Food Plants International - Plant Fact Sheets

  1. Edible Portion: Leaves, Seeds - Spice, Flowers - Colouring, Vegetable, Root - Tea A bushy herb. It can grow as an annual plant but it can keep growing from year to year from the thick tuberous root. It grows to60-200 cm high and spreads to 60 cm wide. The stem is short, thick and branching. The...

  2. Edible Portion:Leaves, Flowers, Leaf stalks, Vegetable A herb which grows in water. The leaves form tufts. They are oval and 15-18 cm long by 12 cm wide. The leaf stalk is angularand 30 cm long. The flower head in at the end of the shoot and has a long flower stalk. There is a sheath like a...

  3. Edible Portion:Leaves, Caution, Honey, Seeds A high shrub or small tree. It is deciduous and has a thin crown. It is up to 5-8 m high. It has milky sap. The leaves have 3-5lobes. They are 6 cm long by 15 cm wide. Flowers are separately male and female on the same plant. They are small and...

  4. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Pods, Vegetable A climbing bean with long pods. The vines can be 3 m long. They normally twine around sticks. Dwarf kinds also occur.Leaves have 3 leaflets. The leaflets are oval and side leaflets are at an angle. Leaflets can be 2-16 cm long by 1-12 cm wide.The...

  5. EdiblePortion: Seeds, Young pods, Leaves, Vegetable An evergreen herb of shrub. It is a climbing vine. It climbs to 6 m high. It can re-grow each year or live for a few years. Thestems are slender with long, slender branches. They are very hairy when young. The leaves are alternate with sword...
964 zaidi Food Plants International - Plant Fact Sheets

ECHO Asia Note Articles

  1. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 33. I read David Price’s concerns about promoting invasive forage plants in Asia Note #25 [Eds’ Note: AN #25 was written in response to AN #23] and would like to respond based on my own experience and observations. My reply will be based on the following...

  2. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 31. Saving your own seeds can be a cost-effective way to access crop seed for future planting and to help maintain the planet’s plant biodiversity. Whether you plant your own saved seeds, give them away to friends and neighbors, or distribute them through...

  3. Leaves of tropical crops like chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius) and cassava (Manihot esculenta) contain cyanogenic glycosides, toxic substances that release hydrocyanic acid (HCN; also referred to as cyanide or prussic acid) when cells are crushed. Consuming these plants without cooking them can...

  4. Some tropical crops contain cyanogenic glycosides, toxic substances that release hydrocyanic acid (HCN; also referred to as cyanide or prussic acid) when cells are crushed. Consuming these plants without cooking them can cause cyanide poisoning, with varying effects depending on cyanide levels...

  5. Stingless Beekeeping, or Meliponiculture, is the keeping of bees from the tribe Meliponini. Stingless bees comprise hundreds of species with there being a possible 89 confirmed species in Subtropical/Tropical Asia and Australia alone (Rasmussen, 2008); and, while many are able to produce honey,...
100 zaidi ECHO Asia Note Articles

Tropical Production Systems

  1. This technical manual focuses on the development, compilation, validation, and transfer of sustainable and profitable foodcrop-livestock-forestry management practices that favor rural families with limited financial resources on less-fertile hill-lands in the Humid Lowland Tropics; giving...

  2. This technical manual focuses on the development, compilation, validation, and transfer of sustainable and profitable foodcrop-livestock-forestry management practices that favor rural families with limited financial resources on less-fertile hill-lands in the Humid Lowland Tropics; giving...

  3. This Technical Note reports on the seed collection of 2 native cultivars of the “Sieva” group, during the major dry period in years 2008 and 2009. The cultivars were collected in the Humid Lowland Tropics in Southeastern Guatemala in Q’eqchi’ Mayan communities in the regions of Sumach-Rio Pita,...

MissionAssist Books - Agriculture and Farming

  1. Advice on how to cultivate bamboo plants from cuttings. This material was taken fromFootsteps- the literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission. This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2019 by MissionAssist.

  2. This book gives an overview of the Shell Books which have been written to help farmers and their families produce, process and store their precious food crops beyond harvest. Adapted from various "Practical Action" publications with kind permission. This edition published in the United Kingdom in...

  3. Rabbits are useful animals for individual farmers, village groups and schools as they are very productive, reproduce rapidly and produce good quality meat and fur. This uses material from "Footsteps 10" - the literary publication ofTear Fund, with kind permission. Illustrated by MissionAssist....

  4. This book tells you how to cultivate olive trees and how their fruit and wood can be used, along with some references to olives in the Bible. Written for MissionAssist. Illustrated by Carys Walsh. Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version NIV, Copyright 1973 1978...

  5. This booklet tells you how to use red chilli peppers to help keep pests away from your crops. Taken from "Footsteps 54" - the literacy publication of Tear Fund, used with kind permission. Illustrations on pages 4, 5 and cover courtesy ofClipArtEtc. This edition published in the United Kingdom in...
53 zaidi MissionAssist Books - Agriculture and Farming

Food Plants International - Publications

  1. This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common leafy greens of Papua New Guinea. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country...

  2. In a land full of beautiful, tropical, fruit, vegetables, nuts and root crops, sadly many people are starting to grow temperate “European” vegetables as they think they are more “sophisticated” or better. This is a tragedy for the health and well-being, of the people and the nation. Many of these...

  3. A brief introduction to the crops inMisima Island, Papua New Guinea.Misima is mountainous and densely forested. Mt. Koia Tau, at a height of 1,036 meters, is the highest peak of the Louisiade Archipelago.The island measures 40 km by 10 km and has an area of 202.5 km2.It has a population of about...

  4. This book is designed as a simple introduction to good gardening in Malawi. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very good quality...

  5. A brief introduction to some of the group Genera p-z. There are lots of tropical fruit and nut trees that have not been given the attention they deserve. The aim of this publication is to help people become aware of this diverse and useful group of plants.
11 zaidi Food Plants International - Publications

Miongozo mingine ya Mafunzo ya Wakulima

  1. The editable source documents (.docx and .pub)of these materials are available in many other languages fromthe CFGB database. The source documents are updated periodically so check here for the most current formats. We encourage you to adapt the source for your purposes. The marketing exercises...

  2. The editable source documents (.docx and .pub)of these materials are available in many other languages fromthe CFGB database. The source documents are updated periodically so check here for the most current formats. We encourage you to adapt the source for your purposes. Learning Outcomes –...

  3. The editable source documents (.docx and .pub)of these materials are available in many other languages fromthe CFGB database. The source documents are updated periodically so check here for the most current formats. We encourage you to adapt the source for your purposes. Learning Outcomes –...

  4. 20-04-2020 The editable source documents (.docx and .pub)of these materials are available in many other languages fromthe CFGB database. The source documents are updated periodically so check here for the most current formats. We encourage you to adapt the source for your purposes. This guidebook is...

  5. 20-04-2020 The editable source documents (.docx and .pub)of these materials are available in many other languages fromthe CFGB database. The source documents are updated periodically so check here for the most current formats. We encourage you to adapt the source for your purposes. Intended Learning...
9 zaidi Miongozo mingine ya Mafunzo ya Wakulima

Seeds for a Future Publications

  1. This PDF goes into greater detail about the Seeds for a Future Program, and what we’ve learned and incorporated along the way.

  2. Daillen Nordell Culver, Originally submitted August 2020,MSc International Development, University of Edinburgh,School of Social and Political Science Chronic malnutrition’s disproportionate impact on indigenous Guatemalans remains an obstacle to rural development. Emerging research suggests the...

  3. During 2014 – 2017, the Institute for Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP) scientifically documented Seeds for a Future’s Integrated Program, and its positive health impacts for the Program’s participants.
  4. La vulnerabilidad de las familias guatemaltecas a la inseguridad alimentaria y nutricional, es un problema que se ha agravado ante la crisis de la pandemia del coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19); ante esta circunstancia adversa, la Aldea Chocolá no es la excepción. Bajo este contexto, se ha evaluado la...

MissionAssist Books - Crafts and Skills

  1. A tent drier can be used to dry fruit and vegetables in the heat of the sun. Food so preserved will keep long past harvest time and can be sold later in the year in the market place. This material was taken from Footsteps - the literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission.This edition...

  2. Advice on how to protect buildings from lightning strikes. This material was taken fromFootsteps- the literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission. The original text was by Ronald Watts, Zambia. This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2019 by MissionAssist.
  3. Two women sell passion fruit and pineapple mixed juice. One has not made it correctly so it makes her customers ill. The other knows how to make it safely and she tells the other woman what to do. Full instructions on how to manufacture mixed juice are included in the appendix. This uses material...

  4. This book explains how to make indigo dye: the best plants to use and the equipment needed. Written and illustrated for MissionAssist. This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by MissionAssist.

  5. Howto make chutney from green, unripe mangoes or tomatoes. This material was taken fromFootsteps- the literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission.This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2019 by MissionAssist.
57 zaidi MissionAssist Books - Crafts and Skills

Christian Veterinary Mission (CVM) Publications

  1. When we begin a training program we want to encourage people's growth. We want to equip them for the future and for change. Because participatory training can cause change, it can also affect power, authority, and control. Therefore, training of any kind is not neutral. Every kind of training can...

