHO 2016: Resumen de temas Del Banco de Semillas de Echo: Tithonia para abono verde Nueva publicación:Elementos fundamentos del desarrollo agrícola

  35. 18/10/2016 El bambú Un patrón de cultivo intercalado “2:4:2” Maíz/Legumbres Morera de papel: Un recurso de agroforestería complicado Ecos de Nuestra Red:Chaya punzante; frutas para áreas muy lluviosasyEl problema del exótico minador en los tomates nigerianos Reseña del Libro:Manual para el Manejo Integrado...

  36. 11/7/2016 Detección de la aflatoxina en productos agrícolas Trabajadores comunitarios en sanidad animal apoyan la pequeña producción ganadera Ecos de Nuestra Red Del Banco de Semillas de Echo: La caléndula como siembra complementaria Libros, sitios en la red y otros recursos

  37. 8/4/2016 Huertos familiares en Burundi – “la nueva forma de cultivar hortalizas” Uso del extracto de hojas de marango como un potenciador de crecimiento de cultivos efectivo y fácil de obtener Ecos de Nuestra Red Del Banco de Semillas de Echo: Enfoque en Semillas de Leguminosas Libros, sitios en la red y...

  38. 25/1/2016 Contaminantes producidos por las llantas desde una perspectiva de su uso como contenedores para hortalizas Papel de ciantesmo para detectar cianuro El uso efectivo de talleres en la agricultura de extensión Ecos de Nuestra Red Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Enfoque en Semillas de Hortilizas...

  39. 30/10/2015 La permacultura en el desarrollo: una introducción a la permacultura y su aplicación en el desarrollo de la agricultura Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Maní del Inca (Plukenetia volubilis) Libros, sitios web y otros recursos Próximos eventos

  40. 23/7/2015 Prácticas agrícolas que secuestran carbono: fortaleciendo los suelos y estabilizando el clima Involucramiento del productor en la extensión agrícola Ecos de Nuestra Red: Negociando dos aparentemente contradictorios entendimientos de cooperativas Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Naranjilla

  41. 30/4/2015 Proveedores privados de servicios: los preferidos por los pequeños productores Cooperativas de productores Ecos de Nuestra Red: Agricultura de conservación en áreas con alta precipitación Libros, Sitios En La Red Y Otros Recursos

  42. 20/1/2015 Sellador al vacío de bomba de bicicleta para almacenamiento de semillas El selenio y la salud humana Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Polinización del sorgo Actualización De Investigaciones En Echo Sudáfrica Revistas de libros: El sistema de intensificación de cultivos Prosperidad agrícola para...

  43. 20/10/2014 Atrayendo de nuevo a los polinizadores Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Plantas de ECHO que atraen a polinizadores Ecos de Nuestra Red: Pepino como un cultivo intercalado Revistas de Libros 100 Tropical Fruits, Nuts, and Spices for the Central African Garden por Roy Danforth y Paul Noren...

  44. 1/7/2014 Programa de Huerto de Patio FONDAMA Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: 2013/2014 Ensayo de observación de tomate De Nuestros Centros de Impacto Regional Libros, Sitios en la Red y Otros Recursos: Perennial Vegetables En memoria de: Richard D. Chapin

  45. 20/4/2014 ¿Por qué muchos productores africanos prefieren no involucrarse en actividades de desarrollo?Russian Comfrey for Fertilizer, Feed and More Consuelda rusa para fertilizante, alimento y más Aversión al riesgo y diversificación Caupí: cobertura viviente debajo del maíz

  46. 1/1/2014 Estrategias para ayudar a pre- pararse y responder a desastres Ecos de Nuestra Red: Creciente interés en la chaya Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Caupí: Foco sobre las variedades multipropósito Próximos eventos Libros, sitios

  47. 20/10/2013 Un compendio de cursos, libros y otros recursos en línea gratuitos Producción agrícola natural Ensayo de observación de okra 2013 Replanteamiento de un supuesto básico en el desarrollo agrícola: la aversión al riesgo vs el hambre y el agotamiento Actualización de la investigación en Sudáfrica

  48. 20/7/2013 Lágrimas de Job (Coix lacryma-jobi L.), un grano resistente y multi-propósito El Sistema de Intensificación de Cultivos DE NUESTROS CENTROS DE IMPACTO REGIONAL Ejecución de su proyecto agrícola / plan de finca

  49. 20/4/2013 Apoyo adicional para el uso de lablab en zonas secas Lablab (Lablab purpureus), a New Staple Crop for the Sudano Sahel Concentrar el estiércol cerca de las plantas cultivadas dispara la fertilidad del suelo Elementos traza y salud humana

  50. 20/1/2013 Advertencia sobre Euphorbia tirucalli Producción de semilla de zanahorias Uberlandia en el África semi-árida Participación de Organizaciones No Gubernamentales en el control de la enfermedad de Newcastle Pollos de patio, seguridad alimentaria y alivio de la pobreza: Los beneficios del control de...

