នេះ Publication មិន​មាន​ក្នុង​ភាសា​របស់​អ្នក, មើល​ក្នុង: Tiếng Việt (vi), English (en),
ឬ​ប្រើ​កម្មវិធី​បកប្រែ Google:  

  1. 01 មិនា 2022 Dave had come to Thailand two years prior exactly for the opportunity that he was now presented with. Ethnic minority hillside farmers had been experiencing lower crop yields even with their efforts in using more chemical fertilizer.

  2. 01 មិនា 2022 As we began looking into sustainable and alternative solutions for pumping water, our team began ‘playing around’ with the idea of water wheels for the supply of irrigation water to low elevation farmland. We initially began with research and testing of a pump called a Sling Pump, but gave up...

  3. 01 កញ្ញា 2021 Critical to the success of a small-scale farm is its ability to turn on-farm waste into alternative value-added products. By integrating the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) on the farm, small-scale enterprises can do just that. Taking common waste products such as food scraps and manure,...

  4. 01 កញ្ញា 2021 [កំណតតរារបសអនកនិពនធ៖មានការរចនាឧបករណផលិតជីវធយូងជាចរើនដែលកំពុងមាននាពេលបចចុបបនននេះ ដែលមានបំណងសមរាបកមរិតផសេងៗ និងការបរើបរាសចុងករោយនៅកនុងផនតគំនិត។ ការរចនាពិសេសនេះ បានកលាយជាចំណូលចិតតរបសបុគគលិកកសិដឋានអេកូអាសីសមរាបសមតថភាពរបសវា កនុងការបំបែកសុះបានលអតាមរយៈការដុតកំដៅនៅសីតុណហភាពខពស កនុងបរិមាណដចរើន និងទឹកខ...

  5. 01 មិថុនា 2021 [Editor’s Note: This is only one example of a biosecurity plan for small-scale pig operations in one region and may be used as a template. It is unlikely that all measures will be practical or appropriate for your context and should therefore be adapted according to the needs and priorities of...

  6. 01 មិថុនា 2021 What Steps Should I Take?

  7. 01 មិថុនា 2021 As global prosperity has risen, so too has demand for animal protein. Pork has become the most consumed meat of terrestrial animals at 37% of total global meat consumption (Beltrán-Alcrudoet al., 2017). Pork production most drastically increased in Asia (Figure 1), accounting for as much as 55%...

  8. ការចិញចឹមឃមុំមិនទិច ឬ Meliponiculture គឺជាការថែរកសាឃមុំពីករុមកុលសមពនធ Meliponini ។ ឃមុំដែលមិនទិច រួមមានបរភេទសតវឃមុំរាបរយបរភេទ ដែលកនុងនោះមាន បរភេទ ដែលអាចបញជាកបានតែនៅកនុងតំបនតរូពិច/អាសីតរូពិច និងអូសតរាលី (Rasmussen, 2008) ហើយខណៈពេលដែលមនុសសជាចរើនអាចផលិតទឹកឃមុំបាន ពួកវាជាករុមកុលសមពនធនៃបរភេទសតវខុសគ...

  9. 01 កុម្ភៈ 2021 Several species of edible ferns exist around the world, ranging from the tropics to more temperate regions, and most commonly include the bracken ferns (Pteridium spp.), ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris), and the Stenochlaena spp. ferns. However, the focus of this study is on the vegetable...

  10. ដំណាំតរូពិចខលះមានផទុកសារធាតុ cyanogenic glycosides ជាសារធាតុពុលដែលបញចេញអាសីត hydrocyanic (HCN សំដៅផងដែរទៅលើសារធាតុ cyanide ឬអាសីត prussic) នៅពេលដែលកោសិកាតរូវបានកំទេច។ ការទទួលទានរុកខជាតិទាំងនេះដោយមិនចមអិន អាចបណតាលឱយពុលដោយសារធាតុ cyanide ជាមួយនឹងផលបះពាលផសេងៗគនា អាសរយលើកមរិតសារធាតុ cyanide នេះ...

  11. មូទរបូមទឹក គឺជាធាតុផសំដសំខាននៃកសិដឋានខនាតតូចជាយូរមកហើយ ហើយជាឧបករណសនសំសំចៃកមលាំងពលកមមដមានតមលៃ ដែលផតលនូវការអនុវតតជាកសតែងជាចរើន។ មូទរបូមបរភេទ ផសេងៗគនាតរូវបានបរើបរាសជាបរចាំសមរាបការសតុកទឹក និងចមរោះ បរពនធធារាសាសរត បរពនធវារីវបបកមម និងចរើនទៀត។ ខណៈពេលដែលមានភាពងាយសរួល និងមានបរយោជន ការបូមទឹកគឺមានតមលៃចាប...