  2. Dr. Maureen Birmingham and Dr. Peter Quesenberry,Revised Edition 2016 ISBN 978-1-886532-45-8 The idea for a book "Where There is No Vet" was conceived years ago. Work was officially started in 1985 by the late Dr. Bill Baker who worked as a veterinarian in Haiti for eight years. Dr. Baker...

  3. This handbook will help the sheep producer select production goals, select the type of sheep most suitable for a particular area, and will serve as a guide for the production of healthy sheep.Sheep are one of the most common livestock and among the first to be domesticated. They are very...

  4. 20-01-2006 The author's sincere desire in preparing this booklet is that it will serve to be readily used as a reference and aid in the raising of goats. Veterinary information and assistance are in short supply or nonexistent in many areas of the world. The author has endeavored to write this booklet in a...

  5. 20-01-2006 Why do our farm animals get sick and how can we keep them healthy?" This is a question veterinarians and other specialists who work with small farmers hear frequently. Most of these farmers work very hard, giving time, effort, and loving care to their animals in the hope that their farm will be...
10 zaidi Christian Veterinary Mission (CVM) Publications

Food Plants International - Posters

  1. Poster of some of the edible plants of tropical India. Being compiled by Bruce French of Food Plants International.

  2. Poster of some of the edible plants of tropical India. Being compiled by Bruce French of Food Plants International.

  3. Posters of some of teh edible plants of tropical India 2. Being compiled by Bruce French of Food Plants International

  4. Poster of some of the edible plants of tropical India. Being compiled by Bruce French of Food Plants International.

6 zaidi Food Plants International - Posters

MissionAssist Books - Health and Hygiene

  1. For children with conditions that make it difficult for them to walk, a few simple aids can make all the difference; this book explains how they can be used. It uses material fromFootsteps 108, the literacy publication of Tear Fund with kind permission This edition published in the United Kingdom...

  2. This book gives a brief overview of the most common diseases and problems affecting eyes, along with a description of their causes and possible treatments. It also offers practical advice on how best to manage everyday life with impaired vision or even total loss of sight. This book uses material...

  3. Basic instruction for people who have no medical knowledge on how to care correctly for sick or injured persons whilst awaiting the arrival of medical experts. This uses material fromFootsteps 18- a literacy publication from TEAR Fund used with kind permission. This edition published in the...

  4. This is the third book in a series of three about baby care. It is about weaning a baby.The baby was born strong and he was brought up healthily and well nourished on his mother’s milk. He continues to grow and reaches the third stage of his life, when he begins to feed on other foods apart from...

  5. This book explains the cause of albinism and stresses the importance of ensuring that albinos receive the care and respect that will enable them to lead as normal a life as possible. This book uses material from the public domain Illustrations by MissionAssist This edition published in the United...
44 zaidi MissionAssist Books - Health and Hygiene

Research - Posters

  1. Plants contain oxalates for a few reasons. The first is that plants do not have an excretory system like animals, so oxalates allow plants the ability to bind up excess calcium (Webb 1999).Plants high in oxalates can have negative effects on the ability of animals to absorb calcium after eating...

  2. Some tropical crops contain cyanogenic glycosides, toxic substances that release hydrocyanic acid (HCN; also referred to as cyanide) when cells are crushed. Consuming these plants without cooking them can cause cyanide poisoning, with varying effects depending on cyanide levels and how long a...

  3. After modifications to the ECHO Global Seed Bank storage unit, seed storage techniques already in use were assessed for effectiveness in achieving appropriate seed storing conditions within the renovated cooling and dehydrating system.Seed type influenced the effect of container on relative...
  4. Test

  5. Add greens to foods for healthier meals!
23 zaidi Research - Posters

Habari za ECHO Afrika Mashariki

  1. In this issue: 1. Nutrition in dryland areas symposium 2.Nanenane Agricultural show 3. Appropriate technology 4. ECHO EA seed bank updates 5..Parthenium 6. Upcoming events 7. News in brief

  2. Yaliyomo katika taarifa hii: Mafunzo kwa Mitandao ya Kilimo Hifadhi Mabadiliko ya Wafanyakazi wa ECHO Mikakati ya ECHO Afrika Mashariki katika Hifadhi ya Mbegu kwa Wanamtandao Ziara za Wanafunzi kwenye kituo cha ECHO Afrika Mashariki Mjadala juu ya mazao yaliyobadilishwa uasilia [GMOs] Kuna nini...

  3. Katika toleo hili: 1. Maonesho ya kilimo nanenane 2. Mbinu mbadala 3. Yaliyojiri katika benki ya mbegu 4. Baadhi ya mafanikio 5. Ubunifu 6. Habari kwa ufupi 7. Mbinu bora za kituo cha Mafunzo cha kanda ya Afrika Mashariki
  4. 17-03-2021
11 zaidi Habari za ECHO Afrika Mashariki

MissionAssist Books - Illness and Disease

  1. A story to encourage people to have their blood pressure checked, with advice on how to prevent high blood pressure, and what to do if one has it. The second part of the book is more practical; it explains what hypertension is and what causes it, and has more detail on prevention and cure....

  2. This booklet describes what cholera is; what you can do to stop people catching it; how to recognise if someone has it and how to help them get better. This booklet uses material from a number of web sites and from the United Kingdom Food Standards Agency with kind permission. This edition...

  3. This booklet contains notes on the prevention and treatment of glandular tuberculosis. This has been adapted from "La Tuberculosis Pulmonar" (Pulmonory Tuberculosis) by the Ministry of Health of Peru, in collaboration with SIL Peru. Text and illustrations 1976 Ministry of Health of Peru and SIL...

  4. This book gives advice on how to live with diabetes and other non-communicable diseases. Adapted from "Footsteps 87", the literary publication ofTearfundwith kind permission. This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist.

  5. There is no cure for dengue fever but this book gives details on how to help people suffering from the disease. This uses material from "Dengue Fever" by Three Strands Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. with kind permission. 2018, Chiranjib Chatterjee This edition published in the United Kingdom in...
14 zaidi MissionAssist Books - Illness and Disease

ATTRA Publications on Sustainable Agriculture

  1. Butterfly Pea: A Cover Crop for Hot and Humid Areas – ATTRA – Sustainable Agriculture Butterfly peas (Clitoria ternatea) are known for their showy flowers, but their twining, delicate-stemmed growth habit also makes them a great cover crop candidate. They have pinnate leaves with five to seven...

  2. Cover Crop Options for Hot and Humid Areas – ATTRA – Sustainable Agriculture Cover crops can be better adapted to some regions better than others. This publication discusses the characteristics of cover crops that are better suited for areas with hot, humid summers, like the southern portions of...

  3. Biochar is a potentially valuable soil amendment produced from biomass, through pyrolysis. Biochar improves soil aggregation, enhances nutrient- and water-holding capacity, provides habitat for soil organisms, modulates...

  4. As a nongenerational farmer, most of my agricultural experiences before entering the field of farming and food systems had huge impacts on my decision to farm, from childhood memories of wild blackberries to college-age harvesting of carrots.

  5. Tiny but mighty, microgreens are sprouting up on plates everywhere, adding a burst of flavor, vibrant color, and a hefty dose of nutrition to every dish. These miniature greens aren’t just a pretty garnish—they’re nutrient-packed powerhouses that can turn your meals and your income around....
13 zaidi ATTRA Publications on Sustainable Agriculture

Maelezo ya ECHO Afrika Mashariki

  1. A Combination of Approaches to Conserve Soil and Water Tephrosia: A Multipurpose Tree for GM/CC, Soil Conservation and IPM

  2. Food from the Wild Sweet Potato Promoting Biodiversity on Maize Smallholdings

  3. Families Benefited with Dairy Goats Project A Research Project:Packed Biogas in Bags Green Manure/ Cover Crops: jack bean

  4. Moving towards energy self-sufficiency: addressing challenges to biogas technology uptake for improving rural livelihoods Improving soil nutrients by planting Jack Bean Parthenium hysterophorus

  5. New seed to try: Banana Passionfruit Sweet Potato Varieties in East Africa Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease in East Africa A Focus on Perennial Vegetables
7 zaidi Maelezo ya ECHO Afrika Mashariki

General Technical Documents

  1. Benefits 1. Efficient recycling of clean vegetable residues. 2. Feed and multiply earthworms to populate a garden area of up to 1000 sq. ft. (32’ X 32’). 3. Protect young worms from animal predators. 4. Worm numbers per bed increased 25 fold, over 6 months at ECHO in N. Fort Meyers, FL. 5....

  2. Robert Walle - 2003 - DSEA Zamorano Nicaragua Slide 1 Community meeting to explain the road reparation and the protection of the infiltration gallery downstream from sedimentation from eroding streambank. Local concerns were expressed to also fix the existing wells used by the community, in...

  3. Instruction manual for Kenyan smallholder farmers to start with the production of Black Soldier Fly Larvae as substitute for omena and soy in animal feed.

  4. This resource of wild edible plants in Uganda was contributed by Sara Sytsma. She shared: I ask people in the villages to teach me about different plants they eat.I started on a "book" with the information I could collect so far.Some Ugandan agricultural development staff have helped me too. If...