  51. 20/10/2012 Developing Low-Cost Assistive Technologies for Persons with Disabilities ECHOcommunity.org – The First Year Annual Leafy Greens Variety Trial

  52. 1/7/2012

  53. 20/4/2012 Baobab Seed Available Wick Irrigation Sequel to Amaranth to Zai Holes Microfinance: The Savings Group Model

  54. 1/1/2012 Huertos escolares y comunitarios Tolerance of Moringa oleifera to Freeze Events Books, Websites and Other Resources: Empowering Children From ECHO’s Seed Bank: Moringa drouhardii and M. ovalifolia

  55. 20/10/2011 Spider Flower (Cleome gynandra) East Africa’s Drought: Q and A The Importance of Indigenous Food Plants Famine in the Horn of Africa Introducing ECHO’s New Online Community Portal—in over 30 Languages!

  56. 20/7/2011 Bamboo for Fences New Use for Moringa Seeds Resource for Understanding Land and Tree Tenure Issues Marketing Information from ATTRA Tomatoes from Cuttings Metal Silos for Improved Grain Storage Avocado Trees ‘Caro Rich’ Tomato Seed for Increased Vitamin A

  57. 20/4/2011 We often come across interesting material related to articles in EDN that could not fit into the available space in the issue. We share the most relevant of those here.

  58. 20/4/2011 Water Harvesting Through Sand Dams Soil Microorganisms from Compost Tea Gliricidia sepium for Rat Control: A Recipe

  59. 20/1/2011 Multiplication and Use of Soil Microorganisms Chia (Salvia hispanica L.): An Ancient Food Crop with Rediscovered Potential for Providing Nutrition

  60. 20/1/2011 We often come across interesting material related to articles in EDN that could not fit into the available space in the issue. We share the most relevant of those here.

  61. 20/10/2010 We often come across interesting material related to articles in EDN that could not fit into the available space in the issue. We share the most relevant of those here.

  62. 20/10/2010 Reducing Moisture Content of Seeds Prior to Storage Photos of Modified Seed Dryer Global Weather and Climate Information Moringa Use in Mzenga, Tanzania Human Urine as a Fertilizer

  63. 20/7/2010 We often come across interesting material related to articles in EDN that could not fit into the available space in the issue. We share the most relevant of those here.

  64. 20/7/2010 Faidherbia albida Plant Information Online Feedback about Making Potting Mix Sprouting grains Chickpea Seeds from ICARDA Human Urine as a Fertilizer

  65. 1/4/2010 Opciones agrícolas y nutricionales para personas pobres que viven con el VIH/SIDA Ventajas de los vegetales perennes Recursos para ayudar con la respuesta al desastre en Haití Corta de renuevos en parcelas forestales Libros, sitios web y otros recursos: Out of Poverty de Paul Polak Del Banco de...

  66. 20/4/2010 We often come across interesting material related to articles in EDN that could not fit into the available space in the issue. We share the most relevant of those here.

  67. 20/1/2010 Effect of Sprouting on the Nutrition of Grain and Legume Seeds Alternative Germination Mixes for Starting Transplants Seeds of a Warm-Weather Carrot to Try Important Resources about Trees of Haiti Resource Rights

  68. 20/1/2010 We often come across interesting material related to articles in EDN that could not fit into the available space in the issue. We share the most relevant of those here.

  69. 20/10/2009 We often come across interesting material related to articles in EDN that could not fit into the available space in the issue. We share the most relevant of those here.

  70. 20/10/2009 A Low Resource Method to Raise Fish in Haiti Contributing Articles for EDN Thinking of Exporting a Plant Product to Europe? Free Statistical Software for Non-Profits In Memory of Keith Hess Peanut (Arachis hypogaea): A major and versatile crop

  71. 20/7/2009 Moringa Information from 2006 International Moringa Workshop Income and Other Benefits from Using Worms to Make Compost Introducing a New Crop: Reasons Why Seeds Fail Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Variety Trial at ECHO

  72. 20/7/2009 We often come across interesting material related to articles in EDN that could not fit into the available space in the issue. We share the most relevant of those here.