  12. ឆាយាសលឹករបសដំណាំតរូពិច ដូចជា ឆាយា (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius) និងដំឡូងមី (Manihot esculenta) មានផទុកសារធាតុ cyanogenic glycosides ដែលជាសារធាតុពុល ដែលបញចេញអាសីត hydrocyanic (HCN សំដៅផងដែរថា ជា cyanide ឬអាសីត prussic) នៅពេលដែលកោសិកាតរូវបានកំទេច។ ការទទួលទានរុកខជាតិទាំងនេះដោយមិនចមអិនវា អាចបណតាលឱ...

  13. Tomatoes are difficult to grow during Southeast Asia’s hot and humid monsoonal rainy season. A combination of waterlogged soils, increased disease pressure, and high temperatures often kill young tomato transplants or significantly reduce yields. As an introduced crop, originally from South...

  14. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 42 The integration of livestock on the smallholder farm is often a key component to the long-term sustainability of the farm, specifically by means of critical nutrient cycling. Livestock play a unique and critical role on the farm, transforming plant and...

  15. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 41. [Editor’s Note: Anthony Wong the Managing Director of the Frangipani Langkawi Resort in Langkawi, Malaysia andis a longtime steward of green initiatives in Malaysia and the region. Using constructed wetland systems, grey water at his hotels are cleaned...

  16. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 40. Tire gardens have many good uses, including growing a variety of crops where only concrete or poor soils exist, such as urban gardens, homegardens, and refugee camp settings. They can be raised onto supports to keep vegetables out of reach of livestock,...

  17. Introduction to Vermiculture There are over 6,000 species of worms in the world, many of them not even named or studied. However, the farmer is interested in two main categories of earthworms, namely “deep burrowers” and “surface dwellers”. Deep burrowers include the common garden worm or...

  18. [Editor’s Note: This article seeks to address the broader challenges of food security in refugee camp environments, of which there are many within our Asia region, while offering individual practical options that may be implemented to address the need for nutritional diversity in these...

  19. Introduction Given the proper facilities necessary to store seeds long-term, whereby low temperature and low humidity are kept stable over time, it is very possible to store most orthodox seeds for several years at a time in the tropics (Harrington, 1972). Unfortunately, implementation and...

  20. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 37. One of the great challenges of sustainable agriculture is the sourcing of adequate and affordable organic (carbon based) resources that can be used on-farm for the production of food and feed. Utilizing composts, manures, mulches, and other organic inputs...

  21. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 37. Seed saving in sub-tropical and tropical climates is challenging. Without equipment designed to maintain dry and cool environments, the quality of seeds may quickly deteriorate. High temperature and humidity during storage increase seed metabolism and...

  22. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 36. As an organization that seeks to equip people with agricultural resources and skills, we often find ourselves coming back to the seed. Again and again we witness the value saving open-pollinated seeds, shedding light on locally adapted and underutilized...

  23. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 36. Soil chemical, physical, and biological properties range from those highly favorable to plant growth to those highly unfavorable to plant growth. It is rare—especially in the tropics—to find a soil in its natural state in which all properties are highly...

  24. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 35. Dr. Michael Shafer is a retired Professor of Political Science from Rutgers University in the USA who founded the Warm Heart Foundation in 2008. After first learning about biochar at an ECHO conference in 2013, Warm Heart began to design and test improved...

  25. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 35. រឿងមួយដែលលអបំផុត ដែលអនកអាចធវើបានដើមបីបំពេញកសិដឋាន ឬសួនចបារបរកបដោយនិរនតរភាពរបសអនកនោះ គឺតរូវធវើវាឱយមានតុលយភាពជាមួយនឹងផនែកចិញចឹមសតវដតូចមួយ។ ភាពចមរុះគនានៃការចិញចឹមសតវគឺជាមូលដឋានគរឹះលេខ កនុងសៀវភៅរបសខញុំ ឈមោះកសិកមមបរកបដោយនិរនតរភាពនៅតំបនតរូពិក។ បរសិនបើអ...

  26. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 33. Mushrooms such as oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) are usually grown in plastic bags filled with organic material that may include organic farm wastes. That material must be sterilized (heated to temperatures above 100C) or pasteurized (heated to a...

  27. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 33. I read David Price’s concerns about promoting invasive forage plants in Asia Note #25 [Eds’ Note: AN #25 was written in response to AN #23] and would like to respond based on my own experience and observations. My reply will be based on the following...