  5. Compiled by Gabe LePage, ECHO Florida Intern, 2018 Causes: Soil Borne Pathogens Seed Borne Pathogens Factors: Excessive Soil Moisture Excessive Overhead Misting Lower soil temperatures before emergence Higher soil temperatures after emergence
86 zaidi General Technical Documents

International Biochar Initiative Publications

  1. Biochar can be made from a wide variety of feedstocks and under a wide variety of conditions, yielding a wide variety of potential product characteristics. Not all biochars are suitable for soil application as supplied. This Technical Bulletin covers two rapid tests that can be used to assess the...

  2. Biochar should always be tested for safety before applying to soil (see IBI Technical Bulletin #101: Quick tests to determine whether a biochar material contains compounds that are potentially harmful to plants). Biochar is not a single material and can vary in its composition according to how it...

  3. Biochar is mostly composed of highly stable forms of black carbon and it can be used as a tool for carbon sequestration in soil. There is also interest in using biochar to create permanent landscape art, including as part of projects (such as aimed at raising public awareness about...

  4. Biochar has been shown to be beneficial for growing crops. For farmers and gardeners, biochar provides a unique opportunity to improve soil fertility for the long term using locally available materials. Used alone, or in combinations, compost, manure, and/or synthetic fertilizers are added at...

  5. 20-02-2015 Marta Camps, Massey University; and Thayer Tomlinson, International Biochar Initiative February 2015 Both compost and biochar production are methods to utilize and recycle organic wastes. This paper provides information on the use of biochar in composting and highlights the potential benefits,...
7 zaidi International Biochar Initiative Publications

USAID Crop Publications

  1. USAID - Pakistan - Chili Production, Harvest & Post-Harvest Management

  2. Onions are one of the oldest vegetables in continuous cultivation, dating back to at least 4,000 BC as recorded by ancient Egyptians. This fact is documented in the Bible and Holy Quran. » The common dry onions (Allium cepa), a member of the Amarylli-daceae family, originated in central Asia...

  3. 20-01-2012 This manual was prepared to assist USAID-Inma field staff in working with cooperating growers. It does not cover all issues or answer all questions. The USAIDInma horticulture team or Ministry of Agriculture specialists can be consulted to answer additional questions. Onions clearly represent an...

Zambia Agribusiness Society - ZAS

  1. Chickens have very basic needs: food and water, adequate shelter and space, and predator protection. Chicken owners go to all different lengths to meet those needs, from the simplest to the very elaborate. The beauty of raising chickens is that there is no set formula and no way that you must do...

  2. Organic Livestock Farming refers to the treatment and growth promotion of livestock with Natural products. Topics discussed in this resource include: Organic Farming Natural and Organic Products Poultry Infections and Diseases Tips on Management

  3. Onions are consumed in almost every household in Zambia. Not only are onions grown for domestic consumption but are also grown for commercial purposes. Onions are one of the few crops in Zambia that will always have a ready market. This simple guide will equip onion growers with recommended...

  4. Onion (Allium cepa L.) cultivation in Jamaica dates back to more than 50 years ago (ADC, 1963). It is a culinary ‘must use’ for Jamaican diets and more than 10 million kg is consumed annually. Over the last 18 years, onion production has declined significantly from 4,200 tonnes in 1996 to 680...

  5. Topics reviewed in this resource includes: Onion economy Growing onions Varieties Growth stages Favorable growth conditions Nutrition and fertilization Soil analysis guide Leaf analysis guide
107 zaidi Zambia Agribusiness Society - ZAS

Grower Talks

  1. GrowerTalks magazinemay be the best-known greenhouse trade publication in the world. While it’s published in America’s Midwest, just outside of Chicago, its reach and influence is global, with its editors historically on the road and in the air to find the stories, trends and news. ARTICLES FROM...

  2. 01-01-2021 GrowerTalks magazinemay be the best-known greenhouse trade publication in the world. While it’s published in America’s Midwest, just outside of Chicago, its reach and influence is global, with its editors historically on the road and in the air to find the stories, trends and news. ARTICLES FROM...

ICIPE Publications

  1. Ticks and tick-borne diseases cause great economic loss to livestock in the world and have adverse effects on them in several ways and even leads to their death. Ticks parasitise a wide range of vertebrate hosts and transmit a variety of pathogenic agents than any other group of arthropods. The...

  2. Nematodes are difficult to diagnose due to their nonspecific, cryptic disease symptoms, lack of apparent damage, limited diagnostic capabilities, and inadequate understanding of nematodes and expertise to manage the pests. Nematodes are often misdiagnosed or attributed to other causes.

  3. 20-01-2013 Many of the important agricultural and horticultural crops cultivated worldwide belong to the genus Brassica. The main brassicas grown in East Africa are cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata); kale, also called choumolea (B. oleracea L. var. acephala); Chinese cabbage (B. campestris L....

  4. 20-01-2006 This field guide provides agricultural scientists, extension workers and quarantine specialists with information on the life cycle, damage symptoms, distribution and host plants of major fruit fly species of fruits and vegetables in Africa. The purpose, tools and methodology for fruit fly...

Infonet Biovision Publications

  1. Diagnostic chart based on disease signs and observations

  2. 20-02-2016 Diagnostic chart based on disease signs and observations

  3. 20-01-2012 Infonet-Biovision, an initiative of Biovision Farmer Communication Programme, provides small-scale farmers, communities, NGOs, and trainers with practical information and knowledge on simple, workable and ecologically compatible practices and methods that sustain farming and household incomes. It...

  4. 20-01-2005 Mango is one of the most important fruit crops in the tropical and subtropical lowlands. It is a fruit growing in popularity worldwide and well suited to East Africa as a commercial crop. These guidelines are for farmer-to-farmer leaders of a training programme. They are accompanied by a field...

ECHO Research - Guidance

  1. For many of us the idea of “research” is scary. We are not trained in it. We picture rigorous statistical analyses that we are unfamiliar with. We have seen glossy scientific journals with technical words that we do not understand. Besides, isn’t our goal to directly help smallholder farmers? Why...

  2. As you work in agricultural development, there may be times that you find yourself wondering about the answer to a specific question you have. For example, should plants be spaced 30 cm or 60 cm apart to achieve the highest yield? Which one of three tomato cultivars would grow best in a...

  3. 20-10-2000 Halfway through my doctoral studies in biochemistry I had an opportunity to travel to a developing country to visit some missionaries and the people they served. Thanks to that visit I began my “mid-life” crisis in my mid-twenties. My research at Indiana University was in what one would call “...

ECHO Research Newsletter

  1. December 2024 is the third issue of ECHO Research Newsletters. To correspond with ideas and feedback about the topics ofthis newsletter, email Engagement Opportunities:IV International Symposium on Underutilized Plant Species andSpecial journal issue on Agriculture and...

  2. 23-08-2024 August 2024 is the secondissue of ECHO Research Newsletters. To correspond with ideas and feedback about the topics ofthis newsletter, email Engagement Opportunities: Monitoring and evaluation, Plant nutritional information Knowledge Exchange: A research round table and...

  3. 02-05-2024 May 2024 is the first issue of ECHO Research Newsletters. To correspond with ideas and feedback about the topics ofthis newsletter, email Engagement Opportunities: Monitoring and evaluation, Plant nutritional information Knowledge Exchange: A research round table and...

ECHO Asia News

  1. An overview of the workshop topics including integrated pest management, natural herbicides, Beuveria, Trichoderma, etc.

  2. This article by ECHO Asia Staff membersPatrick Trail, Yuwadee Danmalidoi, and Boonsong Thansrithong, appeared in ARI's'Eudoo' Journal of Rural Future Study(May, 2021) A number of motivations exist for saving seed at the community level, including crop biodiversity preservation, food sovereignty...

  3. 20-11-2016
9 zaidi ECHO Asia News

Food Plant Solutions - Publications

  1. This poster is designed as a simple introduction to important root crops ofSolomon Islands. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very...

  2. This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants ofChad. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very good...

  3. This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants of Malawi. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very...
  4. Imagine - You are an immigrant to a country which, in contrast to all that you are familiar with, is in a different climate, with different soils, and different plants which will flourish in these conditions. You are keen to be a good provider for your family and the idea of growing fresh fruit...

  5. If you download a publication, please contact Food Plant Solutionsat – Feedback on any publication is invited and much appreciated – Return to the Publications List
137 zaidi Food Plant Solutions - Publications

ECHO Technical Notes

  1. So you want to help people in the tropics. Beautiful! The tropics are waiting for you. No matter what your abilities, you can make life better for others in the tropics. Your concern for the physical and spiritual well-being of people can be translated into fruitful service. Your first asset is...

  2. 18-09-2024 ECHO East Africa worked with Neil Rowe-Miller from 2018-2023 to develop and refine the Maresha plow, originally from Ethiopia, into a seeder for promotion of conservation agriculture in East Africa. This Technical Note includes details about the plow's benefits, parts, operation, calibration,...

  3. 20-12-2023 A standard wheelbarrow, with the wheel at the front, places about half the weight of the load on the operator. A load-centered wheelbarrow places the wheel in the center of the load, shifting 90% or more of the weight to the wheel instead of the operator. This allows the device to be used for...