  73. 1/4/2009 Aflatoxin in the Diet Makes the Progression of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis Much Worse How Can a Diet Rich in Phosphorus Lead to Phosphorus Deficiency and Other Deficiencies? Effect of Neem Leaf Extract on N-Fixing in Beans Artemisia in the News Again Baobab Gardens for "Leaf Production Indigenous...

  74. 20/4/2009 We often come across interesting material related to articles in EDN that could not fit into the available space in the issue. We share the most relevant of those here.

  75. 20/1/2009 We often come across interesting material related to articles in EDN that could not fit into the available space in the issue. We share the most relevant of those here.

  76. 20/1/2009 Jicama Malted Barley Flour for Malnourished Infants Seed Storage

  77. 20/10/2008 Applying Calcium Carbide to Induce Flowering in Pineapple Inoculation of Leguminous Crops and Trees Drying Moringa during the Rainy Season Congratulations to Dr. Martin Price on his Retirement! Faba bean(Vicia faba)

  78. 20/7/2008 Crop Protection and Seed Saving Health-Related Topics Issue Number 100! SALT (Sloping Agricultural Land Technology) with emphasis on forage and animal production Mulch, mulch, mulch Helpful insights on sawing lumber from tropical trees Impressive reforestation by taking advantage of the “...

  79. 20/4/2008 Rapid Multiplication of Banana and Plantain Plants Farming God's Way - Feedback Highlights of Dr. Brewbaker’s Leucaena Tree and Sweet Corn Breeding Programs Fake Malaria Drugs in SE Asia Tips for Planting Small Seeds

  80. 1/1/2008 Un enfoque exitoso para el cultivo en el campo en el Sur de África Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Almorta de baja toxina

  81. 20/10/2007 “Cafeteria Feeding” of Chickens Winged Bean Revisited How Will Using Agricultural Land for Biofuels Affect Smallholder Farmers in Developing Countries? Deep Pipe Irrigation: an inexpensive and efficient method to irrigate crops and trees Pot Drip System for Tree Irrigation New Advances in Rope...

  82. 20/7/2007 A Fresh Look at Life below the Surface Branching and podding characteristics of ‘PKM-2’ Moringaoleifera

  83. 29/6/2020 This photo slideshow is a supplement toTechnical Note96: Earthbag Seed Banks.

  84. 20/4/2007 Hope against Malaria Insights from a Simple Sorghum Trial in Haiti Energy Needs for HIV-infected Persons

  85. 20/1/2007 A Market for Used Motor Oil Atemoya: Hand Pollination to Increase Fruit Set Saving Your Own Vegetable Seeds More on Maize in Africa Lagos Spinach

  86. 20/10/2006 Banana Wilt Disease in East Africa Common Mistakes in Agricultural Development and a Key to Success Used Motor Oil Método no químico para el control de ratas en arrozales Seed Yields Decline at Higher Average Temperatures The World's Wheat Crop Under Threat from New Disease Maize in Semi-arid...

  87. 20/7/2006 Más sobre el grano de Amaranto El frijol de soya en los trópicos Fruta de Jack (Artocarpus heterophyllus) “La fruta más grande del mundo” Promoción de la soya por Plenty International Tricomas de Mucuna como desparasitante de cabras

  88. 20/4/2006 Grain Amaranth Thoughts on the Green Famine - ECHOES from our Network

  89. 20/1/2006 Burning Neem Oil for Malaria Control Moringa for Emergency Water Treatment Exceptional Impact of a Novel Approach to Reforestation in Sub- Saharan Africa—an Update Solar Disinfection of Water (SODIS): A case study from Kenya

  90. 1/10/2005 Técnicas tradicionales para mejorar el desempeño de la planta Por qué / Cuándo la yuca puede causar la enfermedad Konzo Tratamiento para reducir el contenido de cianuro en la harina de yuca Cuando no hay refrigeración Tecnologías vegetativas para el cuido del suelo Ecos de nuestra red Libro:...

  91. 20/7/2005 Hybrid Maize Revisited Low Fertility Soil and Traditional Varieties Aflatoxin in Peanut Butter Feedback on Cooking Stoves Article (EDN 85) Gray Water and Crop Irrigation What about Hippos? The Chocolate Pudding Tree: Diospyros digyna (Black Sapote, Black Persimmon, Zapote Negro)

  92. 20/4/2005 Experience with chaya, moringa and katuk in Indonesia Making Friends with Dark Green Leafy Vegetables of the Mustard Family

  93. 20/1/2005 Loquat: A Fruit Tree Adaptable to Many Locations Extending the Life of your Seeds Tithonia and Lantana–An update Tithonia diversifolia as a termite repellent for protecting fruit trees in Central African Republic Traditional Plant Varieties and Low Fertility Soil

  94. 20/10/2004 Results of a Moringa Taste Test Carambola—A Five Star Fruit Indoor Air Pollution from Cooking Fire Smoke Black Sigatoka, Water Purification

  95. 1/7/2004 Huertos caseros en Kiffa Fertilizante en tapas de botellas Recoger los picudos de las vainas Ecos de nuestra red : Repaso de cultivo en callejones Libro: Producing Food Without Pesticides(Producción de Alimentos Sin Plaguicidas: Soluciones Locales para el Control de Plagas en Africa Occidental;...