  28. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 32. Dr. Tapani Haapala Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) contain high-quality food properties and are very good protein and energy sources on a daily per hectare basis of production (Frusciante et al. 2000). Potatoes are grown mostly in cool climate areas. In the...

  29. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 32. In many developing world households, meeting the daily energy needs required for cooking is burdensome and costly. Fortunately, low-cost cooking methods that require less fuel while burning more cleanly and efficiently are becoming available at the...

  30. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 31. អសចកតីអតើម ភាពអសថារយននពហុរំោយអាហារ (គកពឹះ) របសសតវទំារដអៀងអាចមានទគមងដគចីន ឃដលវាបានឃគបគបួលដៅតាមតគមូវការអាហារូបតាមភ។ សតវទំារដអៀងមាន គមាមដរីងមួយូ គកចកឃបកជាពីរ មានដរីងបួន ជាគបដភទសតវចតុបាតទំារដអៀងននគបដភទរងរុយមីណានតា (Ruminantia) (ដៅកនុងគបដភទ អាតយូោកទីឡា...

  31. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 31. អសចកតីអតើម និសាវតា ការនសំំនៃាបពូេផទាលខលួនរបេនក អាៃជាវិធីមួយដមានបិទធិភាពមាបនលលដដីមផលិត ដដីមបីមានលទធភាពទទួលបានាបពូេដំណំមាបោំនាដពលេនាគត និងដដីមបីេួយបលរកាេីវៈៃមរះរ កខជាតិដៅដលីពិភពដោក។ មិនថាេនកោំាបពូេបដលេនកបានរកាទ កដោយផទាលខលួនរបេនក ផតលវាឱយដៅមិតតភកតិ...

  32. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #30 [កំណតសមគាលអំពីអនកនិពនធៈ លោក ភីតធឺ (Peter) គឺជាអនកពិគរោះយោបលឯករាជយដែលមានមូលដឋាននៅឈៀងមៃ បរទេសថៃ ជាអនុបណឌិតផនែកកសិកមមមនាកពី រដឋលីបសីង បរទេសអាឡឺមង។ លោក ភីតធឺ (Peter) មានអតីតជាអនកសរាវជរាវមនាកនៅកនុង “កមមវិធីដីតំបនខពងរាប” ជាកមមវិធីសហការណសរាវជរាវរួមគនាមួយរវាងសាកល...

  33. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #30 សេចកតីផតើម ពាកយថា "វបបកមមចមរុះអចិនតរៃយ” តរូវបានគេរំលឹកជាញឹកញាបនៅកនុងសុនទរកថា កនុងសៀវភៅ និងអតថបទ កនុងទសសនាវដតីផសេងៗ ទាកទងនឹង និរនតរភាព និងសនតិសុខសបៀង។ តើអវីជាវបបកមមចមរុះអចិនតរៃយ? តើវាជាចលនាមួយ? វាជាទសសនៈវិជជាមួយ? ឬកវាគរានតែជាឧបករណសមរាបរៀបចំបងកើតអវីមួយ? នៅក...

  34. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #29 ធសចកីតធផតើម ពាកយចាសដពាលថា “អនកមិនអាចដោោះសរាយបញហា បនដទទបសិនដបើអនកមិនដឹងថាអនកមានបញហា ដ ោះ” ភសុតតាងវិទាាសរសតមូលោា នននការដធើវដោគវិនិចឆយដលើកងវោះាធាតុចិញច ឹមដលើរុកខជាតិ។ អសរយៈដពលជាដទចើនឆន ាំមកដ ើយ កសិករ និងអនកវិទាាសរសតបនដធើវការជាមួយគនន ដដើមបីកាំណតពីភសុតតាងននចកុខវ...

  35. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #29 វ ិធីសាសរតននការកែនចៃកាហវវអាចផលល បូតរយា ងខល ាំងនូវគុណភាព និងរជាតិននផលិតផលចុងហរកាយ ហៅជាលអ ឬអារែែជាងហនេះ។ ហោយការហរជីហរ ីវ ិធីសាសរតមួយកដលជេះឥទធិពលជាវ ិជជមានហៅហលីគុណភាព រជាតិ និងតនមល អៃែផលិតកាហវវមាៃ ែអាចបហងកីនកាត នុពលកាហវវែុៃងហពលដាំណាលគនៃ នឹងការបហងកីនរាែ ចាំណូ...

  36. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #28 For both farmers and researchers in the tropics, seed saving can be very frustrating. In Mondulkiri province, farmers are rarely able to keep seed for more than the six months between harvest and the new planting season. Seeds stored longer than this tend...