  4. 21-11-2023 Litter systems are an approach to hygienic, integrated animal production in which animals are raised in an enclosed space on a floor of organic bedding. Systems with thick bedding material are sometimes called deep litter systems. Litter systems allow you to prioritize animal health by providing...

  5. 09-06-2023 This guide expands on a summary by Chalermliamthong and Trail (2021) of the black soldier fly larvae production system at the ECHO Asia Small Farm Resource Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The production system there serves as an approach for scaling up larvae production as an alternative protein...
97 zaidi ECHO Technical Notes

MissionAssist Books - Information and Education

  1. This book looks at some of the many different types of seeds, their uses and their distribution patterns. It uses material from the public domain Illustrations by MissionAssist This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2023 by MissionAssist Copyright 2023 MissionAssist

  2. This book gives some interesting facts about chocolate, its origins, manufacturers and uses; plus a simple recipe for making chocolate chip cookies. Written and illustrated by MissionAssist This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2024 by MissionAssist Copyright 2024 MissionAssist...

  3. There are three species of camel: Dromedaries, which can be found in North Africa, the Middle East and some parts of Asia; the Bactrian Camels which live in Asia and Wild Bactrian Camels who inhabit parts of China and Mongolia. Written and illustrated for MissionAssist This edition published in...

  4. There are about 49 different species of tortoise all over the world. The smallest are the padlopers of southern Africa. These are about 10 - 15 centimetres long. The largest tortoises live in the Aldabra and Galapagos islands. This book focuses on the two and largest species of tortoise, called...

  5. This book offers some basic information about the seismic events of the title, along with the usefulness of certain animals in predicting them. The benefits that may accrue are described as well as the immense destruction they can cause. It uses material from the public domain Illustrations by...
58 zaidi MissionAssist Books - Information and Education

FAO Publications

  1. The FAOSmallholder Farmers’ Dataportrait is a comprehensive, systematic and standardized data set on the profile of smallholder farmers across the world. It can generate an image on how small family farmers in both emerging and developing countries live their lives. It is about putting in...

  2. Parent page Adopted Standards (ISPMs)

  3. 20-01-2022 FAO. 2022. Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) User guide. Rome. https://doi. org/10.4060/cb8611en AGORA is a programme of Research4Life – a public-private partnership between Cornell and Yale Universities, FAO, the International Association of Scientific, Technical and...

  4. 20-01-2022 FAO, Rikolto and RUAF.2022.Urban and peri-urbanagriculture sourcebook– From production to food systems.Rome, FAO and Rikolto. The purpose of this book is to set out the key lessons learned and to provide recommendations and guidance based on existing cases and...

  5. 01-01-2021 This publication provides information on the top 10 benefits Pastoralism on a community and the environment.Pastoral activities span more than 100 countries, and contribute to global development and food security. This presents opportunities for securing widespread benefits of pastoralism and its...
9 zaidi FAO Publications

World Bank Group - Open Knowledge Repository

  1. “World Bank. 2022.The Little Data Book on Financial Inclusion 2022. World Bank, Washington, DC. World Bank. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.” The Little Data Book on Financial Inclusion 2022 is a pocket edition of the Global Findex Database 2021. The...

  2. 20-01-2019 “International Finance Corporation. 2019.Working with Smallholders : A Handbook for Firms Building Sustainable Supply Chains. Washington, DC. International Finance Corporation. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.” The purpose of Working with...

Practical Action: Technology Challenging Poverty

  1. Globally, drying is the most widely used method for preserving foods for use in the home or for sale. When drying foods such as fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs and nuts value is added by dryingand in such cases an investment in improved drying technologies may be economically viable. This...

  2. There are two main reasons for drying food: to prevent (or inhibit) the growth and activity of micro-organisms and hence preserve the food to reduce the weight and bulk of food for cheaper transport and storage. This technical brief describes some of the requirements for proper drying and...

  3. 01-01-2007 Biogas is a well-established fuel for cooking and lighting in a number of countries. It is a gas mixture comprising around 60% methane and 40% carbon dioxide that is formed when organic materials, such as dung or vegetable matter are broken down by microbiological activity in the absence of air,...

COMPAS - Newsletter for Endogenous Development

  1. In this issue, several authors indicate the causes of poverty in their area of work. For example Barkin (p.41) points at the processes of cultural oppression and agricultural modernisation that affected the indigenous peoples in rural Mexico; Satheesh (p.20) presents the influence of the Public...

  2. Methodologies to support endogenous development The social mobilisation approach facilitates community change in Sri Lanka Promoting health care in India - by reinforcing local health traditionsrang Ghanaian community approach AGRUCO's methods strenthen self esteem and cultural identity Reviving...

  3. 01-01-2021 This paper presents the following questions in an inter-cultural perspective: What are importantant differences in worldviews and how do these affect the ways of knowing? What is knowledge and what is science? What types of relationships can exist between dominant science and the different local...

  4. 01-01-2012 This report provides the summary findings of the CAPTURED End Evaluation. In addition, three country evaluation reports have been produced, based on the work of the CAPTURED partners in Bolivia, Ghana and India. As noted in the ToR document, the purpose of this evaluation of the Program for...

  5. 01-01-2012 The objective of this book is to stimulate co-creation of sciences through an inter-cultural and inter-scientific dialogue – a dialogue in which each way of knowing expresses itself, where differences are positively and respectfully considered, and where options for complementarity (and aspects...
34 zaidi COMPAS - Newsletter for Endogenous Development

Feed the Future Publications

  1. Jack bean is an excellent plant for enriching soil, because it grows under very difficult conditions. However, the beans contain toxins that normally make them unsuitable for human consumption. This document describes how to germinate jack bean to remove the toxins and increase the beans’...

  2. This short document contains graphs that show how zero tillage leads to increased water infiltration and increased water retention in soil.

  3. This document distinguishes between ‘anchor’ cover crops (that are intercropped with a main crop such as maize) and ‘secondary’ cover crops (that don’t compete with the main crop because they have a short life cycle, and that can help cover the soil at the start of the growing season). The...

  4. Four nutrient deficiencies--phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, and magnesium--can be diagnosed by observing maize leaves. This document includes photos of a healthy maize leaf and of maize leaves demonstrating each of these nutrient deficiencies. It also contains suggestions for how to address each...

  5. In the Push-Pull system, crops that repel pests and/or attract pests’ predators are intercropped with maize, to ‘push’ pests away from the main crop. Plants that attract pests are planted around the field, to ‘pull’ pests away from the maize. Incorporating legumes in this system means that soil...
1 zaidi Feed the Future Publications

ECHO Asia Seed Fact Sheets

  1. General description and special characteristics – Sunn hemp is an erect, Photo: ECHO Asia staff annual legume with rapid, vigorous growth, bright yellow flowers, and plump,pubescent seed pods. The plant generally grows unbranched from the ground to approximately 60 cm (2 ft.) up the stem. Above...

  2. General description and special characteristics – Annual semi-hardy herb up to 1-2 m tall with bright orange or yellow flowers. Variety – Thung Khang Tong, a local Thai variety

  3. General description and special characteristics – Wax gourd is an annual squash-like vine, with large, soft, hairy leaves. Fruits are large, oblong, 25-120 cm long, usually hairy when young, and with a waxy covering when ripe. Fruit may weigh up to 40 kg, though 10 kg is normal. They have solid...

  4. General description and special characteristics – An upright branched annual of which the young leaves and stems are eaten like cooked spinach. Amaranthus tricolor originates from tropical Asia and is one of the major leafy vegetables in South and Southeast Asia. Varieties – Tigerleaf: green leaf...

  5. General description and special characteristics – Ivy gourd is a perennial vine with white, star shaped flowers and cucumber-like fruit which is green when immature and bright red when ripe. It is naturalized or native in Southeast Asia and East Africa, but is listed as an invasive weed in...
56 zaidi ECHO Asia Seed Fact Sheets

Sustainable Nutrition Manual, 2nd Edition (2016)

  1. Extracted from SNM Part 3 Health Designs Appendix 1&2

  2. 20-01-2016 HealthyEnvironments is about natural systems and sustainability. You will learn abouttheNature Cycle and the Water Cycle and natural sustainable systems. You willbe introduced toPermaculture ideas and gain an understanding of the benefitsof diversity in Nature. *Sustainable Nutrition Manual...

  3. 20-01-2016 HealthyDesigns is about designing for sustainable living. This book brings parts 1 and2together and guides you to make a personalised plan for SustainableNutrition. This book ispractical to design everything on your land. There islots of information in the appendicesabout foods of Malawi and...

  4. 20-01-2016 HealthHumans isaboutthe human body and nutrition. You will also learn about foodchoicesand the benefits of diversity in diet. It has lots of useful ideas toimprove life and manydelicious recipes and suggestions for tasty, healthymeals. *Sustainable Nutrition Manual (SNM): Food, Water, Agriculture...

Haitian Network Documents

  1. Vile mtu yeyote anaweza unda na kutumia choo chake wakati wowote kwa kutumia nayasi ya vetiva. Matumizi ya nyasi ya vetiva yachukuliwa pahala pa utumiaji wa choo cha kuchimbiwa,huleta ufaraga/ficha siri na kuifanya choo cha watu/usaha kuumbuka kwa haraka.Nyasi kwa jina jiji vilivile zinaweza...