  96. 20/4/2004 How Can NGOs Make Full Use of the CGIAR Network of Agricultural Research Centers? Filtering Water with Old Clothes to Prevent Cholera Smoked Rice Hull and Pottery Rice Bean -Vigna umbellata: Another amazing green manure/cover crop On-Farm Seed Priming Terra Preta: the Secret of Rich, Dark Soil in...

  97. 20/1/2004 Alley Cropping: a System to Sustain Soil Productivity Increased Yields, Less Disease Management Can Be Learned The Malian Peanut/Groundnut Sheller A System to Sustain Soil Productivity Dolichos lablab: A Legume that Feeds People, Animals and the Soil A Caution about Eating Excessive Amounts of...

  98. 20/10/2003 Towards More Fruitful Agricultural Experimentation How to Carry Out an Agricultural Experiment Seven-Year Lima Bean

  99. 20/7/2003 Leaf Protein Concentrate from Chaya Leaves? Additional Uses for Boric Acid Borates for the Control of Termites Especially for Sub-Saharan Africa: Mother and Baby Maize Variety Trials Update on Papaya Leaf Tea Strawberry Tree

  100. 20/4/2003 After 10 Years In Haiti Have I Done Any Good?

  101. 20/1/2003 Experiencia con la planta de chaya en Kenia Crecimiento de la chaya en distintos climas ¿Existe un mercado para productos de marango para pequeños productores? Extracto Foliar Frijol terciopelo arbustivo (Mucuna pruriens) Chaya

  102. 1/10/2002 La hambruna verde El valor de las malezas en un campo de maíz Proteger el maíz con “malezas” The Sustainable Village Actualización sobre SRI Actualización sobre Sesbania rostrata ¿Puede ayudarnos? Recursos: CD-ROM Reimpresión de Food from Dryland Gardens (sólo en inglés) Del Banco de Semillas de...

  103. 20/7/2002 Basics of Ruminant Digestion The Livestock Revolution

  104. 20/4/2002 Methods of Nematode Management Sesbania rostrata: A Green Manure Production System for Rice

  105. 20/1/2002 Nutrient Quantity or Nutrient Access? A New Understanding of How to Maintain Soil Fertility in the Tropics ‘Uberlandia’ Carrot

  106. 20/10/2001 Control of Mites in Honey Bees An Improved Method for Ripening Mangoes Eating Green Leaves Cranberry Hibiscus Rice Genome Mapped Drying Green Leaves in the Sun

  107. 20/7/2001 Red Palm Oil: More Than Just a Good Source of Vitamin A Colloidal Silver for Clay Water Filters ECHOES FROM OUR NETWORK

  108. 20/4/2001 Enthusiasm for SRI (System of Rice Intensification) The Effect of Aluminum in Acidic Soils on Plant Growth Questions for ECHO? Read This First! Moringa stenopetala, Pigeon Pea, Soybean, African Okra

  109. 20/1/2001 SRI, the System of Rice Intensification: Less Can Be More

  110. 20/9/2000 Now That I’m Here, How Do I Begin? When Young Children Must Take Chloroquine Smoked Rice Hulls as Planting Medium for Seedlin Cow Milk to Control Powdery Mildewgs

  111. 20/6/2000 New Uses of Moringa Studied in Nicaragu Producing Onion Powder for Sale and to Extend the Season Germinating Oil Palm Seed Prevention of Malaria with Insecticide-Treated Nets

  112. 20/3/2000 True Potato Seed Has Many Advantages A Story Involving Vetiver Grass Update on Your Bat Control Suggestion Mike Benge on Bat Houses Carl Campbell on cashew mildew Leaf Cutter Ant Control with Sweet Potato How are allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves propagated? Farming by the Stars in the Andes...