  37. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #28 Farm-generated fertility contributes to a more sustainable agricultural system. Crop residues and manures are part of the nutrient cycle for plant production and can lower input costs through the use of thermophilic composting, vermiculture, bokashi...

  38. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #27 សៅសពលដែលមានដែនការសាងសង បនទបររជាក ឬ បនទបទុកដាករាបពូជ សំរាបជាសាលបំណងននការដែររកាលទធភាពរបសរាបពូជ សគររូវពិចារណាជាែំបូងសៅសលើសាលការណសំខានសំរាបការទុកដាករាបពូជ។ សៅកនុងឯកសាកំណររារបសសេកូនអាសុីទីECHO Asia Note 14 (កកកដា ) សយើងានដចករំដលកលទធែលពីការសរបៀប ស ៀបមាាសុីនបូមខយល...

  39. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #27 អតិសុខុមរាណឬមីររូសរីរាងគ រតូវានចរចអាយនិយមនយថជារបសមានជីវិតវដលតូេវមនវទនវដលវភនរមិនអាេចមើលច ើញ វដលមានដូេជា ពពួរផសិត ោរាយ និងារចតរី (ចៅ Rao, 1995) សរីរាងគដតូេទាំងចនះអាេរតូវានររច ើញចៅររបទីរវនលង ចៅរនុងទឹរ ខយល និងរនុងដី។ ចៅចលើរសិោាន េាំនួនអតិសុខុមរាណ ឬមីររូសរីរាង...

  40. 01 កញ្ញា 2015 At the beginning of last year, Thailand experienced its most severe drought in twenty years. Only four years ago it also experienced its most severe flooding. Natural disasters are occurring with increasing frequency and severity; it is therefore vital to establish defenses against catastrophes...

  41. 15 ធ្នូ 2015 This series of articles on water management has been reprinted with permission from Thailand’s Natural Farming Magazine and serves as an introduction to small-scale water management. Many of the ideas offered in these articles are consistent with permaculture design principles, which promote...

  42. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #26 ECHO Asia Impact Center staff members first heard about alternative herbicide recipes that use fermented papaya and pineapple from a retired technical school teacher and organic farmer, Kru Pratoom. As weeding is a big part of any farmer’s life, the Seed...

  43. 01 សីហា 2015 Invasive alien species (often IAS in the literature) are those species introduced to an area outside their normal or native range, either purposefully or by accident, whose colonization causes significant harm. The species may become weeds, pests or pathogens, affecting both human interests and...

  44. 01 សីហា 2015 As densities of livestock increase, an industrious farmer finds ways and means to increase his farm’s nutrient stream for the benefit of his system. This article will describe methods and techniques necessary for a smallholder farmer to succeed with farm-derived hog feeds. As you read, remember...

  45. 15 មិថុនា 2015 Increased awareness of the potential of neem tree by creating awareness of its potential would go a long way in promoting its acceptance for pest management and improvement of plant health, animal health, human health, and environmental health.

  46. 15 មិថុនា 2015 Tricho-compost is the material that results when spores of a beneficial fungus, Trichoderma sp. are used in the composting process. Trichoderma sp. are natural competitors against a wide range of harmful fungi; when it is added to compost, the latter can then work as an anti-fungal agent to...

  47. 15 កុម្ភៈ 2015 In its simplest definition a forage is any plant material grazed or fed to livestock. However, a more specific definition that’s presented in this article focuses on plants (grasses and legumes) that are planted specifically to provide superior feed benefits to livestock due to: 1) higher protein...

  48. 15 កុម្ភៈ 2015 In Malaysia, agriculture is practised by a range of farmers – from subsistence cultivators of the soil to sophisticated, commercially-driven entrepreneurs. The latter group are quite adept at assessing the latest in technology and varieties, and already have established marketing channels. The...

  49. 15 តុលា 2014 Currently, we have two 16 x 1 meter floating raft troughs, and one 16 x 1 meter rock bed that are connected to six 1 cubic meter fish tanks by PVC piping (elements 1 and 2 above). We also have three smaller stand-alone aquaponics units that we use as example starter units. One of our major goals...

  50. 15 តុលា 2014 Today, if someone were to ask me to help build a small system on their urban rental property, would I use cement rings? The easy answer is yes, but....

  51. 14 មិថុនា 2014 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 Wanpen’s roller planting marker was developed from her experience. When a problem occurred, she would alter and develop the tool according to the problem and rice variety. Wanpen’s tool was designed to be lightweight, easy to handle and convenient to use....