  2. A powerpoint explaining rabies in general and in Haiti, how to combat it, signs, what do do if you are bit etc.

  3. A creole document describing illnesses in Haiti that can be prevented with vaccine available in Haiti

  4. Creole Document - Insects in our gardens

  5. Creole Document - Guide to raising piglets
20 zaidi Haitian Network Documents

USAID Sector Environmental Guidelines & Resources - SEG

  1. Virtually all small-scale development activities—including aspects of housing, sanitation, water supply, roads, schools, community centers, storage silos healthcare, energy—involve construction. USAID’s global construction and rehabilitation portfolio includes small projects (e.g., individual...

  2. USAID seeks to facilitate inclusive and sustainable agricultural productivity growth to lift people out of extreme poverty and hunger, giving them the ability to move beyond subsistence and engage in their local, national, and/or global economies. Best achieving these critical development...

  3. The world’s drylands include hyperarid, arid, semi-arid and dry subhumid areas where rainfall is highly variable, droughts are common and water is the principal limiting factor for agriculture. Dryland soils, which are characterized by low levels of moisture, organic matter, and biological...

  4. Ecotourism can contribute to economic development and the conservation of protected areas by generating revenues that can be used to sustainably manage protected areas, and by providing local employment and a sense of community ownership. However, without careful planning and management that...

  5. Community-based natural resources management (CBNRM) attempts to address the problems of poverty and natural resource degradation simultaneously, even though their solutions are often seen as being in direct conflict. CBNRM is premised on the idea that communities will sustainably manage local...
9 zaidi USAID Sector Environmental Guidelines & Resources - SEG

Hifadhi ya Rasilimali za Mafunzo ya Kilimo cha Uhifadhi

  1. The editable source documents (.docx and .pub)of these materials are available in many other languages fromthe CFGB database.The source documents are updated periodically so check here for the most current formats. We encourage you to adapt the source for your purposes. Poster List : What is CA?...

  2. 20-04-2020 Kwa Nini Kilimo Hifadhi? ................................................... 3 Kupunguza usumbufu wa udongo ........................................ 5 Umuhimu wa kufunika udongo ............................................ 8 Kupanda kwa usahihi...

  3. 20-04-2020 Kilimo hifadhi kimeenea kwa miaka 40 iliyopita hadi kufika hekta milioni 105 za ardhi iliyolimwa duniani kote (ACT 2008). Ufanisi wa kilimo hifadhi katika kuhifadhi unyevu wa udongo, kuboresha udongo, kupunguza gharama za pembejeo,uzalishaji thabiti na mavuno mengi ya mazao kutapelekea kujenga...

Mkulima Mbunifu

  1. Desemba 2018,Toleo la 75 Mkulima Mbunifu (MkM) ni jarida linalotoa elimu ya kilimo.
  2. Februari 2024,Toleo la 130 Mkulima Mbunifu (MkM) ni jarida linalotoa elimu ya kilimo.
  3. 01-06-2020 Juni, 2020,Toleo la 93

  4. 01-07-2011 Karibu mkulima uelimike Magonjwa ya kuku Unaweza kupata nakala yako Njia rahisi ya kutengeneza mbolea maji Jinsi ya kuzuia magonjwa ya kuku Faida za kutumia mbolea mboji Mahitaji ya ng’ombe ili aongeze maziwa Washirika wa Mkulima Mbunifu Namna ya kuwavutia nyuki

CTA Publications

  1. The valuable medicinal properties contained in certain plants are not, however, in doubt. In recent years, for example, the Chinese plant Artemisia annua, has become the essential ingredient in a new generation of anti-malaria drugs. The plant is now being grown in East African countries to...

  2. Hiki kijikaratasi chenye kurasa 8, kinachofaa kwa matumizi kivitendo na ambacho ni rahisi kusoma, kinashughulikia suala la jinsi ya kufuga nyuki na kuchakata asali. Pamoja na kutoa rejea ya somo lenyewe, kijikaratasi hiki pia hutoa maelezo na mapendekezo mbalimbali kwa kutumia majedwali na...

  3. This 8-page leaflet, practical for use in the field and easy to read, helps pastoralists understand markets for animals and milk. It gives background information on types of products, market chains, adding value and different types of markets. Marketing processes are clearly outlined, along with...

  4. 01-01-2014 This 8-page leaflet, practical for use in the field and easy to read, describes 11 ways that pastoralists can improve the marketing of their livestock. Ideas are given on keeping animals healthy, organising marketing groups and transporting livestock. Illustrated with line drawings throughout,...

  5. 01-01-2014 This 8-page leaflet, practical for use in the field and easy to read, describes 10 ways that pastoralists can make more money from their milk. Ideas include splitting the herd, organising a marketing group and starting a small processing plant. Illustrated throughout with line drawings, further...
18 zaidi CTA Publications

Resources for Schools and Teachers

  1. Students will investigate recent field research studies on the ECHO-North America Small Farm Resource Center and the ECHO-Asia Small Farm Resource Center and then design their own experiments. Activity 1 ECHO-North America initiated a multi-year gliricidia intercropping trial. Researchers are...

  2. Frequently asked questions about ECHO, the farm visit, and safety rules for enjoying the ECHO-North America Small Farm Resource Center experience...

  3. Students will convert the annual sugar cane harvest data from weight to liquid measure, calculate the number of containers needed (gallons, quarts, and pints) for sale at a farmers’ market, and form a business plan including the calculation of costs and profits. An extension activity includes...

  4. During the ECHO tour, students saw several members of the animal kingdom which play an important role on small-scale farms. After creating a graphic organizer, students will write stories, poems, construct posters, or design illustrated brochures or information sheets describing “How to Raise”...

  5. Students will analyze data from the annual Tilapia harvest comparing the pond raised fish to the aquaponics grown fish. Guess what they found?
6 zaidi Resources for Schools and Teachers

Amaranth to Zai Holes

  1. After 15 years of EDN, I guess it is not too much to include a bit of levity. Economists, agronomists and planners of late Have discovered a new way to pontificate. Beyond mere jargon, like "Success Enhancement," "Integrated Development," and "Rural Advancement." Working in all their infinite...

  2. 19-10-1996 All trees are multipurpose. They bring subsoil nutrients to the surface, provide shade, and slow erosion. Many trees provide fodder, living fenceposts, fruit and other edible parts, shade, insecticides, and wood; they all have some role in soil stabilization and offer quality-of-life benefits...

  3. 19-10-1996 Staple crops are those which are most common in people's diets. Large expanses of land are dedicated to growing these foods, compared to the smaller areas planted in fruits and vegetables. In the third world, the staples are often a starch (grain or root crop) and a pulse (dried legume seed,...

  4. 19-10-1996 Urban food production is an area which has been too frequently overlooked by development planners, considering global urbanization and the surprisingly large amount of food already produced in cities. Beyond the sites traditionally used by urban gardeners, there is considerable potential to...

  5. 19-10-1996
40 zaidi Amaranth to Zai Holes

Using ECHO Resources

  1. The security of the users and members of ECHOcommunity is of utmost importance to us. These resources outline the policies that govern our data collection, the legal terms by which you may use this website and affiliated services, and what privileges are afforded to members. Please read these...

  2. 20-01-2021 Available on iOS 10.0+and Android 5.0+ Updated 8/2024. Search "echocommunity" in the App Store on your iPhone or in Google Play on your Android phone. ECHO has provided resources to farmers and development workers for over 40 years. contains thousands of documents and videos...

Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM) Publications

  1. Shamba mfuka ni bustani ndogo ya mbogamboga iliyotengenezwa kwenye kiroba iliyo karibu na nyumba.

  2. Namna ya kutayarisha: Dawa za Asili. Kiua wadudu ni mchanganyiko ambao unaweza kuua na kufukuza wadudu. Kilomohai Training Materials

  3. Faida za kilimo mseto. Ongeza uzalishaji wa shamba lako kwo kupanda miti!
  4. Bioanuai ni nini? Bioanuai maana yake kutumia mazao mengi na wanyama kwa pamoja Kilomohai Training Materials
  5. Wakulima huwachukulia viumbe vinavyopunguza mavuno kuwa ni wadudu waharibifu na magonjwa. Wadudu, ndege au wanyama wengine huchukuliwa kama wadudu waharifu wakati wowote ule wanaposababisha uharibifu wa mazao au kwa mavuno yaliyohifadhiwa kwenye ghala. Fangasi, bakteria na virusi hutambulika kama...
6 zaidi Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM) Publications

SAWBO Publications

  1. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) transforms expert knowledge into educational animations, which are then translated into multiple languages from around the world. We use a rigorous co-creation and review process to create highly accurate content.

  2. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a Michigan State University based program. SAWBO transforms extension information on relevant topics such as agriculture, health and women’s empowerment, into 2D, 2.5D and 3D animations, which are then voice overlaid into a diversity of global...

  3. 23-03-2021 Despite considerable research on YouTube as a digital media platform, little research to date has quantified the device-type used to access that online media. Analyzing access-device data for videos on one YouTube video channel—Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO), which produces...