  113. 19/12/1999 Getting Bats out of the Attic I Know the Protein Content of a Dry Forage. How Do I Calculate What It Would Be When I Feed It Green? What Services Does ECHO Offer to Its "Network?" Farmers and Fish Love Cocoa Rapid Multiplication of Banana Plants in the Field Plant-Insect Communication

  114. 19/10/1999 Tephrosia Fallow Management in Cameroon Paprika as a Cash Crop Two Drugs at Once for Malaria Pregnant Women Should Not Use Papaya Seed to Treat for Worms Selection of Trees on which to Grow Vanilla How to Make Your Own Salt Licks and Urea Blocks

  115. 19/7/1999 Introduction of Maize Hybrids to Areas Currently Using Open-Pollinated Varieties Collards Can Protect Cabbage From Diamondback Caterpillars An Impressive Moringa Project in Senegal Where to Get Seed After a Disaster

  116. 19/3/1999 Micro-Scale Water Harvesting Fly Control for Cattle Additional Comments About Cashew Performance of Jack Bean Seed that ECHO Sent Us. The Papaya Seed Stomach Cure

  117. 19/12/1998 A Second Look At Green Leafy Vegetables As A Source Of Vitamins And Minerals Our Experience with Cashew Some Tree Seeds Need Smoke To Germinate Mulch or trees in the Sahel

  118. 19/8/1998 Edible Australian Acacias, A "New" - "Old" Food For Semi Arid Zones

  119. 19/5/1998 Why Intercropping Reduces Yield Of Sweet Potatoes Yardlong Beans For Hot, Humid Climates Does Mulching Make Sense In Semi-Arid Areas? Turning Peanuts Into Peanut Butter Some Thoughts On Sawing Tropical Trees

  120. 19/2/1998 Techniques For Storing Onions Kerosene Emulsifiable Concentrate Insecticide New Disease-Resistant Banana Hybrids Available Seed For Sorghum That Is Resistant To Striga Is Available From ECHO Katuk, Sauropus Androgynous, A Great Vegetable For The Hot, Humid Tropics (With A Caution)

  121. 19/11/1997 Suppressing Varroa Mites In Bee Hives Effect of Intercropping On Yield Of Sweet Potato Manure Management To Prevent Produce Contamination Taro Tuber Processing For Animal Feed Tick Control For Goats Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration Principles of Agriculture For The Humid Tropics

  122. 19/7/1997 Tithonia Weed -- A Potential Green Manure Crop Water Hyacinth and Its Uses A Spinach for the Humid Lowland Tropics A New Way To Preserve Viability of Seed In Remote Locations Do Velvet Bean Leaves Contain L-DOPA

  123. 19/4/1997 Erythrina Has Many Uses Some Interesting Questions About Velvet Beans A Positive Experience With Eucalyptus

  124. 19/1/1997 More on Controlling Leaf Cutter Ants Small Scale Vegetable Oil Extraction Making Bonemeal Fertilizer Grevillea Rebusta Survives On Phosphorus-Poor Soil

  125. 19/10/1996 Atemoya, A Quality Tropical Fruit Simple Grasshopper and Locust Controls Echos From our Network Using Owls To Control Rats

  126. 19/7/1996 La Desinfección de Agua por Medio Solar Discernimiento de un Proyecto de Biogas "¿Porque No Producen Fruto mis Tomates?" El Valor Nutritivo de la Chaya

  127. 19/4/1996 Home-Grown Beans Produce Less Gas How Toxic Is the Herbicide 2,4-D In Memoriam Scott Sherman, Age 36 Portable Gardens Made From Old Tires Tropical High-Altitude Growing Conditions

  128. 19/1/1996 Drip Irrigation Tropical Onion Seed Germination Mealybug Control Raising Pigs On Moringa Leaves Colored Plastic Mulches Stringa Controlled in Pearl Millet by Intercropping With Cowpea

  129. 19/10/1995 Fruits of Warm Climates Ideas For Controlling Chickpea Pod Borer Leaf Concentrate (LC) Capturing Water From Fog Improving Backyard Chicken Production The Woodmizer Company Helps Christian Missions and Schools With Portable Sawmills

  130. 19/6/1995 Why Does ECHO Copyright EDN? Simple Sawdust Cookers Alley Cropping to Sustain Yields Echos From our Network

  131. 19/3/1995 Causes of Bean Blossom Drop Will Carambola Trees Come True to Seed? How Do I Keep Birds Out of the Garden? A Peat Substitute Made From Coconut Disease-Resistant Tepary Beans Now Available Trench Traps Control Colorado Potato Beetle

  132. 19/1/1995 Echo's First Agricultural Missions Conference Echos From our Network Keeping Elephants Out of the Fields Innovations in Green Manures New Information on the Toxic Substance in Velvet Beans

  133. 19/10/1994 A Caution About One Use of The Bird Resistant Grain Sorghum Nematodes in Agroforestry Control of Leaf-Cutter Ants Use of Legume Cover Crops in Orchards or Plantations Echos From our Network Quinoa, Chenopodium Quinoa, The Incan "Mother Grain."