  52. 14 មិថុនា 2014 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a promising rice-farming methodology that is able both to lower production costs—of seed, fertilizer, chemicals, and water—and to increase yield by enabling each rice plant to reach its full potential. However,...

  53. 14 មិថុនា 2014 It was an afternoon of 2002 when I first read about SRI. As an extension officer in the District Agriculture Development Office (DADO), I started promoting SRI in the following years in the district of Morang, Nepal. Over this time I observed hundreds of attractive SRI fields and spent some years...

  54. 14 មិថុនា 2014 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #21 This article contains diagrams of the SRI RollingMarker, Rotary Weeder, and Grass Cutter discussed in other articles from Echo Asia Note 21.

  55. In nature, dozens of species of harmful fungi can quickly kill a plant, including Fusarium spp., the causal agents of Fusarium wilt, and Phakospora pachyrhizi, the causal agent of soybean rust. Fungi are unable to produce nutrients on their own, so they must find another source; sometimes that...

  56. Farm-generated fertility makes agriculture more sustainable. Crop residues and manures are part of the nutrient cycle and can lower input costs through the use of thermophilic composting, vermiculture, bokashi production, or green manures. Farm-generated feeds can also reduce expenses, if farmers...

  57. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #19 In a tropical setting, growing seedlings can be a difficult task. A major factor of concern for nursery production is water-logging (Zhu, 2007). During the rainy season, oversaturated soils can effectively suffocate root systems of a seedling by restricting...

  58. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #19 It iscompletely possible to run a diesel engine on biogas; however, a number of considerations must be taken into account before it may be considered a serious option in a development program. This article will explore some key considerations when...

  59. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #18 “Participatory methods” in community development initially emerged in the 1970s, and interest in their use has continued to increase among practitioners, especially in recent years.1 Many practitioners agree that this growing acceptance is a good thing, as...

  60. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #17 Around the world, many agriculturists and gardeners are adopting soil amendments and fertilizers that are called bokashi. Bokashi is a Japanese word that has no good translation into English, according to Yukiko Oyanagi, a staffer with the Asian Rural...

  61. Contamination of drinking water sources by harmful synthetic organic compounds (SOCs), such as pesticides, is a major worldwide problem. Pesticide pollution appears twice in the top ten of The World’s Worst Toxic Pollution Problems Report 2011 by the Blacksmith Institute, and has been indicated...

  62. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #16 During the 2012 ECHO Agriculture Workshop in Yangon, 63 attendees representing at least 25 agriculture and community development organizations from across Myanmar were polled about their observations and opinions related to climate change. The vast majority...

  63. 20 មិនា 2013 Since 2011, ECHO Asia has developed and facilitated seed exchange events during meetings with local partners. Through conversations with farmers and NGO staff, we have gained better insight about locally-important plant varieties, seed saving practices, attitudes towards saving seeds, and...

  64. 01 តុលា 2012 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #15 Editor: Between 1997 and 2009, Kirby Rogers worked as part of a team to establish an agriculture-based business called Natural Products (NPI) in Bokeo, Laos. Much of this effort involved promoting soybean as a local cash crop as well as developing related...

  65. 01 តុលា 2012 Soil quality, also known as soil health, is the capacity of the soil to function – how well it fills the roles we need it to, whether in a natural or managed ecosystem. There are a variety of measures used to gauge soil health and although we can use these characteristics as indicators of soil...

  66. 01 កក្កដា 2012 Introduction Storing seeds in the tropics can often be difficult; with high temperatures and humid conditions, seeds lose their ability to germinate quickly. Many techniques for seed storage exist, from the high-tech standards of gene banks to simple methods used by villagers for saving their own...

  67. 01 កក្កដា 2012 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #14 Editor: Dr. Dick Tinsley is an Emeritus Professor with Colorado State University. With decades of experience as an advisor to smallholder agriculture development projects, he was worked in numerous locations across Asia and Africa. In this article, Dr....

  68. 01 មេសា 2012 The cool, dry season offers the best window for vegetable production in the tropics, assuming an adequate water supply. Pest and disease pressures are relatively low and temperatures are moderate. By contrast, the rainy season brings a combination of high temperatures and humidity that encourages...
  69. 01 មេសា 2012 Introduction In many parts of tropical Asia, especially on rainfed farms, there has been an explosion of acreage planted in maize. The increase in commercial maize production is driven by growing livestock feed demand, and is displacing many traditional crops, including the staple upland rice....

  70. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #12 Introduction When you come across an especially promising local variety of a crop grown in your area, how can you enable other farmers to try out this variety? If a farmer gives you 30 seeds of an exceptional variety, how might you go about distributing...