VITA - Volunteers in Technical Assistance

  1. From Human Factors, 1968 A description of VITA at that time.

  2. Originally published by Volunteers in Techical Assistance between 1959 and 2005, an impressive collection of 137 VITA documents in 6 languages (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish) have been republished. This list includes titles like: Understanding Evaporative Cooling,...
  3. This seed cleaner was developed in Afghanistan to remove round seeds of weeds from wheat grains. The round seeds could not be separated by a sieve because they were the same size as the wheat grains. The cleaner described here takes advantage of the round shape of the weed seeds to separate them...
  4. The brooder is heated by a regular electric light bulb, placed under the brooder floor. Depending on the temperature rise required, the wattage of the light bulb will have to be chosen by experimentation. The metal floor and roof prevent predators such as rats from entering the brooder. If...

  5. 01-01-1995 For 35 years, VITA has been helping people in developing countries improve the quality of their lives through the provision of information services. VITA's oldest service, the Inquiry Service, enlists VITA volunteers to answer requests about a variety of development issues that come from around...
133 zaidi VITA - Volunteers in Technical Assistance

ECHO Development Notes (EDN)

  1. 05-02-2025 10-Day Organic Liquid Protective Fertilizer Raw, Boiled, and Fermented Banana Stalk Comparison for use in Farm-generated Pig Feed Grey Water for Watering Plants From ECHO’s Seed Bank: Vigna vexillata, A Multi-Purpose Legume with Edible Tubers Books, Websites, and Other Resources:Invitation to...

  2. 16-12-2024 Harvesting Water with Hafirs : Lessons from East Africa Echoes from our Network: Six Mulching Principles From ECHO’s Seed Bank: Adzuki Bean Books, Websites, and Other Resources: Tools for Underutilized Crop Selection - VACS Explorer, CropBase, ISHS Symposium on Underutilized Crop Species and...

  3. 01-10-2024 ECHO is excited to share with you that we are re-engaging with our Central America and Caribbean (CAC) partners and network members through the establishment of a Regional Impact Center (RIC). We have heard the needs in the region and are focusing our efforts on being able to fully support a RIC...

  4. 01-08-2024 Towards the use of Biopesticides Echoes from our Network: Fall Armyworm Question and Answerwith Dr. Allan Hruska, Ph.D. From ECHO's Seed Bank: Cucurbita Mochata 'Thai Kang Kob' Open-source Journals:The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico and Ag4Dev

  5. 03-06-2024 Poly-propagators Coffee Parchment as a Feed Supplement for Dairy Cattle Echoes from our Network:Paddy Rice Seed Assessment Using Salt and Eggs From ECHO's Seed Bank:Wild Marigold for Natural Pest Control and More Books, Websites, and Other Resources:Compendium of Forgotten Foods in Africa
174 zaidi ECHO Development Notes (EDN)

CFGB Conservation Agriculture Newsletter

  1. 01-12-2024 Inside this Issue: The Power of Conservation Agriculture and Small-Scale Irrigation Soil Cover is the driver of adoption of conservation agriculture by small-holder farmers Partner Profile: Lutheran World Federation, LWF-Burundi.

  2. 01-04-2024 Ndani ya toleo hili: Kutengeneza mazingira wezeshi kwa kilimo hifadhi Mifumo ya Ikolojia ya udongo inaimarishwa na shughuli za kilimo hifadhi. Wasifu wa Washiriki: ADRAMsumbiji - (mradi wa ZIREF) Ratiba za ziara za ALTA

  3. 01-01-2024 Ndani ya toleo hili: Kutetea Ukuzaji wa Kilimo Hifadhi Introducing Lidet Sitatow, Agriculture and Livelihoods Technical Advisor for Ethiopia Taarifa juu ya usimamizi wa Viwavi Jeshi Wasifu wa Mshirika: Huduma za Maendeleo ya Anglikana - Bonde la Ufa, Kenya

  4. 20-09-2023 NDANI YA TOLEO HILI : Mazao Funika na Mbolea ya Kijani Katika Maeneo Yenye Misimu Miwili ya Mvua Kukuza Kilimo Hifadhi Kilichojikita Katika Ukuaji Endelevu Nchini Ethiopia (SCASI) Wasifu wa Mkulima wa Kilimo Hifadhi: RATIBA YA SAFARI ZA ALTA

  5. 20-06-2023 Ndani ya Toleo Hili: Kilimo Kama Biashara Kusimulia Hadithi kwa Picha Wasifu wa Mkulima wa Kilimo Hifadhi Wasifu wa mshirika: Ofisi ya ODE (de Développement des Eglises Evangéliques) RATIBA ZA SAFARI ZA ALTA
29 zaidi CFGB Conservation Agriculture Newsletter

ECHO Best Practice Notes

  1. 06-11-2024 This ECHO Best Practice Note distills insights from farmers and other specialists who collaborated in promoting livestock as a means to improve rural livelihoods. Acknowledgment is given especially to Heifer International and to all its partners who developed a substantial program that still...

  2. 16-12-2021 It is estimated that drylands occupy 40% of the earth’s surface.Drylands are regions where the average annual precipitation is less than 65% of the average annual potential evapotranspiration (an Aridity Index of < 0.65). The FAO Aridity Index is defined as a 30 year average of annual...

  3. 14-12-2020 ECHO recognizes climate change as a profound reality faced by small-scale farmers. Many of our publications have focused on helping farmers cope with related challenges such as heat and drought.Increasing farmer resilience and minimizing risk have been key elements of the practices we have...

  4. 26-05-2017 By integrating legumes into cropping systems, small-scale farmers in low-resource settings can invest in the long-term health and resilience of their soils. Success or failure depends largely on choosing the right legume(s). With that in mind, this document presents insights on legume selection...

  5. 28-09-2016 Farmers in many parts of the world, because of human population growth, have little choice but to crop their land continuously, with scarce resources to replace nutrients withdrawn by each successive crop. Crop residues are often lost as a source of organic matter and mulch, usually through...
4 zaidi ECHO Best Practice Notes

Practical Action Publications

  1. 20-01-2023 In the drylands and mountains where pastoralists live, uncertainty is everywhere. In these settings, negotiating access to resources, navigating volatile markets, making use of varying social relations in times of stress, and responding to conflict and complex political dynamics is essential if...

  2. 20-01-2015 The message of Sustainable Livelihoods and Rural Development is clear: livelihoods approaches are an essential lens on questions of rural development, but these need to be situated in a better understanding of political economy. The book looks at the role of social institutions and the politics...

ILEIA Newsletter - LEISA Magazine - Farming Matters

  1. 20-12-2022 ILEIA - Centre for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture, had its start in 1984. It started from the observation that family farmers in remote, diverse and risk-prone farming conditions did not benefit from ‘modern’ agriculture based on external inputs: chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and...

  2. 20-01-2020 In this issue: Agroecology and feminist economics The path to feminist agroecology The economic potential of agroecology in Europe The rise of rural women's movements in Southern Africa Care ethics in agroecology Highland agriculture Growing equity through agroecology in Uganda

  3. 20-03-2018 Community supported agroecology thriving in China Farmers ensure safe water for New York City Agroecology is the way forward for Africa Organic and agroecology Women in Brazil build autonomy with agroecology Land grabbing threatens agroecology Rice Intensification in India Peasant agroecology in...

  4. 20-04-2017 Agroecology for food sovereignty Food versus the big city of Istanbul Human-centred agriculture fighting exploitation and racism Food sovereignty taking root in women's knowledge Locally rooted ideas and initiatives from the field The vitality of everyday food Food sovereignty stories from...

  5. 20-12-2016 Listening to pastoralists Pastoral Parliament - a platform to be heard and seen Migrant shepherds sustain pastoralism in the Mediterannean Pastoralists' breeds represent generations of knowledge Pastoralist women have the capacity to lead Adapting traditional land goverance in Somalia...
131 zaidi ILEIA Newsletter - LEISA Magazine - Farming Matters

LEISA India Publications

  1. 20-09-2022 We have come a long way on the path of development, which we can be proud of. But development comes with a huge cost in terms of its effect on environment, climate and communities. Farmers, already a vulnerable lot, become more vulnerable when they have to deal with the aberrations in climate,...

  2. 20-06-2022 Education in any discipline needs to foster continuity and change. In applied sciences like Agriculture, Engineering, needs to be responsive to changing needs from the field. In case of agriculture, farming is pursued by rural majority, many of them illiterate too. They are the actual ‘...

  3. 20-03-2022 When we first conceived urban agriculture as a potential theme, we were aware of some known initiatives across country both in urban and peri urban areas. However, it was heartening to see the wonderful response – individual efforts; efforts galvanised by State support; social media enthusiasm in...

ECHO Asia Notes

  1. 03-03-2022 Featured in this AN Playing with Water Wheels: Exploring Low-Cost Methods for Pumping Irrigation Water A 'Successful Failure': Introducting SALT Technology in Northern Thailand Virtual Training Opportunities- email us at

  2. 15-09-2021 Featured in this AN Establishing a Scaled-Up Black Soldier Fly System An Innovative 'Do-All' Biochar Burner Design

  3. 14-06-2021 African Swine Fever Virus: Overview and Prevention on the Small Farm [Editor’s Note: For questions, comments, or personal experience on this topic visit ECHOcommunity Conversations: African Swine Fever Virus] [Example] Small FarmBiosecurity Plan for the Prevention of African Swine Fever I Suspect...