  134. 19/7/1994 Go Easy With Fertilizer After Transplanting Trees and Shrubs. Removing Salts From Container Grown Plants Moringa and Carotene What About Rhizobia Inoculants? Tomatoes Resist Flooding if Grafted To Eggplant. A Method For Keeping Rats Away From Oil Palms

  135. 19/4/1994 More About the Uberlandia Carrot That Sets Seed in the Tropics Fruit Fly Trap Made From Basil Suggestions to Help Agroforesters Reduce Seedling Losses From Termites Appropriate Technology Juice Pasteurizer

  136. 19/12/1993 New Data on Moringa Seed to Purify Water Success With Velvet Bean in the Republic of Benin A New Rearing Method for Cochineal Insects A New Idea for an Emergency Milk Substitute in West Africa Seed Available for a Carrot That Will Set Seed in the Tropics

  137. 19/10/1993 An Annual Agricultural Missions Conference to be Started by ECHO Moringa Leaves to Prevent Damping Off Disease of Seedlings Iron Sulfate Molluscicide Marama Beans Home Made Mosquito Repellent From Neem A Simple Way To Improve Starchy "Weaning Foods" Beekeeping & Development, An "Edn" For...

  138. 19/7/1993 Book Reviews Echos From our Network For Your Interest Only Bunchy Top on Papaya Before You Get Excited About Spice Production, Consider This Figure 1. Design for the Rus pump, courtesy of World Vision Australia and Rus Alit Blossom End Rot on Tomatoes Update on Nuñas (Popping Beans) The Rus Pump...

  139. 19/3/1993 The Small Farm Resource Development Project More On Neem To Control Scabies When Honeybees Become Drunk Honey As A Dressing For Wounds 'Alfagraze,' A Forage Alfalfa Droughttolerant, Earlymaturing, Goodyielding 'Crimson' Lentil Echos From Our Network

  140. 1/1/1993 Echo's From Our Network ECHO Gives a Hand to Russia Grass Mulch an Innovative Way of Gardening in the Dry Tropics Are Raw Vegetables More Nutritious Than Cooked One? Can Citrus Residue Be Used for Animal Feed?Onions in the Tropics and Subtropics

  141. 19/7/1992 Book Reviews Pigeon Pea and Chickpea Release Phosphates Living Support Poles for Yams (Diascorea spp) Toxicity and Food Security: A review of health effects of cyanide exposure from cassava and of ways to prevent these effects Storing Cooked Eggs Nutritive Value of Nuñas (Popping Beans)

  142. 19/6/1992 Cashew Growing Observations Cashew Fruit Drying in Honduras Training in Infrastructure for Developing Countries When You Send Seed to ECHO Cooking Oil Spray for Home Gardens Short Term Heating Kills Cowpea Weevils Effectiveness of a Moringa Oleifera Seed Extract in Treating a Skin Infection...

  143. 1/4/1992 Moringa Stenopetala Salt Tolerance in Leucaena? Keeping Moneys Out of the Garden A Living Fence That Might be Deadly Oral Vaccine for Typhoid Gardening in Volcanic Ash Devastating Disease of Neem Trees in West Africa

  144. 19/12/1991 We Are Beginning Our Second Decade! Sudanese Experience With Neem To Control Pests Some Helpful Facts About Salinity Caution About Using Moringa Tree Roots As A Horseradish Substitute Guidelines For Farmers Near Volcanos Who Must Now Plant In Fresh Volcanic Ash Use Of Partially Buried Flower Pots...

  145. 19/10/1991 Use Of Gliricidia Sepium (Mother Of Cacao, Mata Raton, Rat Killer) To Control Rats The Jaboticaba Tree, Myrciaria Cauliflora Mushroom Cultivation In The Tropics Saving Your Own Lettuce Seed Echos From Our Network The Simplest Way Yet To Control Bean Beetles

  146. 19/6/1991 Reports On Experience With Rabbits In St. Kitts Muscovy Ducks And Fly Control Seed For Marama Bean, Tylosema Esculentum Neem Seed As A Feed Ingredient Echos From Our Network

  147. 19/3/1991 Wood Ash To Preserve Tomatoes For Months Some Other "Gems" From My Conversation With Dr. Lamb An Unexpected Reason For Increased Soil Fertility Under Trees Can A "Pesticide Tree" Such As Neem Have Serious Insect Pests? Cashew Would Seem To Be A Great Cash Crop. Is It As Good As It Appears? Echo's...