  4. 01-03-2021 Featured in this AN Stingless Beekeeping (Meliponiculture) on Java [Editor’s Note: For questions, comments, or personal experience on this topic visit the echocommunity ‘conversations’ forum Meliponiculture: Stingless Beekeeping.] Production of Vegetable Fern (Diplazium esculentum Reytz.) Under...

  5. 14-12-2020 Featured in this AN The Martinez Airlift Water Pump Do All Parts of the Chaya Plant Contain Cyanide? Cyantesmo Paper for Detecting Cyanide
43 zaidi ECHO Asia Notes

World Health Organization Publications

  1. 15-10-2021 This report is the first of its kind. It brings together various data sets to present the current status of hand hygiene, highlight lagging progress, and call governments and supporting agencies to action, offering numerous inspiring examples of change. During the COVID-19 pandemic, hand hygiene...

Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards Publications and Resources

  1. 20-05-2021 LEGS Participation Mini Module Suji Omeno In this Mini Module, LEGS provides key techniques to aid and facilitate community participation. Some of the techniques includeFocus Group Discussions,Key Informant Interviews,Proportional Piling, Simple Ranking,Pairwise Ranking,Matrix Scoring,Historical...

  2. 20-10-2020 A Discussion Paper for the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) Holly Hufnagel The objective of this discussion paper is to inform the LEGS Technical Advisory Committee on issues relating to the quality of veterinary pharmaceuticals for livestock responses in emergency situations....

  3. 20-10-2020 A Discussion Paper for the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) Karin de Jonge and Lucy Maarse The aim of this Discussion Paper is to outline the major issues at the crossroads of gender and livestock in the context of humanitarian response, for the Advisory Committee of LEGS...

  4. 20-09-2020 A Discussion Paper for the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) Yacob Aklilu This paper was commissioned to assess livestock insurance schemes and explore what evidence exists regarding the effective implementation of livestock insurance schemes to support the livelihoods of...

  5. 20-09-2020 A Discussion Paper for the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) Kate Sadler This discussion paper was commissioned by LEGS to review the key issues relating to nutrition in the context of livestock-based emergency interventions, with particular attention to the following key...
7 zaidi Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards Publications and Resources

Aprovecho Publications

  1. 20-01-2021 Appendixes featuring CAD drawings of the • Natural Draft Sunken Pot Rocket Stove • Kirk Harris Natural Draft Top Lit Up Draft (TLUD) Stove • Side Feed Bottom Air Forced Draft Rocket Stove • Top Lit Forced Draft Stove • Charcoal Stove

  2. 20-01-2021 Since its inception, the stove movement has consistently maintained that the users and local stakeholders must be the drivers of innovation. The German development agency, GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), and many other organizations, have made it clear that...

ECHO Research Notes

  1. 01-01-2021 ECHO ResearchNotes are topic-specificpublications about crops and agricultural practicesimportant to those working in the tropics and subtropics. Our material is authored by ECHO staff (past and present) as well as outside writers, all with experience and knowledge of their subject. These...

  2. 01-01-2020 ECHO ResearchNotes are topic-specificpublications about crops and agricultural practicesimportant to those working in the tropics and subtropics. Our material is authored by ECHO staff (past and present) as well as outside writers, all with experience and knowledge of their subject. These...

Greenhouse Management

  1. 01-01-2021 Greenhouse Managementmagazine is the leading trade publication serving greenhouse growers. Growers depend on us because of the in-depth educational content we provide month after month. Our team provides the most up-to-date independent research, trends reports and relevant business information...

CAN Culinaria

  1. 20-11-2019

  2. 20-01-2019 RECETARIO WUQU’ KAWOQ Versión 2018-2019 Elaborado por: Valeria Morales. Spanish Only.

ECHO West Africa Notes

  1. 22-07-2019 Le système de riziculture intensive (SRI) Qu'est-ce que le SRI ? Les étapes de mise en œuvre du SRI L'irrigation des plants Le sarclage et le sarclo-binage, quels sont les avantages ? Le rendement du SRI Etude comparée entre le SRI et la pratique traditionnelle de riziculture Intérêt du SRI...

  2. 03-01-2018 Techniques de production avicole traditionnelle epublication:Options de restauration des sols improductifsetOptions où l'eau est rare

  3. 01-08-2017 Foundations For Farming, an alternative for small-scale farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa How to prepare compost in 3 weeks? The preparation of organic liquid fertilizer eBook Release:Fundamentals of Agricultural Development epublication

Postharvest Education Foundation Publications

  1. 20-01-2019 This book features many videos, effective teaching tools not only for readers but for this author. I literally watched people from all walks of life who have posted videos of themselves demonstrating useful skills and scientific concepts. (I screened **dozens** of onion and garlic braiding videos...

  2. 20-11-2015 Effective management during the postharvest period, rather than the level of sophistication of any given technology, is the key in reaching the desired objectives. While large-scale operations may benefit from investing in costly handling machineryand high-tech postharvest treatments, often these...

ECHO Latin America and Caribbean Notes (LACN)

  1. 22-02-2018 Green Leafy Vegetables and Powders for Improved Nutrition in Honduras Member Highlight: Elioena Arauz,Artists for Soup, Nicaragua Echoes from our Network: Deep Litter System ECHO Resource Highlight: Green Leafy Vegetables Technical Note Spotlight: "Linking Smallholder Farmers to Markets"

  2. 04-12-2017 ECHO in Latin America and the Caribbean Experimenting with Medicinal Plants in Matagalpa, Nicaragua Staff Highlight Tech Note Spotlight: "Introducing new seeds overseas" Tech Note Spotlight: "Introduction to Tropical Root Crops" Echoes from our Network Resources: Wuqu' Kawoq (The Maya Health...

  3. 31-07-2017 Las Cañadas Agro-ecological Chickens Module Introducing New Team Leader: Cecilia Gonzalez Tech Note Spotlight: "Cafeteria Feeding" of Chickens From ECHO's Seed Bank: Ethiopian Kale Member Highlight: Javier Ignacio Silva Rivera Our Vision:Honoring God by Empowering the Undernourished with...

  4. 30-03-2017 Making Silage in Vichada Tech Note Spotlight: Biosand Water Filter Echoes from our Network: Member Highlight Adria and Job From ECHO's Technical Respose Team: Appropriate forage crops for clay soils From ECHO's Seed Bank: Forage peanut

Agricultural Risk Assessment and Management

  1. 20-01-2017 A Comprehensive Agricultural Risk Assessment Survey should include key informants like those listed below, to assess risk at both: the farmer/ARE level and the value-chain level. It will never be possible to include all the informants listed below, but the best risk assessment resulting in the...

  2. 13-03-2013 Within the internationally recognized field of agricultural risk assessment and management, riskscan be evaluated according to three basic criteria : 1. Impact: In other words, how severe will the risk event be if it actually happens? Some risks can destroy the whole year's farm income and even...

  3. 20-01-2013 Risk Management Planning assumes that assessment of risks has taken place, and that risks have been prioritized according to severity, likelihood, and manageability of the risks. The resulting risks can then be placed on the scoring grid below and actions identified to address the risks. Once...

  4. 20-01-2013 This Risk Assessment Exercise is bestused in conjunction with the other Risk Management materials provided by Steve Hodges

  5. 20-01-2013 This information in this worksheet is bestused in conjunction with the other Risk Management materials provided by Steve Hodges, Managing Director/Consultant,African Agriculture Risk Management Services, Uganda. Steve spoke at the 2012 ECHO International Agriculture Conference


  1. 01-01-2016 Beef, meat from cattle, is produced worldwide in an enormous variety of systems; by nomads in semi desert areas, to intensive dairy farmers who sell male calves for their meat and cull cows that no longer produce enough milk, as well as ranchers whose main aim is to produce meat. The main aim of...

  2. 01-01-2015 An Introduction to Finding, Using and Eating Insects When you first saw the title of this book, you may have found the idea of eating insects unfamiliar or strange. Actually, we all eat insects every day without knowing it. Insects or parts of insects are present in almost all processed food....

  3. 01-01-2015 Especially in Stall-Feeding The idea for this booklet on straw feeding emerged some years ago during a meeting, while discussing an Agrodok on dairy cattle husbandry. That Agrodok was to have a chapter on animal feed, especially fodders such as grasses and crop residues. However, this would have...

  4. 01-01-2014 Useful Management Practices for Smallholders in Tropical Africa This Agrodok on lowland rice is primarily meant for smallholders in tropical Africa, because the advocated cultivation and processing practices reflect the main circumstances encountered by rice farmers on this continent. The aim of...

  5. 01-01-2014 This Agrodok provides up-to-date information on grasscutter farming to benefit the informed farmer and extension and rural development officers. 1 Introduction 8 It targets farmers wishing to diversify their farms as well as their families’ diet, and those considering growing grasscutters for the...
50 zaidi Agrodoks

ECHO Summaries

  1. 05-08-2015 The complexity of the global food system creates a diverse group of actors ranging from smallholders to large corporations involved in the agriculture sector. Each of the many actors in an agriculture value chain has different needs, objectives, strengths and weaknesses. With women accounting for...

  2. 05-08-2015 Good intentions and viable solutions will have little impact unless we engage with farmers in ways that are meaningful to them. Farmers put a great deal of confidence in what they learn from fellow farmers’ experiences, and they are more likely to trust what they see over what they hear....

  3. 14-07-2015 Workshops are an often-used and effective tool that extension workers can use to teach new skills to groups of farmers. This document, drawn from the USAID/MEAS Technical Note on Presenting Workshops to Adults, explains how a workshop setting differs from that of a classroom/teaching setting, and...

  4. 13-07-2015 Based on a MEAS paper entitled, The Current and Future Roles of Small Farm Resource Centers in Extension and Advisory Services: Synthesis Report from Seven Case Studies in Southeast Asia, this document highlights key take-a-ways of an assessment by ECHO of seven SFRCs in Southeast Asia. Through...

  5. 03-06-2015 Field-based teaching provides first-hand experience about the subject matter being discussed. An on-site encounter allows farmers to observe innovations in practice, discuss them, and ask questions. Farmers exposed to new ideas will be much more likely to understand and apply the information if...
7 zaidi ECHO Summaries

Shirika la Mitamba

  1. 20-01-2015 Dairying as an enterprise has got a place alongside other viable tools of poverty alleviation, besides creating job opportunities to jobless families in Tanzania. Statistics from the ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development show that there are about 800,000 improved dairy cattle in...
  2. 20-01-2010 Ufugaji bora wa ng'ombe wa maziwa-2

  3. 20-01-2010 Mwongozo wa Ufugaji Bora wa Nguruwe

  5. 20-07-2008 Kitabu cha kuku wa asili Kuku wa kienyeji ni wale ambao wamekuwepo hapa nchini kwa miaka mingi na damu yao haijachanganyika na ya kuku wa kigeni. Kuku hawa wana rangi na maumbo mbali mbali. Idadi ya kuku wa kienyeji hapa Tanzania inakadiriwa kufikia milioni 27. Kati ya kaya milioni 3.8...
5 zaidi Shirika la Mitamba

USDA Agriculture Handbooks

  1. 20-01-2014 A Guide to Starting and Operating a Nursery for Native and Traditional Plants This handbook was written for anyone endeavoring to start and operate a nursery for native and traditional plants in the tropics. Because the tropics cover a vast area of the world, however, the scope of the handbook is...

  2. 20-07-2008 This handbook on the seeds of woody plants would not be possible if not for the pioneering work of many individuals in past years. They worked without the modern laboratory and information retrieval services that we now routinely use and take for granted. Their early efforts in the first half of...

  3. 20-01-2002 File: Download [PDF File] 38MB Author(s): Vozzo, J. A.,United States. Forest Service. Subject(s): Trees -- Tropics -- Seeds.,Trees -- North America -- Seeds.,Tropical plants -- Seeds -- Identification.,Tropical plants -- North America -- Seeds -- Identification. Format: 899 p. Coverage: tropics...

  4. 19-01-1987 File: Download [PDF File] Author(s): Martin, Franklin W.,Campbell, Carl W.,Ruberte, Ruth M.,United States. Agricultural Research Service. Subject(s): Plants, Edible -- Tropics.,Tropical fruit. Format: 247 p. Coverage: tropics Language: English Publisher: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural...

  5. 19-01-1978 File: Download [PDF File] Author(s): Martin, Franklin W.,Degras, Lucien. Subject(s): Yams -- Tropics. Format: iii, 23 p. Coverage: tropics Language: English Publisher: Science and Education Administration, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture in cooperation with Agency for International Development Year:...
6 zaidi USDA Agriculture Handbooks

CAN Agricultura

  1. 20-01-2014 5ta Edición revisada y ampliada Chile Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura Spanish Only.

World Agroforestry Center

  1. 20-01-2013 Munjuga MR, Gachuiri AN, Ofori DA, Mpanda MM, Muriuki JK, Jamnadass RH, Mowo JG. 2013.Nursery management, tree propagation and marketing: A training manual for smallholder farmers and nursery operators. Nairobi: World Agroforestry Centre

  2. 20-01-2008 As part of Novella Africa programme on ‘Domestication of AB Trees in Africa’, ICRAF aims to develop jointly, with national partners in participating countries, options for appropriate propagation and management practices for AB trees, to enhance the efficiency, level and stability of tree...

  3. 20-01-2008 Mbora A., Lillesø J-PB., Jamnadass R. 2008. Good Nursery Practices: A Simple Guide. Nairobi. The World Agroforestry Centre. 36 pp. Agroforestry plays an important role in the socio–economic development of communities, as trees planted on farms provide timber, fuelwood, fodder, fruits, medicine,...

  4. 19-01-1999 Good tree nursery practices for research nurseries is more than a checklist of do’s and don’t’s for nursery managers and researchers. It presents concise but thorough information on all aspects of raising high-quality planting stock, with lists of contacts and nursery suppliers. In addition to...

A Natural Farming System For Sustainable Agriculture In the Tropics

  1. 20-01-2005 Minimal Tillage is Fundamental #8. It will preserve soil life and structure, save labor and increase profits. The soil food web is disturbed when continual plowing is practiced. The hoofs of the carabao (water buffalo) or tractor compact the soil while the plow causes disruption in microorganism...

  2. 20-01-2005 Cover cropping is Fundamental #7. It is the technique of growing plants that protect the soil to conserve topsoil and moisture. It can be considered a living mulch. Under sowing legumes below existing crops and other companion plants will work well. You get all the advantages of mulching; soil...

  3. 20-01-2005 Bokashi is the Japanese word for fermented plant matter. There are thousands of types of bokashi for you to make and explore. Once you learn the fundamentals of bokashi production you will find many creative ways to capture seemingly worthless organic materials and turn them into a powerhouse of...

  4. 20-01-2005 With all the instant gratification available to the consumer these days, nature seems to take a long time. Stabilizing your soil, pasture and livestock areas don’t happen over night. Nevertheless, Microbial Management with foliar sprays and fertilizers can help in the transition.

  5. 20-01-2005 In our training seminars, every student gets a bottle of EME. We teach them by making it in class. They also are trained on how to use their bag of five different soil amendments. This encourages students to use them in the project that they have already started. Some students are just starting...
24 zaidi A Natural Farming System For Sustainable Agriculture In the Tropics


  1. 01-01-2021 Aimed at tree lovers of all ages, this beautifully illustrated handbook is the first guide to foraging specifically from trees, looking at all the incredible things we can get and make from them, from food and remedies to toys, whistles and ink. Foraging is one of the fastest-growing...
  2. 20-01-2024 Vétérinaires Sans Frontières International (2024). Handbook for planning and managing CAHW programmes: How to build quality and sustainable community-based animal health services. Brussels, Belgium. In many countries around the world, Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWs) provide basic animal...

  3. 20-01-2012 Young M., Alders R., Grimes S., Spradbrow P., Dias P., da Silva A. and Lobo Q. 2012. Controlling Newcastle disease in village chickens: a laboratory manual. 2nd edn. ACIAR Monograph No. 87. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research: Canberra. 143 pp Newcastle disease (ND) is a...
7279 vitabu zaidi

  1. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International (ISSN:2457-0591)is a multidisciplinary journal in the field of agriculture and biology. The journal publishes original scientific papers, short communications, review articles and case studies. By not excluding papers based on novelty, this...

  2. Transformational Community Development (TCD) is GHNI’s coaching-based process for helping villages transform themselves and break the cycle of extreme poverty. Our TCD staff help villages formsustainabledevelopment committees in five main areas, andthen coach them inthe 4L’s: Low Cost, Low Tech,...

  3. International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecologywebsite Manuals Journals Brochures Past Publications
3840 viunganishi zaidi


  1. Spishi ngeni vamizi zimekuwa wasiwasi kwa wengi ikijumuisha, kilimo, maeneo ya malishoni, mifumo ikolojia asilia na kwa wanyamapori.

  2. 14-11-2024 This session will share learnings gained from collaborating with church partners for over 30 years, promoting integrated livestock projects across Africa. It will address some causes of success, frequent mistakes, and ways to create sustainability including exit strategies.

  3. 14-11-2024 Over the last 4 years, HOPE International has combined their experience in forming and supporting savings groups with the power of regenerative agriculture. Both the process and the outcomes – in success and failure – have resulted in significant learning about how to design and implement...
1118 mawasilisho zaidi

Kurasa za Taarifa ya Mmea

  1. Abelmoschus caillei originated and is now grown mostly in West and Central Africawhere it has become an important vegetable crop. This species of okra is particularly popular with subsistence farmers as it can produce a food crop year round, has a higher market value as it is available in the dry...
  2. Acacia mangium can grow to be a tall tree up to 30 m. It is a fast-growing tree that can tolerate acidic and degraded soils. This tree grows best with moderate rainfall and full sunlight. It is one of the major leguminous species used in plantation forestry programs throughout Asia and the...
717 kurasa zaidi za taarifa ya mmea


  1. In this video we show you how to make a basic Top Lit Up Draft Biochar Machine. Warm Heart have been teaching hundreds of farmers in the Northern Thailand how to make these machines in order to help reduce the smoke produced in the area. We aim to restore the environment while creating economic...
599 video zaidi