  148. 19/12/1990 Fresh Seed For The "Beta Iii" (High Carotene) Carrot How To Produce Carrot Seed Where Winters Are Not Cold Update On Apples For The Highland Tropics Echos From Our Network Some Reflections How To Make A Rope And Washer Pump Can You Help Us?

  149. 19/8/1990 INTRODUCTION TO OUR SPECIAL EXPANDED ISSUE. One of ECHO's purposes is to help people grow food under difficult conditions. You are not likely to encounter a soil worse for gardening than a cement slab. Neither will you find such large areas of unused growing space in full sun and near prime...

  150. 19/4/1990 Lost Crops Of The Incas The Andes Berry (Rubus Glaucus). Passion Fruits For Higher Altitudes The Lost Crops Of Africa Will Be The Next In The "Underexploited Plants" Series Echos From Our Network New Pigeonpea Varieties From Icrisat

  151. 19/12/1989 Intercropping With Sugar Cane Can Kiwifruit (Actinidia Deliciosa) Be Grown In The Tropics Sweet Potato Cookbook Stopping Bees

  152. 19/9/1989 Vernonia (Vernonia Glamensis): A Potential New Crop For Semi-Arid Areas Of The Tropics And Sub-Tropics How Can I Simulate Long Days To Make Plants Bloom? Sawdust Used To Fill Old Tractor Tires Markets Saturated With Free Grain New Magazine -- Agroforestry Today Potential Contraceptive From Neem...

  153. 19/7/1989 Peanut Oil Treatment Prevents Weevils (Calloso Bruchus Maculoatus) In Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata) What Is The Huge Grub That Is Eating Banana Roots? Neem Leaf Tea To Control Termites Ralph Kusserow In Tanzania Writes About Rhubarb Use Stp To Make "Yellow Sticky Traps." More On Insect Traps Is The...

  154. 19/3/1989 Giza Sorghum For Food And Fuel Buffalo Gourd Is Another Candidate For Food And Fuel Are Jack Beans Safe To Eat? Why Are My Washington (Naval) Oranges Dropping? Sweet Potato Weevil Problems Echo Basic Document #2: Selecting The Right Crop For Your Location In The Tropics Or In The Subtropics

  155. 19/12/1988 Book Review: Rooftop Or Shallow-Bed Gardening Reaction To Bee Stings More On Making Your Own Biological Control For Cassava Hornworm Can Peach Pits Be Used As Food? Crop Production Bulletin #2, Soybeans Is Velvet Bean Safe To Eat?

  156. 19/9/1988 Some Personal Thoughts Electric Shock For Snakebite How Do I Begin An Experimental/ Demonstration Work? Are Macadamia Nuts A Good Crop For Belize? Some Tips For Rabbit Raisers Can You Make Your Own Biological Insecticide?

  157. 19/5/1988 Tagasaste, Chamaecytisus Palmensis, A Temperate Counterpart Of Leucaena Did You Have Difficulty Germinating Your Paulownia Trees? One Couple's Approach To Work With Traditional Herders Echo Crop Production Bulletin No.1: The Sweet Potato Book Review: How To Grow Fish In The Mountains Another...

  158. 19/2/1988 Electric Shock To Treat Poisonous Bites Doing Your Own Corn (Maize) Improvement Bush Okra From Echo Grew Well. How Do We Eat It? A Guide For Beginners In Small Scale Tropical Agriculture Update On Moringa

  159. 19/11/1987 Success Reported On Homemade Mouse Trap What We Have Learned To Date About Green Manure Crops For Small Farmers

  160. 19/6/1987 The Developing Countries Farm Radio Network Has A Wealth Of Information For Small-Scale Third World Farmers Keeping Elephants From Your Plantings Dr. Frank Martin Is Now A Volunteer For The Echo Network Seed For Seminole Pumpkin Cucurbita Moschata "Ethiopian Kale" Should Give Seed In The Tropics...

  161. 19/2/1987 I'd Like To Visit Echo, But Report On Success With Montello Lettuce The International Livestock Centre For Africa (Ilca) Is An Excellent Resource For Forage Seed And Information Sesbania Sesban Recommended For Alley Farming At Higher Elevations Paulownia, China's Wonder Tree Kochia (Kochia...

  162. 19/9/1986 How Far Apart Must Corn Be Kept To Prevent Cross-Pollination By Other Local Varieties? How Can I Grow Lady Bird Beetles In Captivity? How Can I Get Palm Oil From Oil Palms? Are Bruchid Beetles The Same As Weevils? Some Comments On Worms In Mangoes Where Can I Obtain Inoculant For Leucaena Tree...

  163. 19/6/1986 How Can We Keep Animals From Eating Tree Seedlings When Farmers Plant Leucaena? When Crab Burrows Cause Washout Of Canals Handy Rule Of Thumb For Seed Storage Conditions More On Use Of Oil To Control Insect Pests In Stored Grain Roy Danforth Reports Successful Method Of Taking Fruit Trees From...

  164. 19/3/1986 The Haiti Mix For Starting Seedlings Salt Project (Sloping Agricultural Land Technology) How To Make And Use An A-Frame Insect Pest Causing Serious Damage To Leucaena Plantings In The Philippines Montello Lettuce Is Worth A Try Where Heat Is A Problem Use Of Vegetable Oils To Protect Stored Beans...

  165. 19/12/1985 Techniques For Farming In Dry Areas

  166. 19/8/1985 Seed For High Carotene Carrots Answers To Some Questions On Citrus Green Manure Crops Offer Tremendous Advantages To The Small Farm In The Third World A Comment On Green Manure From Zaire

  167. 19/4/1985 New Varieties Of High Lysine Corn Show Much More Promise For The Small Farm Update On Items Discussed In Previous Issues

  168. 19/1/1985 The Moringa Tree, Moringa Oleifera, Is Called Mother's Best Friend A Pocket Directory Of Trees And Seeds In Kenya Do Not Eat Sprouted Sorghum Some Thoughts On Composting How Should I Treat Soybeans So They Can Be Fed To Animals? More On Animal Feeds More On Uses Of The Neem Tree As An Insecticide...

  169. 19/9/1984 Have You Tried Winged Beans, Psophocarpus Tetragonolobus? How Are Winged Beans Cooked? Honey Producing Trees Suitable For Multiple Use Book Review: A Farmer's Primer On Growing Rice Method For Protecting Trees From Goats Growing Rabbits In Pits Tropical And Subtropical Fruit Trees For Arid...

  170. 19/5/1984 Innovative Methods Of Terracing Quail Grass (Celosia Argentea) Is An Excellent Spinach Substitute For Hot Weather Cucurbit Seeds As Possible Oil And Protein Sources For Small Scale Household Use In The Hot Humid Tropics How Can I Garden In The Hot Humid Tropics?

  171. 19/2/1984 Egusi Seeds Are High In Oil And Protein Suggestions For Purchase Of Citrus Seeds I Want To Plant Leucaena, But Which Type Should I Chose? How Concerned Should I Be That Lead May Contaminate Urban Gardens? More On Techniques For Growing Deciduous Fruits In Warmer Climates: Grapes Update On Rooftop...

  172. 19/10/1983 Pachyrhizus Erosus Tubers Might Be An Excellent Cash Crop For You To Consider Treating And Storing Seed A Method For Measuring The Viability Of Your Seeds Roof Top Gardens For Urban Areas

  173. 19/6/1983 What Varieties Of Citrus Will Grow True From Seed? Muscovy Ducks For Development Projects In The Tropics No-Till Gardening

  174. 19/2/1983 A Perspective On Nutritional Limitations Of Amaranth Preparation Of Diffusion Processed Sweet Potato At Home Use Of "Wick" Suggested To Preserve Untreated Poles Sanitation Without Water How Great Is The Danger That Rabbits Might Escape From Your Project And "Create Another Australia"? Quinua Seed...

  175. 19/10/1982 Amaranth Seed Some Insights On Raising Rabbits In The Third World Does Jojoba Have Potential In The Tropics What Is Jojoba?

  176. 19/5/1982 Underexploited Tropical Plants Seed For Tepary Bean Propagation Of Tropical Fruit Trees Home-Made Water Repellent For Wood Preserving Wooden Bee Hives What Seed Would You Take To An Uninhabited Tropical Island?

  177. 19/12/1981 The primary focus of E.D. Notes, as well as of ECHO, is on items (1) for direct use or consumption on the subsistence farm and (2) with potential as a cash crop or small business for those with few resources. We trust that they will Offer you new ideas, information and opportunities Inform you of...

  178. 3/3/2020 This is just to see what the new template looks like on ECHO Community Low Oxygen Methods for InsectControl in Seeds ECHO International Agriculture Conference 2019:Topic Summaries Echoes from our Network:Roger Gietzen on the topic of syntropic farming Books, Web Sites and Other Resources: Vetiver...